Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Manufacturer: A Neutron Star | Supernova | The Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate
Type: Material
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Extreme
Size: Humongous
Life Weaver of Ashaka




  • Intent: To make a form of material that is manifested from the process of a dying star. To allow for Novatars having their Exoskeleton and a form of travel connected through Black Holes.
  • Image Source: Image #1 | All headers are credit to Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: None
  • Primary Source: None



  • Exterior: Metal & Iron
  • Internal: Gemstone & Magma (Rare)
  • Exterior: Dark Grey | Black
  • Internal: Red Gemstone
  • Kinetic: High
  • Energy: Extreme
  • Lightsabers: Very High
  • Immense Heat | Fire: Extreme
  • Ice: Low (Made from immense amount of burning and pressure makes frigid application to cause the mineral to corrode or crack. This is only weak when in direct contact with cryogenic applications or other non-natural sources of extreme cold outside of space.
  • Lightning: Low (Static fields could disrupt the exterior pulsars.)Average
  • Water: None (Can eliminate the exterior shell over a long period of time. Roughly 100 years.)
  • High Frequency Waves: Very Low (Will Shatter)
  • Sonic Blasts: Average
  • Anti-Magnetic: Very Low


  • Nova Core: Within the confines of all Novatrite sits a red gemstone compressed from the massive gravitational pressure from dying stars in their collapsed state. The red gemstone, while rare; can have remnants of red ichor from cooling stages after its long creation. When the Core of Novatrite is touched by Black Holes, the Gem is capable of utilizing the last generated Black Hole to be used for travel to another end. This allows for situational travel to where black holes exist from one origin point to another. The core of Novatrite tends to only be able to manipulate this form of black hole travel with an immense amount of Novatrite exterior and the red ichor inside.
  • Magnetic Pulsar Exterior: Due to the phenomenon known as supernovas when a star’s core crumbles under the intensity of galactic pressure, pulsars of electro-magnetic radiation are commonly created when manifesting into a Neutron Star. Novatrite is incredibly magnetic due to this.
  • Neutron Forged: On a scientific level the core of a star burns thousands of times hotter than any weapon could dream of being able to achieve. Novatrite was created in the forges of space from a Neutron Star. Thus it is not only impervious to fire, lightsabers or any form of heat, but also energy based weaponry. The process of its very creation makes it close to invulnerable under these tactics.
  • Pulsar Frequencies: Kinetic abilities tend to have a difficult time pushing or pulling this material due to milli-second pulsars disrupting the core connection of kinetic power. Generally, those mustering enough energy to abide by the users will, can be ineffective.
  • Unique Magnetism: If any form of magnetic frequencies radiate similar pulses of polarities, the exterior could be manipulated to rotate and potentially surround the new source of pulsars.
  • Incredibly Dense: The weight of the exterior alone can weigh an immense amount. The mass of the exterior metal and Iron is unpredictable when it comes to a definitive weight. While it varies based on the length of creation, the least heavy recorded Novatrite sits at a rough 22679.619 kg or 25 tons. Despite its density it’s weightless when in contact with electromagnetic manipulation to be pushed and pulled in any direction.

  • Black Hole Manipulation: Being that the center of the Novatrite is that of a gemstone capable of harnessing contact with Black Holes, it is an invaluable core to the minerals effectiveness in the grand stage of space travel.
  • Impossibly Heavy: Created in a Neutron Star has added an unparalleled amount of density to the metal & iron existence. While the Nova Core is lighter it is fairly hefty in terms of its weight.
  • Pulsar Strong: The frequencies of the magnetic waves being exuded by Novatrite can cause mining equipment to malfunction. Traditional methods to mine the ore is incredibly difficult, if not, useless.

  • Lightning | Electric Static: Due to the magnetic properties of the stone, interference from powerful static or direct contact with lightning can cause the pulsars to die or shatter the stone completely.
  • Radio waves | High Frequencies: Novatrite does not respond well to other forms of wavelengths. Much like that of static, certain high frequency waves and radio waves can dismantle what makes Novatrite tick…it being magnetic and disrupting its pulsars.
  • Vulnerable Core: At the heart of Novatrite sits a red gemstone core that if hit with enough blunt force could be destroyed and prevent the stone from accessing the ability to manipulate black holes for travel.

Novatrite is commonly found among dying Neutron Stars. In some cases, this stone of metal and iron is so compressed and manipulated by electromagnetic waves that they become small stones. The weight alone for one of these small pieces could weigh tons depending on the length of time it is being created inside a collapsed core of a star.

Another property of Novatrite is its magnetic surface, powerful enough to be manipulated by species like Novatars and other magnetically strong pulsars that can push and pull the Novatrite at will. This core fact about Novatrite and the fact of being created inside a neutron star like a Novatar, has made it a natural choice for the species to utilize. Outside of this, the Novatrite’s magnetic surface and density is a defensive layer to protect the gemstone inside, allowing it to manifest a Nova Core.

Novatrite comes in all shapes, sizes and densities. Where some small pieces can weigh tons, others could weigh a few hundred pounds. Typically, the larger the size the more density that resides with it. Structures made from this metal are incredibly rare, in one part, due to its difficult mining processes and resistance to any forms of heat. While others don't want the magnetic pulsars to disrupt anything electrical or vice versa during structural considerations.

Nova Cores made deep within the Novatrite are able to manipulate black holes. Using resonance and magnetic containment to propel itself from one black hole to another unscathed. This kind of travel is incapable without large, massive amounts of Novatrite and multiple Nova Cores, thus making it a difficult and dangerous method of travel. However, if one could acquire such a massive structure big enough to manipulate pulsars and the cores, black hole travel could be possible. The downsides to this method are that you would only be able to travel to a known black hole, based on the resonance of the Nova Core being touched by an existing black hole that’s present.

Lastly, the Novatrite itself is a complex ore from the outer layer of metal and iron to the very vulnerable cores. It is this very rock that could define different ways the galaxy looks at travel, armor, and magnetic pulsars all together.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To Make a dense material for the Novatar to use as a form of defense and space travel.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: The Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate
Modular: No
Material: Metals, Irons & Gemstones
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari

It is very cool idea! However with the new rules, it can't be Limited. I would like to ask you to modify the production scale or the ratings:
6. Extreme ratings require justification and elaboration in the main body of the submission.
7. Extreme ratings must be submitted as Semi-Unique or Unique.
You can find this in the Factory rules (General Submission Guidelines section)
Life Weaver of Ashaka
Hello! Thank you, I've been working on it. lol. I have made adjustments to the ratings to Semi-Unique, both in the section drop down and in the submission in writing.

Let me know if I need to make other corrections! :)
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