Coci Heavenshield
Dawnguard Grand Master
evening has descended ..
[member="Connor Harrison"]
Firemane compound sleeps tonight save for a lone ship sitting on a landing pad waiting for it's two pilots. Laden with supplies for a long journey, it hums it's song as engines are warming ready for take off. A cold mist sits on top of it's outer frame, forming droplets of water which once heavy would roll down the side like a tear drop. Abaigeal stands alone by the door, the exist to the pad and pulls a brown cloak around her cold body as she waits for Connor. She senses him, he is not far ..She also senses the concern of her guardian and mother, [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] is awake and pacing, but she need not worry so much, Abaigeal has come a long way under her care and is armed with skills taught to her with love and strength, this is how Sio will be going with them, in her heart. But they must do this trip alone, it is important to them both and the making of them as Jedi. Connor has had much trials in his life, as has she in her short life and selfish as this might be this trip, it is imperative.
A swirl of dust eddied on the pad, kicking up debris around the undercarriage and struts, she narrowed her eyes standing quietly and calmly as one resigned to a new life .. a destiny that waits her on the horizon and beyond the stars.