Novos Kolski
Novan Kolski

AGE: 20
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.6m
WEIGHT: 70 kg.
HOMEWORLD: Pantora (technically...)
Born to two young Pantorans seeking a new beginning on Naboo, Novan was raised in a loving home in an accepting culture in the beach town of Kaadara. Growing up, however, Novan always felt separated from others in his peer group, and not just because of his blue skin.
While far from an outcast, Novan was always different. Rather than engage in art or philosophy, the young lad kept himself busy helping on his family's ranch. Despite his almost supernatural talent for debate and politics, Novan never seemed particularly fond of it among the would-be future politicians of Naboo youth. And while Naboo's education system fostered and encouraged friendly competition, Novan put himself to each and every task with almost maniacal dedication, striving to outdo everyone around him. But perhaps the biggest difference of all manifested at age nine, when Novan was on the playground with his friends. A ball had slipped out of a friend's fingers as it was thrown, causing it to careen directly for the young Pantoran boy when it suddenly, forcefully, and inexplicably changed course. It was chalked up as a repulsorlift malfuction by school officials and nobody else thought much of it.
Novan knew better.
In secret, Novan continued to practice with his gifts, teaching himself with what few resources he had as reflex slowly turned to skill. Beyond the occasional parlor trick or schoolyard prank, however, Novan's ability was little more than a toy. Life went on for several years without any events of true significance for the young man until, at nineteen, his father passed away. After the funeral, his mother presented him with his inheritance; a green crystal the likes of which Novan had never seen before. The crystal seemed to sing out to him. And when he made mention of the crystal's song to his mother, her grief seemed to triple as she fell to her knees in tears. But as Novan lifted his mother up, he saw his mother smiling wider than he ever had before.
Pantorans, as she explained, had a tradition of retaining heirlooms of their ancestors. The crystal that Novan now carried had once belonged to their family's most famous member; one who had been taken by strangers millennia ago to become a guardian of peace and justice in the ancient Republic. And when that great warrior passed - in keeping with the traditions of his people - the crystal was pulled from his ceremonial weapon and returned to his clan, that they might have something of importance to pass on. Novan's mother revealed that it had been the only thing they kept when they left Pantora, and that it had not sung to any other members of his family for thousands of years until that day.
Vindicated by his differences at long last, Novan took his meager life savings and traveled to Theed, researching everything he could about the "Jedi" his mother had spoken about. And when he had exhausted all of his resources there, he took what money he had left and chartered a ship offworld, eager to find a Master and begin his training, seizing a destiny he would be forever denied on Naboo.
QUICK-THINKING: A byproduct of his Force sensitivity and his rare Shatterpoint affinity, Novan can adapt and react to people and situations on the fly as easily as breathing.CLIMATE-CONTROLLED: Thanks to his Pantoran physiology, Novan is completely unfazed by all but the most extreme cold weather conditions, needing only a light jacket on worlds as frigid and inhospitable as Hoth.
QUICK-STUDY: In addition to fast cognitive ability, Novan also absorbs and retains new information extremely well.
HOT-BLOODED: Novan is generally good-hearted and well-meaning, but is quick to anger and prone to letting his emotions override his rationality.
POWER-HUNGRY: This young man is constantly striving to improve his performance. While ordinarily a good trait to have, Novan takes it to the extreme all too often, and it can lead him to bite off far more than he can chew or take on challenges he is entirely outclassed by.
SELF-ASSURED: Novan is as proud as the Pantoran stereotype, supremely confident in himself and his abilities and a disregard for odds that could make a Corellian blush. Even when all signs point that he really ought not to be.
SINGLE-MINDED: Novan has an extremely sharp sense of focus, which is also extremely narrow. Multitasking (and more importantly, seeing the bigger picture) is nearly impossible.
TELEKINESIS: Novan has experimented with his mind controlling matter ever since he was a child, viewing his abilities as his plaything until very recently. As such, most of the standard applications of telekinesis are known to him, but he has no idea of the ability's full potential...or his own.TELEPATHY: While his understanding of this ability is only in its infancy, manifesting largely as reading intent rather than outright thoughts, Novan can gauge the most basic generalities of what others are thinking and feeling around him.
FORCE SPEED: Novan can move, think, and react far faster with the Force than his body ordinarily would be able to. As a newly-minted Padawan, Novan has only the basics down.
SHATTERPOINT: Instinctively, Novan seems to recognize events, thoughts, and feelings of tremendous significance. As such, he has always seemed to know what to do or to say in order to completely alter the trajectory of a conversation in his favor. As with the rest of his abilities, Novan has no idea of the potential of this power.
I - Novice (basically amounts to "this is a lightsaber, touch this part, for all that's good and holy don't touch this part")II - No knowledge
III - No knowledge
IV - No knowledge
V - No knowledge
VI - No knowledge
VII - No knowledge
WEAPONS:- A single vibroknife, typically kept in his boot
The Tomb of Jedi Knight KroranThe Jungle Is A Cruel Place
[Dominion] Silver Jedi Order Dom of Charros IV: Yo Ho Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life For Me