Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Novauuk Lexadis (Watkins' Character)

Nova (Please do not repost w/o asking)

Name: Novauuk (Nova) Lexadis

Faction: CIS

Rank: Padawan

Species: Miralukan

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Height: 163 cm

Weight: 67.6 kg

Eyes: (yikes)

Hair: Shoulder length, curly black hair with one braid in front.

Skin: Pale

Force Sensitive: Yes


Strengths: Dueling, First aid, electronics/computers, planning, hand to hand combat, high intelligence and willingness to learn.

Weaknesses: Obsessive perfectionist, naive, blindingly loyal, overconfidence, inability to accept failure.

Skills: Force Sight (inherited), Telepathy (inherited), Weak/near uncontrollable telekinesis (inherited). Field detection (inherited)
Force speed, stealth (concealment), jump, throw, and empathy.

Appearance: Purple near black hair, pale skin with small freckles dotting her cheeks, and will often use a light blue ribbon to pull her immensely curly hair into a bun before dueling.

Biography: Nova was born to Aerus (Father) and Pomdool (Mother) Ledaxi.
Aerus was once a respected member of the Luka Seen, however he gave everything up after his wife Pomdool died during childbirth. Now a single father, Aerus took his daughter Novauuk to live elsewhere to start a new life. Moving to Naboo, the two lived in harmony until Nova was about 8 years old, during this time he taught her nothing of her Miralukan heritage. At the age of 8 though, Nova and her father were approached by members of the order and only days later was she inducted, leaving her father behind to live a life of peace.

-Speaks five languages not including basic, none of which are Miralukese (the languages are binary, mando’a, Bocce, Geonosian, and high galactic)
-Has an immense affinity for learning, indulging in any reading she can when she has the chance as a way to learn new things
-Asks a lot of questions
-Adores small creatures
-Knows little to nothing about her peoples.
-Favourite colour is green.



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