Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"I have never been a man of words, but I have always respected the power of words for that is what made me who I am, as soon as I heard the words of the Sith Code I knew which path of destiny I wanted to take, the path of a Sith"
Name: Nox
Faction: The Sith Council
Affiliation: Dark Side
Rank: Sith Apprentice/Asassin
Species: Human
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 1.9 meters
Weight: 200lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Side Red
Skin: Pale White
Force Sensetive: Yes
Strengths & Weaknesses:
Nox is very agile, he is a very fast and good runner and could run for long distances for a impressive time, not seeming to tire very easily. His agility might also have something to do with the training he endured to become a asassin.

Nox is quite strong and muscular, mostly from bodybuilding and working out in his younger years, although his muscular strength did improve when he began to train to become an asassin.

Asassination Skills:
Nox is a trained asassin, althugh not a proffesional one yet. His training makes him quieter than most others and stealthy.

Good Education:
Even though Nox was basically an orphan, he still managed to get a very good education, he was taught how to read and write at a young age and was taught lots about mathmatics philosopy and othe subjects at school, but most of his knowledge is based around the books he read as a child.

Never Gives Up:
Nox will always see something through until the end, ieven if the end of the task might bring injury or casulaties he will still follow it through.

Nox is very secretive and does not trust very easily.

Nox has an extremely rare condition that can only be kept in check by the force, which he uses to keep the disease away from his vital organs.

Like all Sith, Nox is naturally cold, maybe even more so than normal Sith.

Like many Sith, Nox is heartless

Like all Sith Nox is mercy less
Blaster pistol
Blaster Rifle
The woman lyed on the bed, exhaustion shook her body as the medics handed her the baby, she smiled as she held the baby in her arms, before she took one last breath and callopsed on the bed, never to wake again.
That was how it began, on Coroscaunt the birth of another human, at the time the event was insignificant just another human coming into the galaxy, another mouth to feed. But he wouldn't always remain insignificant, he would go on to oppose the Jedi and The Republic, he would go on to become a Sith.

His mother could only get out the first three letters of his name before dying, Nox, that is the name he shall carry untill the end of his days, forever even after death. His father no where to be found, out on a misson for the Rebuplic, presumed dead. His mother was known to be dead, with no one to care for him the hospital officals placed him in the only place they could, an orphanage. At the orphanage he was treated nicely and when he was two years old the Jedi came and tested him for force sensetivity, he was tested positive and he was taken to the jedi temple where he stayed until he was five.

Nobody knows how it hapened, not even Nox knows how the raiders took him and why he was the only one, but when he woke he was in a fairly large training room, the room where he would spend most of the next six years of his life training his endurance, speed, agility. Training to be an asassin. From day one he was one of the best recruits they had ever seen, he spent until he was eleven training, it was then his life changed forever, it was then he decided he was bored with the same old life he slipped past the guards and escaped the chains that held him back.

For a while he had no where to go, scavenging off the streets with nothing to do but wander and steal. Nox was never caught, being trained as an asassin he was always sneaky about how he stole. One day he was caught by a man who was a Jedi, but not a Jedi he called himself a Sith, sensing that Nox was a Force Sensetive he offered Nox a new life, Nox not knowing any better took the offer and traveled with the man to Korriban. Eight years later word got out that the Empire was disbanding, Nox like many escaped Korriban in hope of finding and forming a new Empire, one day. Nox waited flying through space, visiting random planets in the hope of finding a master and possibly a new Empire, he eventually found that Empire within the Sith Council.
Force Powers:

Bounties Collected:

Nox without his armor
((Take away the blood and the fangs and you'll have him, sort of))

Liara Dresh

So, yet another Sith hopeful finds his way into the galaxy. Let's hope you prove to be a real Sith, unlike so many here before you....

((Hello :) ))

Liara Dresh

An example of one such "Sith" is above you. It would prove wise not to follow his example....

((Hey, Vorn! :D))

Emily Vani

Still got it under the description of Merciless. :3 sorry, I'm a stickler for grammar.


Liara Dresh

*rolls eyes* Oh, Vorn. you should know by now that sexual references mean nothing to me.

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