Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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November is Nearly Over

... which I know is a commonly known fact. But the month being nearly over means that I will return to the site full-time.

On the 1st of December (and not by because most of my responsibilities end at exactly the last day of November or the first of December), the most of my responsibilities for this year are over. At least the most important of them. NaNoWriMo is over, school is not that bad, real life is on its rise, and everything else I didn't mention.

If you haven't noticed, I've been here for a few days now, though not as much as I was at summer, maybe. But that's logical. Nor will I be here that much the next month.

Decided to throw in the thread before the eventual comeback so that you could all know that I will be coming back. :p I know some of you may be tired of my leavings and comings, but... I'm so sorry for that. Life is an unpredictable thing and even when you know what you have to do in the future (or the opposite - know that you don't have to do something), you'll still find yourself in a situation you would have never expected.

May the Force Be With You! :)

List of People I've Promised to RP with After Comeback:
  • [EQUA] Daxton Bane
  • [MARIA] Ekul Selah
  • [MARIA] Jaryn Rhane
  • [MALIFICETE] Vitor Imperieuse
Thank you, [member="Oka Osaa"] and also [member="Jaryn Rhane"] whom I shamelessly left with no thanks before.

I feel so full of RP and action, even though I know if I started something today, I would have no time to focus on all of that the next week. Ugh, I hate that feeling.

But whatever. As soon as I get back, old characters will be brought back, new things will be done and all shall be back on its height. After all, winter is coming.


Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Roleplaying is fun. I like when there's a variety of stories and not just "that bar thread". Well, if you ever need a roleplay, I'll do my best to help :D and yeah, winter is my favorite season because things slow down. ~And the snow

[member="Maria Natalja"]

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