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Approved Species Novatar

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Life Weaver of Ashaka





  • Name: Novatar(s)
  • Pronunciation: No-Vah-Tar
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: A dying star, specifically a Neutron Star. | Extra-Galatic
  • Average Lifespan: 20,000 - 60,000 Years. While early stages of its initial lifespan is during birth there are rare occurrences of a Novatar being birthed in a short span of roughly 2,000 years.
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: Novatars were created from Neutron Stars. They are amorphous beings whose bodies are protected by their magnetar heart manipulating any metal possible through pulsars.


  • Breathes: Type I, II, III, & IV.
  • Average Height of Adults: Varies based on formation and close | far proximity of its Loci. It can manifest into different sizes no longer or taller than eight feet or 2.4384 meters.
  • Average Length of Adults: Varies based on formation and close | far proximity of its Loci. It can manifest into different sizes no longer or taller than eight feet or 2.4384 meters.
  • Skin color: Blue/Green Ephemeral Flame when far away from Loci. Red astral body with shards of warped Novatrite encapsulating the ephemeral body. (When close to the Loci the Novatar has chosen.) (Strongest formation) Other colors can be purple, white and yellow.
  • Hair color: Blue, green, white, yellow, purple and red energy. Flickering flame at the top of their chosen form.
  • Distinctions: Unlike humanoids, Novatars are distinctly nothing alike. While their shape and form may change to mimic as such, Novatars tend to be amorphous beings. Their formless flowing bodies of energy are a key difference between them and other races. All Novatars exist due to their magnetar heart, a manifestation of electromagnetic pulsars and the process of force inherent dying stars.
    This radiating magnetic field allows the Novatars body to stay contained, allowing for its astral-like body to change to its own desire. Without the magnetar heart, Novatars would die, similar to other species that have a core heart. In light of their compounded makeup, Novatars present a threat to many devices in the galaxy. During birthing periods for the Novatar, the magnetar heart is the first manifestation to come into existence. This phenomena happens when Novatrite and the collapsed core of a neutron star coalesce into one, becoming imbued with the force. One other necessary ingredient is needed for this manifestation to happen, a supernova that causes the force to become disrupted and corrected inside the core of the dying star.

    Where metals exist, Novatars can disrupt. Due to the electromagnetic field surrounding the Novatars body, devices malfunction or potentially short circuit. This makes Novatars incredibly easy to detect and difficult to deal with. Video capture in any form can also be affected by these pulsars from the Novatar to some degree.

    While Novatar do not technically have skin, they tend to protect their weightless bodies with metal. Their innate connection to Novatrite allows them to develop a Novatrite Exoskeleton creating a layer they would consider their skin. In some cases, if the Novatar are far from their Loci they would be considered in a vulnerable state and unable to use their Novatrite protection. Instead they would resort to much lighter metal to protect themselves. Some might be so vulnerable and far from their Loci that they can only muster protection from cloth with metal on it.

    Novatar while versatile in their form, tend to resort to having a set of eyes. These eyes tend to be brightly enamored slits at the top of their heads, which is typically at the tallest point of their amorphous shape. Some sets of eyes almost look like flowing flames, distinctly different from the rest of their flow-like anatomy. Their eyes are commonly different from the hue of color they are currently representing.

    Novatars can speak. They use the frequencies of magnetic waves from their internal heart to generate vibrations into speech. This process is only done when speaking outside of their own kind. Typically when Novatars are communicating they do so strictly through frequency waves via each of their own electromagnetic fields.

    Also, because of their capabilities in pulsars, Novatar are constantly floating, levitating or flying. They use their push and pull aspects of their magnetic powers to allow flight, given their weightless bodies this makes it a natural subliminal act of travel. The older the Novatar the less likely they are willing to leave their Loci. Like all creations, they seek comfort in the very end of their life cycles. Their deep emotional connection to their True North allows them to feel comfort in their last remaining years of existence

