Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nova Marcos


NAME: Nova Marcos




AGE: 23

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 1.6 meters

WEIGHT: 57 kg


HAIR: Black/ Very dark blue

SKIN: Blue

FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes (Never tapped into the force though)


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Intelligent; Chiss are naturally intelligent and Nova is no exception, her intellect is one of her strongest traits.
Bi-Lingual; After being allied with the Empire some Chiss were taught Basic, this was passed down generations and Nova is one of the Chiss to know this language, along with Sy-Bisti and Cheunh.

Focus; Nova often strays from the task at hand if she finds something she's interested in and will get distracted very easily.
Patience; Nova is very impatient and will easily get annoyed at anybody that decides to test her patience.

Nova is a smaller than average Chiss but is the relatively right weight for her size, she would be considered pretty by societal norms and has sleek black hair, bright red eyes and a blue skin color.

Home Planet: Copero, colony world.
Born and raised on Copero Nova rarely saw her father as he worked almost every day, her mother worked often as well leaving her in care of somebody else, either family or friends, this recluse from family didn't cause any problems for Nova as she did see them and was cared for properly, as she got older she worked in the shipyards, and when she got to the age of 12 (Presumed adulthood for Chiss) she started working full time. Eventually she began to strive for bigger goals and at the age of 17 with her work experience and enough money, she purchased travel into Csilla for a better life.

It wasn't hard to adapt to the planets temperature and atmosphere, but the lifestyle was much different, Nova lived close to the capital and found that it was much more busy on this world. This proved too boring for Nova as she got little time to herself, and eventually gave in and purchased a ship.

At the age of 21 She began space travel, exploring the vast reaches of space, doing jobs for anybody who asked, and fighting of the space racists that opposed her. She eventually bought a gun that she keeps to this day.
At the age of 23 Nova is still traveling around the cosmos, but as she is going to a new planet her ship is shot down, leaving her stranded somewhere she doesn't know.....






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