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The Clanless

Citadel Prisoner File: 2319AX-02TH

Name: Novax
Titles: Stellar Centurion; Speaker of the Sun

Species: Human
Race: Serennoian
Age: Twenty-Eight
Gender: Male
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 220lbs
Physique: Muscular; solid
Eye Colour: Orange (believed to be artificial implantation)
Hair Colour: Mousey Blonde
Skin Complexion: Sun-touched.

Occupation: Stellar Centurion; The Golden Company, Mercenary, Bounty Hunter, Self-Proclaimed Sith.
Alliances: The Golden Company
Current Status: Active
Homeworld: Serenno
Residence: None Known.
Languages Known: Galactic Basic, High Galactic, Galactic Sign Language, Bocce, Binary, Huttese.

Force Sensitive: Self-Proclaimed
Known Alignment: Unknown.

Marital Status: Single.
Spouse: N/A
Children: N/A
Parents: Stricken from Record
Siblings: Stricken from Record.

Known Skills
Established Close Combat Ability, Survivalist, Navigation and Leadership capabilities noted.

Distinguishing Features:
Scaring, particularly noticeable scar upon right eye.
Prisoner Tattoo markings on base of neck.

  • Strong in close combat scenarios
  • Tactically minded
  • Ambitious want for advancement
  • Greed
  • Morally Alone
  • Shows Battle-rage Tendencies

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