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Approved Species Nox Lupo

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Relationship Status: It's Complicated




  • Name: Nox Lupo
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Procreation
  • Average Lifespan: 500 years
  • Estimated Population: Semi-Unique
  • Description: More often than not this species appears to be fully human. Like their biological counterparts their average height is taller than that of a typical human. They transform into a monstrous wolf-like creature. In their transformed state their eyes tend to glow like fire, and under certain circumstances it appears as though their fur is made of smoke.


  • Breathes: Types I, II, and III
  • Average Height of Adults:
    • Human Male: 1.82 - 2.13 m
    • Human Female: 1.75 - 2.00 m
    • Lupo Form: 1.57 - 1.73 m
  • Average Length of Adults Lupo Form: approximately 2.4 m
  • Skin color: As is common with human beings, skin pigmentation is dependent on various factors such as race, climate, partner, and uv exposure. Skin tones range from fair to dark.
  • Hair color: Hair colors include blonde, brown, red, black, and auburn. Other colors may occur depending on parental species of origin.
  • Distinctions: The Nox Lupo do not vary much in appearance from most humanoids other than their height. They also tend to be more muscular in appearance. Their transformed state is what sets them apart from any Lupine variant connected to them genetically. Due to Nocna Mora influence these wolves appear to be taller and longer than their genetic cousins. Regardless of eye color, their eyes have a flamelike quality and their fur appears smokey in nature. Teeth are longer, especially the fangs. A strong jaw and sharp teeth enable the Nox Lupo to tear through flesh and bone with relative ease. The closest companion to the Nox Lupo in appearance is their Lupo cousin The Hénoitur, or forest wolves. Fur coats are earthen and ashen in appearance, which make up the primary fur colors of the Nox Lupo regardless of human coloring or pigmentation. Most Nox Lupo have gray or black fur.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: All


Aromatic: The Nox Lupo, like many wolves, have a sense of smell which is 100 times greater than a humans. While this trait is nowhere near as strong in their human form, the Nox Lupo can distinguish the tiniest variance in scent.

Can You Hear Me Now: With the ability to hear upward to 80,000 hertz at their peak, the Nox Lupo have extremely sensitive hearing. In the open a mature Nox Lupo can hears up to as far as 24 km

Faster Than a Speeding Bullet: While they are transformed, the Nox Lupo are incredibly fast. Their long legs and strong muscles make it possible for them to run up to 128.7 kph.

Their Bark IS NOT Bigger Than Their Bite: Powerful jaws and sharp teeth make the bite of a Nox incredibly dangerous. Boasting the same power as their Lupo cousin, while transformed, they have a biting power which is 130% greater than other Lupine counterparts.

Cutco Guarantee: Their claws are razor sharp, and guaranteed for life!

World’s Strongest and Flame Retardant: The Nox Lupo boasts superhuman strength. They are many times stronger than the average human, and their skin seems impervious to certain types of burns. Fire seems to have no effect on them.


Say What: While it serves as a strength, a Nox Lupo’s hearing can also be their greatest weakness. Certain pitches at loud volumes may have the ability to incapacitate the Nox, whether human or beast.

You Drive Me Crazy: The wolf is as much part of the human as the human is part of the wolf. This means the wolf craves its freedom. A Nox Lupo that does not shift regularly will eventually go insane. In some instances they may shift and remain a wolf permanently, or behave as a more animalistic human suffering from what appears to be lycanthropy.

Light Up the Night: The Nox Lupo are Sithspawn in just about every sense. While they are naturally born, their genetic ancestors all trace back to Sith Alchemy. As a result the light side of the force can be rather damaging, particularly force light. This would also include coming into contact with light sided force objects, and they cannot be healed using the lightside of the force.

Baby It’s COLD Outside: Nox Lupo are susceptible to cold, and are not well suited for cold climates. Prolonged exposure to cold climates may result in sluggish behavior, as well as brittle bones which may break easily.

