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Approved Tech Novatrite Magnetic Barrier System

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Manufacturer: Draelvasier | Rakvul
Type: Electronic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Very Heavy
Size: Very Large




  • When activated, once the Draemidus Finis Crystals push energy through, the energy excites the magnetic nature of Novatrite. This system creates a powerful, localized magnetic field around the vessel. This field allows the ship to deflect or shunt away from the vessel kinetic, energy fire and heat to a high degree, absorbing energy from the attempt.
  • Through the use of Draemidus Technology, Security Measures, and Kraemonen allows for lightning fast, real time monitoring, and auditing of the shield systems in a way normal technology cannot compete.

  • While the system does possess superb protection for ships utilizing it, the magnetic field can be overwhelmed through sustained fire.
  • Due to the inherent vulnerability of Novitrite when faced with powerful static or lightning based elements, the magnetic field has problems when faced with direct lightning-based attacks or weaponry.

Looks can be deceiving.

The Draelvasier appear to most as a species of crude, barbaric, intergalactic butchers driven by base aggression with low intelligence or cunning. They couldn't be more wrong. They in fact possess a high level of intelligence, with a near unrivaled drive to innovate and pioneer in fields most others haven't even scratched the surface. Their profound aggression and obsession with warfare has driven them to continually seek perfection. They were never simply content with the way things were, perhaps driven in part by their Chieftain the visionary Tathra Khaeus, they would forever seek what could be.
Such views led to the development of Quilxyn Shielding. A biological shield system that proved to be groundbreaking biotech used in nearly every facet of warfare from infantry to ship vessels. For a time, this proved to be terribly effective on the battlefield. However, this evetually changed and it proved that it alone would not be enough to carry them through, there were inherent weaknesses in this system, and such weakness needed to be addressed. None were more concerned about this than Rakvul the Darkener, Warlord of the Bryn'adul Empire and Wrath of the Chieftain. Beyond a destroyer of worlds, a brute he possessed a brilliant mind that constantly sought improvement. To this he constantly pushed the scientists, innovators who served the empire hard.
Until a discovery was made.
Those he had tasked with innovation had brought to the Darkener's attention a mysterious metal alloy, discovered by scout ships that had been left behind by a dying neutral star. The metal was incredibly dense with many unique properties not found anywhere in the known galaxy. Immediately, the Darkener ordered the strip mining of the area surrounding the neutron star of all pieces of the alloy. Next, he began an exhaustive testing process to completely evaluate the material to analyze its possible worth. When its latent magnetic energies were developed, it quickly became apparent what use the metal had. The metal that became known as Novatrite would be used as the base for a new shielding system. Many examples of shielding systems were taken from raided ships and thoroughly analyzed.
The core of the system involved the utilization of Novatrite, which tests proved created magnetic fields when excited through enough energy. To supply such high levels of energy the Draemidus Finis Crystals were uitilized for their great energy output. Once focused through it created an incredibly powerful magnetic field that shielded everything nside, shunting attacks away. To properly contain the crystals a highly advanced cooling system was put into place as well as the addition of Diatium, Haysian Smelt, and Heat Sinks improved the fields recharge and refresh rate, as well as gave it the ability to keep the generator cool and stable.
For the inner workings of the machine the Darkener turned to his successes from the Khaeon Purification Superlaser. A complete overhaul of its systems through the exclusive use of Draelvasier Technology & Security Systems, Kraemonen, Mind Stones were utilized to provide it with far greater efficiency than most conventional shield generators. Instead of utilizing durasteel for the generator, it was replaced with the far superior Verikast. The first completed product was put through a further battery of tests and demonstrations, which were determined to be a stunning success. The finished product was installed aboard his flagship the Desolation-class Battlecruiser "Scourge" for a trial phase. Upon the successful completion of this trial phase, Rakvul presented the generator to the Ish'Makra, the Ruling Council of the Bryn'adul Empire and it was decided that it would be rolled out as the next generation of shielding for all ships.
However, the Fall of the Empire came swiftly upon them through a complex series of events. Beyond its deployment later in the war on the Scourge, it would not be rolled out before the Empire fell. It wouldn't be until much later that Rakvul would develop the technology for ships under his command, and when he reunited with Tathra Khaeus and the Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate, he provided all Draelvasier vessels with access to it before providing it to the whole of the protectorate for use.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create an innovative shield system for use on Draelvasier & Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate Ships.
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: Deflector Shield Praetorian Guard Ray Shield
Primary Source(s):

Deflector Shield
Praetorian Guard
Ray Shield

Technical Information

Affiliation: Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate
Model: Novatrite Magnetic Barrier System
Modular: No
Material: Diatium Draemidus Finis Crystal Draelvasier Security Measures Draelvasier Technology Haysian Smelt Heat Sink Internal Shield Components Kraemonen Mind Stones Novatrite Verikast
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Rakvul Rakvul

Nice sub again! True, the Novatrite isn't approved yet, but that is in this form is Semi-Unique (but even if the OP will edit the Extreme ratings, it will be Limited only), and the Draemidus Finis Crystal also have onl Limited scale, so you can't use these in this sub. I would like to ask you to remove these, or modify the production scale.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Rakvul Rakvul

Thank you! And in the meantime I approved the Novatrite sub as well. It was accepted as Semi-Unique, so I would like to ask you to remove it from your sub, or modify the Production scale. And please do not forget to modify the production in the pre-made fields too, not just in the template. In the pre-made fileds it is still Minor.
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