Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Now the training gets harder

Hakora stood in a field on a planet that housed the Order. He no longer looked like a Jedi, but something different. He was also no longer the boy he was as a Padawan. His combat tunic and pants were a soft black and gold with silver shoulder and chest armor. Over all of it was his dark blue robe. In the grass next to him was a smaller dark blue robe for his Padawan who left the order with him. Under the clothing Hakora had gained more scars and muscles from his training among the mandalorians. His hair was up similar to a samurai, in fact he wore a katana as well, two to be exact.

The wind blew through the trees and over the field as Hakora waited for his young Padawan.
Despite the fact she left the Jedi, adventuring into unknown territory was like being reborn into a completely new world, carrying different shadows. This entire thing liberated her from her scolding mentors, but the cold universe outside the wings of the Temple left Amee Tor feeling terrified.

To the former padawan, nothing was familiar. Even the teacher she left with was starting to feel different. Amee felt blind and helpless since she left, clinging to her own Force signature for any light comfort. Paranoid and confused, Amee slowly was adjusting to a very different life.

It was a dark night, few stars shown in the sky. It reflected Amee's confusion and internal strife. Grasses slowly moved in winds; they looked like grasping claws. Hugging herself as she walked across the plains, her tooka Ranger shortly behind, Amee walked up to her mentor.

Even though she was frightened, the togruta did not regret leaving. Her own worst enemy, she was recklessly determined to pull herself through. She would eventually have it all together, all that was currently foreign becoming her new home... eventually. Amee left the protective canopy of the Jedi, and she was proud. One step at a time, her most ferocious enemy - fear - would finally fall behind her.

Amee was now standing several feet across from her teacher with Ranger sitting between them. She had not a clue what he was going to teach her. What she did know was that it would help her brave this raging storm.

[member="Hakora Cinthra"]
The wind began to swirl around Hakora and Amee once she was near and it was clear Hakora was using the force to control the wind. He then through a hand in the air and a cloud quickly formed high above them and swirled like a vortex in the air growing bigger and bigger until the sky was filled and lightning flashed in the sky violently. Hakora then snapped his hand into a fist and the lightning stopped and the clouds quickly thinned and disappeared. "Welcome student, first as you can see I have something to confess to you, I am much stronger in the Force than I portrayed among the Jedi. I must tell you what you are truly getting into, this is not the Jedi. We fight for justice, we are not killers and we are not sith. You may have met Darth Tsolan and he is rough along the edges from his time as a spy among the Sith, but he was a Jedi Shadow before and he is good. There is a Galaxy wide war coming and we aim to contain it and bring order to the Galaxy. As you saw in your time among the Jedi they are no longer the Jedi they should be. We will not wage war against them, but they are going to fall and we will not stop it and if and when that day comes, we will replace them as truly good. So it is vital that we remain with the spirit of the Jedi in case we replace them. Sadly, and this maybe the hardest part to chew, you will need to learn the dark side. The Jedi teach the dark side leads to corruption, but that is not true. Intentions lead to the real dark side and to fight the dark side we can't afford not to be able to fight them on their level. I refuse to teach you the dark side until I grant you Knighthood and you have learned self-control, will-power, and how to stay in the light when surrounded by darkness. If this is what you truly want then take the robe and we will begin, if not I will wipe your memory and take you back to the Jedi as if none of this happened and we never met." Hakora reached down and picked up the neatly folded dark blue robe and unhooked a custom made katana and put it with the sheath on the robe. If she choose to join, her beginning training would be with a katana. A katana is heavy compared to a lightsaber so if she trained with a katana then with a lightsaber she would be much faster.

Yup... nothing's familiar.

Being mute, if the girl sighed it couldn't be heard. She'd learned her entire life, in the Jedi, that the dark side was corrupt. That entire thing with Darth Tsolan was something she was advised and even scolded not to become. When the cloak and sword were handed to her though, she sharply shook her head at herself, Things are different here... And I'm not going back!

The way she took the katana easily potrayed how she was adapting here.