What About Elevensies: It is not an easy thing to try and feed a Nox Lupo. They have a larger than average appetite and require more calories to remain satisfied and healthy. While they can go prolonged periods without food, they must consume a lot of it.


  • Diet: Nox Lupo are carnivorous creatures. They prefer to eat their meat on the raw side, though to fit in with other humans have learned to enjoy cooked meats as well. It is rare to see them eat fruits or vegetables of any kind, though on occasion they may indulge in something of a more sweet or citrusy variety. Like many canine’s they cannot handle caffeine as it will result anywhere from nausea to a complete shutdown of the gastrointestinal system.
  • Communication: Nox Lupo communicates both verbally and telepathically in their human form. They have a particular knack for learning languages, and will often speak multiple languages in their lifetime. Their primary language is representative of the language of the place of their birth. While transformed they are able to communicate telepathically with those they have bonded with, or who are force sensitive.
  • Technology level: Galactic Standard.
  • Religion/Beliefs: The Nox Lupo are irreligious, though some may say their tendency to adopt and follow the tenets of dark side factions such as the Sith are religion itself. They are free to believe what they choose, and have yet to develop a cultural set of beliefs in such matters as religion, ethics, or morality.
  • General behavior: This species often adopts the cultural behaviors of the societies they are raised among. Always adapting to fit in, the Nox Lupo are adept at learning the customs and patterns of the day and age in which they live.

    They are, by nature, pack animals, and require a sense of connection. This makes family especially important to them. It may be the one trait or quality inherent to all Nox Lupo. This makes them incredibly loyal. Once the decision has been made that someone belongs to them, or in turn they pledge themselves to someone, it is a difficult and near impossible bond to sever.


Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath dying while defending the Fortressa had been a devastating loss. Many in the Confederacy of Independent Systems mourned her loss, but none more than Gerwald Lechner. His oath has been a simple one at first, he would avenge her death. It became more complicated when he learned her soul had been anchored to an abomination of Sith alchemy known as a Nocna Mora. Knowing he could bring her back, Gerwald vowed he would.

Her only tether to the realm of the living was a ring the Wolf wore dutifully around his neck until the day Srina Talon Srina Talon took it in order to help Gerwald keep his promise. Her action came with a warning and question. Naedira would no longer be human. She would not be the woman he remembered. Was Gerwald prepared for the consequences of what it was he had asked for? He would become her anchor.

Naedira would be his responsibility. She would be dependent upon him.

The wolf should have known what that meant. His very essence and nature was needed, not just his memories. Gerwald would fill the gap as much as he could, but he had misunderstood. She was reliving her nightmare over and over, and his decision to keep his promise, to tell the Omnia to resurrect her and tear her away from the Devourer had left her vulnerable. It was only supposed to make it all stop so she could live again, remember again.

His wolf had made within her a wolf of her own. Naedira had not known what was happening. They had simply been drawn to each other. Something happened, she began to suffer, but this time it was because the she-wolf wanted out. Gerwald knew what it was, a change of sorts, but she was unable to change. It was going to kill her.

She calmed.

Time and training, learning to live with what she had become was required. It had been needed. Whatever Gerwald had made with his decisions would be revealed in time. Their bond had not changed, and the love they had did not diminish. Her wolf would try again, but each time they would adapt. There would be no obstacle they would not overcome. If death had not stopped them, the wolf would not either.

The Devourer had failed.

The Mountain had failed.

In the end Gerwald and Naedira would have children. They were not natural, and some may say they should have ever been made. Perhaps it had been selfish desire which led to their creation. Others would have claimed it was a simple act of love which had brought about such a beast. What else could it have been? No one could have known what the consequences were going to be.

Their offspring were something new. Like their father they were Lupo, strong and beastly in nature. That had been expected. From their mother the physical traits of the Devourer would meld with the wolf Gerwald had given them. It was the next evolution to what the Sith Alchemist who created the Lupo so long ago could have never foreseen. They were not human, wolf, or demon.

And yet… they were.

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