Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Now there's two of them!

Appropriate. My wife is pregnant, which means I'm gonna be a dad! Huh. Exciment and nervousness pretty much sumit all up. What this means! The little I post will be non existant when the baby comes, so I feel like doing something more for the last bit of time I'm gonna spend here. Chaos has been great. Its been bad. Its been ignored for months at a time (well, by me). But once my kid comes into the world I want to spend all my time with them and my wife.

Stay tuned for my many exploits. Hopefully I can actually finish them for once aye?

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Darth Ferus"]
Picture yourself a year from now. It's 2AM and your progeny is squirming unhappily on your chest. 'Screw it,' you say, and log into Chaos on your phone. By 8AM you're leading a major faction to war, the spawn has gotten a respectable amount of sleep, and your wife is grateful for the rest. The glory days are ahead, brother. #dadlife


[ Message Received ]
[member="Darth Ferus"]
Congrats! :D
I wish you the best of luck in your upcoming life as a father! But I swear, if you don't name one of your children 'Luke' or 'Leia' I'm gonna be annoyed.

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