The weight of the weapon was one that easily clanged against the ground. The sheath was barely dug into the ground, the top of it held by one hand. It was simply by surprise the sword fell though, and she instantly picked it up again.

It was still quite cold out, Amee was happy to throw the blue cloak over her cream outfit. As she clipped her new weapon to her waist, Ranger grooming below, Amee sent her first telekinetic message to her teacher.

"So I'm learning how to use a new weapon today?"
Hakora reached for her chin and lifted her to his eyes with a finger. "Just because things have changed and the dawn looks darker than normal, does not mean that I will not protect you with my life and the things you believe in the Jedi are false. This will take time, Snips." Hakora then walked away a bit and pulled up some bamboo pulls and set them up all around them leaving space inbetween them. "As to the weapon, as you saw the weapon is a normal Katana except it has been augmented by the force to be 20 pounds heavier than normal. Now look at these poles, they are not as easy to cut as you think." Hakora walked up to one and and drew his sword. At a speed he thought would be natural for Amee he sliced at the pole with a perfect horizontal strike. The pole broke in half leaving a jagged and split in multiple places, top. " As you can see you can't cut it like this, it leaves the cut jagged and broken, you want a clean strike. Not only are clean cuts more effective, they are also less painful and easier to heal so if you most strike someone, it is merciful to use a clean cut." Hakora then cut at the same board at the same speed, but came up at it from an angle leaving a clean cut. "Take your time, focus, don't stress and practice as long as it takes, Snips."

[member="Hakora Cinthra"]

An already apparently heavier weapon, but twenty times heavier, would pose a problem to Amee. She was already fast and agile, but strength was not her strongest area. She was determined to do this though.

It took using both hands, but the mute slowly drew the katana from its sheath. Once again, she almost dropped it. However, she was able to keep hold of her new weapon. Holding it without a distinctive style to turn to, Amee felt a bit pathetic. She naturally found herself holding it in an ataru stance, as holding the heavy blade down in the niman stance seemed like a bad idea.

The togruta came up to a pole, still feeling a bit confused. She looked back to her memories and mimicked how Hakora held his sword the second time. The struggle to control the katana, especially since she was now in a foreign stance, was still quite real. She briefly glanced back to her mentor, her arms shaking, then turned back to the bamboo pole.

Well, here goes nothing... She swung the sword.
The sword wobbled, but connected with the pole and went half through it and broke the rest of it leaving a very uneven cut. Hakora approached her with his sword. "Good, you accurately showed the weakness that must be conquered inorder to use a sword; confidence. Whether you are new to the sword or seasoned like me, it is still heavy and hard to wield. You focused on that rather then focusing on making the cut. This sword is only 30 ponds heavier than normal making around 27 pounds totals which is the weight of some people's arm. Do not think the sword is a sword, but just more of an arm, a part of you. Try again." Hakora was very patient and knew it would take her longer to learn this as opposed if they were learning a force ability.

@[member="Hakora Cinthra"]

Me? Having confidence? Impossible... The question was one she asked herself and didn't release out to anyone. She held the sword up again and went over to another pole. She tried to follow his instructions. She was taught forms of unarmed combat in the Jedi Temple, she remembered how to throw the arm up in attack. She sighed and threw another hit. She lacked confidence in herself, but wash pushing to get this right.
As she was training Hakora pressed a button on his ear that created a white and gold mask and raised the hood from his robes. As the Phantom of Vitae he had to keep his identity secret the reason not for safety, but to keep from being seen as more than a leader to promote unity. He watched his Padawan and noticed the lack of confidence in her, but he stayed silent for a moment as he thought on what to do to help her gain confidence. The solution sparked in him in how he had taught himself confidence. He then walked up to her and spoke with the Phantom voice. "Amee, stop. You will get no where unless you have confidence. I can give you the confidence, but I want to know how far you want to go to gain the power you will need to protect the people of this Galaxy and promote Justice. I must also ask if you trust me to teach you and never push you past what you can't handle."

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