  • Races:
    • Fytars (Fi-Ter(s)) | Novatar Pyrokinetic Warriors: While the central existence of all Novatar revolves around their magnetar hearts being strong enough to push and pull all metals, especially Novatrite. Fytars are Novatar that are still capable of having an intense pulsar to only pull things towards them. They lack all ability to push or kinetically use their pulsars that would result in a ranged throw, blast, or forceful knock back. However, where they lack in offensive telekinesis, they make up for with their exceptional pyrokinetic abilities. It seems these Fytars are a result of long birthing periods in more immensely hot collapsed cores. With the generation of insurmountable heat, the Novatars believe these Fytars may have disrupted their Magnetar Heart pulsars, by disintegrating some of the electromagnetic radiation commonly found throughout the Novatar species. Thus, allowing them to manipulate extreme heat in their favor. Although the Fytars aren’t capable of using their pulsars in the same way other Novatar can, they are more capable of using metals and Novatrite to make thicker, heavy armor. Considering these Fytars are close-range combatants, their thick shell of Novatrite or metals protects them from fatal consequences.
    • Kytars | Novatar Magnetism Lords: Kytars are formed close to the Loci (True North), forming stronger magnetic bonds and an innately stronger connection to the Loci that allows them to create more elaborate contraptions and structures using the Novatrite and other metals. Their ability to morph and change core metals like their own bodies makes them the engineers and builders of their kind. Although, their expertise in such manipulation comes with a deep understanding of how metals and ores work, thus allowing them to manipulate pulsars and cores of Novatrite for a deeper means of travel.
    • Entars | Lords of Magnetic Waves: Entars are one of the most common of all Novatar. Their innate talent to push and pull, generate waves of magnetism and manipulate energy at a molecular level make them dangerous beings to the galaxy. Considered the prophets of their kind, Entars typically are sought for wisdom and guidance when other Novatar are looking for their Loci. (True North) Their ability to intrude in the mind of all things, allows them to get a deeper insight to the emotion of their own kind and those outside their purview.
    • Galatars | Masters of Space: These Novatar are extremely rare, living a life of constant wandering and never committing to a Loci. While they are considered the weaker class of all Novatar, they still hold abilities of an Entar. The Galatars are typically known for their deep knowledge of space and incredible fortitude in the face of the deep void that they consistently travel. As master explorers they seek to drift through space living a life of documentation. They wish to record everything and anything that might be valuable to the next generation of Novatars. Galatars are known to mate with other wandering Galatars looking for their true purpose. In an effort to birth a new Novatar more capable of passing down all knowledge of the universe to other Novatar races.
  • Force Sensitivity: All

  • Magnetar Heart: All Novatars have a magnetar heart. Its very existence ties the amorphous Novatar body to it. With pulsars consistently pushing and pulling inside their bodies they are one of the only species capable of manipulating all metal, including Novatrite. Typically, no being would be able to even lift Novatrite. However, both were forged in the center of a Neutron Star making both connected through pulsar waves strong enough to manipulate this rare metal & iron.
  • Novatrite Exoskeleton: While the Novatar are practically weightless amorphous beings naturally, they are without an exoskeleton. However, their evolution has brought them the ability to use metals at their will to create a hovering magnetic armor around their formless bodies.
  • Telekinesis: All Novatars have two innate abilities throughout their species. One of them is Telekinesis. Although not in the traditional sense, Novatars are capable of telekinetically pushing and pulling anything with metal. Some racial differences can make these natural powers either more powerful, less effective, or obstruct the Novatar from using this latent talent in normal ways.(I.E. Only being able to pull and not push with their pulsars.) Entars tend to be able to break out of the confines of just manipulating metals by telekinetically being able to use magnetic waves and molecular manipulation.
  • Pyrokinetic: The creation of a Novatar happens during a process under immense pressure and intense burning. These are called Fytars. This allows the Fytar to manipulate flame and generate fire. In most cases, Novatars take on properties of flames as their bodies.
  • Levitation | Flying: Novatars are amorphous astral beings that are capable of floating, levitating and flying. This makes them incredibly difficult to catch unless preparation is taken ahead of time.
  • True North: Novatars are never truly at their most powerful until they perform a Loci. This ritual expense of energy binds the Novatar to what they call, “True North.”(Home) The closer to their True North, the more powerful their pulsars, magnetar heart and abilities tend to be. When a Novatar is within a respectable range of their bound home they are incredibly protected through their Novatrite Exoskeleton. Novatars that are close to the source of their True North location tend to hold a red body color about them, signifying their expendable power.
  • With Age, Wisdom: The greater the length of a Novatars life, the stronger their bond to the Loci, intensifying their strength when close, and weakness when at a distance from their Loci. A stronger bond shortens the tether. This phenomenon allows the Novatar to pass knowledge onto others in massive bursts about their True North in an effort to entice other Novatar to commune at the same location, allowing a sense of legacy to be passed on about the location and everything associated with it. The only other ways to innately pass on wisdom is through mating or communication.


  • Rigid Diatomic Molecular Interference: As a being of energy and vibrational wavelength and magnetic pulsars, anything dampening the molecular compound of a Novatar's naturally compound could be incredibly dangerous. Preventing the Novatar to move or morph it's body to the power of freedom 6 (Non-Rigid Diatomic Molecular Focus.)
  • Novatrite Tomb: Due to the immense mass of Novatrite, if a Novatar is mortally wounded and incapable of harnessing the power of their magnetar hearts their exterior metal & iron shell will become their very own tomb. The exterior shell of the Novatar tends to surround the Novatar strictly as protection, morphing to the pulsars from their heart to manipulate where their formless shape should be protected.
  • Metal Only: While the Novatars are incredibly capable of utilizing metals to their advantage, it stands to reason that without the capability, Novatars must rely on either their wit and pyrokinetic powers for offense and defense.
  • Astraphobic: All Novatars are aware of their genetic makeup and as such understand that new interference of powerful electric static can be incredibly dangerous for them. This is a shared fright among their kind and while surrounded by all things technologically advanced, the most common of their phobia is that of Force Lightning as it could be the most damaging to their heart and amorphous bodies.
  • Gale Force Wind | Vortex: Novatars are natural flyers, but when their bodies are disrupted or controlled by the element of wind, it can make staying on course or above ground difficult. Vortexes are incredibly difficult to manage for a Novatar and if it were to be fully manipulated into the core of the vortex, could either die or become incredibly wounded.
  • Beyond Absolute: Novatars that have performed their ritual Loci, have limits to what they are capable of depending on the distance from their True North.(Home) Since the energy expended to form a bond with their True North location is immense, Novatar tend to become less capable of harnessing their magnetar heart enough to use their Novatrite Exoskeleton protection. In some cases depending on their distance they may use lighter metals, like iron or steel. Another change comes in the form of their bodies. The further Novatars are from their home, the more green or blue their bodies become. This color change signifies their weakened state and vulnerability.

  • Diet: Novatars have no need for any form of sustenance. At birth Novatars are essentially energy manifested into sentient beings. When created they are equipped with so much energy it lasts them their entire lifetime.
  • Communication: Novatars communicate through Electromagnetic waves. The magentar heart picks up on the frequencies and fires synapses to the Novatars mind. They can also speak using these waves to formulate languages through highly-intricate patterns to decipher the words from other species and in turn replicating them. The sound of their speech sounds similar to that of a human by using the magnetic waves to vibrate into verbal interaction.
  • Technology level: Novatars are below the galactic standard when it comes to technology. Having no real use of anything outside of their own creations surrounding their existence. However, due to their ability to pass down knowledge they may know everything about how one piece of technology and how it's used and completely nothing about another.
  • Religion/Beliefs: The first of the Novatars believed that its creation was to spread awareness to the galaxy about the uneven discrepancies of balance. Their ideals have been led by this idea for many millennia. Their current ideology has become much more obsessive and worried about the natural order of all things. They will stop at nothing to bring a true balance to the galaxy. Novatars do not think highly of themselves in terms of a species, but they do consider themselves to be fixers of the skewed energy in the universe. This has lead many Novatars to seek extreme measures to either prevent genocide or cause it. Novatars are naturally drawn to specific areas they call “True North” or “Loci” (Home) where they exude and pass on their energy to link themselves to the location by performing a ritual called Loci. This ritual is sacred as it leaves the Novatar vulnerable during the amount of time it takes to fully complete.

  • Mating Behavior: Novatars do not mate unless there is an absolute reason to. Mating is a sacred, deadly ritual. This ritual is only done in the void of space with each agreeing Novatar taking to the stars in a fiery emblazoned burst of energy similar to a supernova to pass all of their energy into a new Neutron Star to make a young Novatar. Since this ritual is a life-ending dance among the stars, Novatar do not have families. However, the companions that they grow and learn with tend to become a bigger part of the Novatars life. Novatars accept that other species might not understand exactly what or how they even exist, but that doesn’t prevent them from interacting outside of their own kind.
  • Finding Home: Novatar tend to be incredibly nomadic before finding a place to magnetically attach to permanently, this process is known to the Novatar as Loci. When a Loci is performed, the Novatar considers this their true north.(Home) The energy and amount of pulsars from their magnetar heart it takes to bind their presence to anywhere is extensive and can take days, if not weeks. Some Novatar have died during this process by expending all their energy too fast in anticipation to feel an emotional deep connection with their True North.
  • Stronger Bonds, Stronger Commitment: Novatar tend to lean towards things they form bonds with. The stronger the connection they have, the deeper their commitment to nurture and flourish those bonds. As a species, it’s easy for Novatar to get attached to many things, making them incredibly emotional leading to outbursts or awkward calmness in the face of danger.
  • Wandering Souls | Explorers: In certain instances, Novatars known as Galatars tend to never find a place to commit to the sacred ritual Loci. With no real home, these wandering souls tend to be the lifeblood of knowledge for the following generation. Benefits of this have led many Novatar of today a bit more informative in regard to galactic technology and powers that can be harmful to them.
  • Balance Is Life: Novatar are sensitive to the waves of energy from everything in the galaxy. When the waves of the galaxy seem to be skewed in one way or another, Novatar yearns to correct it. For Novatar, there needs to always be a frequent balance of elements in the precise correct proportions in the world. Without balance, all life including their own kind is threatened. This tends to make Novatar hypocritical creatures that side with different sides of wars in the universe. Still, Novatar can sense when the scales are teetering too strongly to one side and will fight to correct it, for the safety of all.
  • Logical Thinkers: Logic can be weighed based on reasoning. So for Novatar, they argue everything with a logical approach. Like a computer computing the best possible course of logic, the Novatars tend to lean towards this thought process. Some have detached themselves from this barbaric thought provoking process and solely base their decisions on emotional choice alone.
  • Loyal Companions: If there is a common goal among the group that any Novatar is part of and bonds are made the Novatar will remain loyal to the cause and those part of it. Whether the species in question is either Novatar or not, it matters not; the Novatar have a large capacity to set aside commonality with their own kind to emotionally and loyally show others how quickly they would stand up for those who they have bonded with. This is similar to their True North bond and while emotionally intense, they make for great companions.
  • A Species of Little, but Big Words: Novatar take their thought processes and formulate words that at times are structured in ways that could be annoying. In times of danger or outright strife, Novatar may not gauge the situation as such and will provide statistics or outcome percentages similar to a droid to disprove the emotional level of other species. This can be hypocritical of the Novatar as they can form strong bonds and react emotionally to things that others wouldn’t.



A phenomenon that has spanned the galaxy for the better part of eternity and the ultimate cause of a sudden end and beginning. An explosion of a star that ripples through the bounds and confines of space. It is this very natural occurrence that spawns a creation of new. As the core of the star collapses a manifestation is ignited. A flame of life.

A Novatar.

During the early stages of its creation the Novatar begins to absorb the intense heat of the dying star for itself. In turn, this develops a magnetic radiation field to protect the energy absorption period or otherwise commonly known as a birthing period. This can last for thousands of years, sometimes spanning a distance of ten thousand years, the most ever recorded. While birthing stages of a Novatar take time and energy to fully exist, rare occurrences and disturbances can shorten the birthing period. Such things as electromagnetic interference and other unstable events that stretch into the pulsars from the birthing Novatar can cause rare early birthing. The earliest recorded in history is two thousand years.

After the full development stages are complete a Novatar takes on an amorphous form of gasses and flame. The severe heat, pressure, magnetic waves, and radiation allow the Novatars form to be contained to a powerful pulsar field using their manifested magnetar hearts. Due to the void of space and composite metals created from a collapsed star this pulsar field begins to pull all metals to the Novatars gas and flame-like body. Novatars consider this layer of protection of metals as their skin. Instead of developing musculature and skin, Novatars manipulate the core alloys around them to generate a layer of protection using their natural ability to push and pull things with their pulsars.

Once this hardening process is done, the Novatar is officially done with the waking period. With its development completed, it sets out to the galaxy looking to balance all things in life. Through the process of elimination and searching for a home, Novatar can be seen among the stars, planets and in some cases large structures they call, True North.

Only one thing remains to be seen for the Novatar as a species.

What history will they write for the rest of the galaxy?

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