Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nu Angels [Open Starfighter Combat for Republic Friendlies]

Sannika Brynn

Let me tell you about a Rebellion...
[[OOC: This is a friendly war game involving the Republic strafighter corps and any Republic-friendly starfighter corps. Incendiary payloads will be live, all other forms of ammunition will be tag ammo and digitally implemented. If a player fails to post a response to your post after 48 hours, move along to a new target. Basically like a normal PVP.

Two squadrons will be assembled, Red and Gold, based on posting order. (If the first poster is part of Red Squadron, the next poster to join the thread will be assigned to Gold Squadron. Next threader to jump in will be assigned to Red Squadron, etc.)

The mock battle takes place near an asteroid field in the Jabiim System. A mothballed Liberation-Class Cruiser will be the main objective.

Red Squadron objective: Destroy 1) the engines, 2) bridge, 3) and main ventral hangar of the Liberation-Class Cruiser, and/or defeat all Gold Squadron craft. Have fun. :)

Gold Squadron objective: Defeat all Red Squadron craft before all 3 points of the Liberation-Class Cruiser are destroyed. Have fun. :)

Here's to some nifty teamwork in writing between both squadrons, and some awesome dogfights! :D ]]

Starfighter: Adril-class
Location: Red Squadron launchpoint cruiser: Insurmountable
Objective: Assemble with the rest of Red Squadron
Target: None yet

Sannika's Adril lifted off the flight deck and scooted towards the mouth of the hangar, flight personnel having already scattered and evacuated so the magnetic shields could be lowered for the squadron's launch. Another breathless moment for Brynn as she approached the bottomless maw of space. These kinds of moments are what dreams are made of.

Tapping her dust-gray helmet, the tukian twi'lek grinned and glanced from side to side to see who was accompanying her into the void. It was quite a diverse unit, with people from all across the galaxy representing multiple nations in this friendly 'conflict'. About one thousand kilometers in the distance floated the decommissioned behemoth, Impregnable, an old Republic cruiser that had seen its service through--a survivor of grand battles. A shame that such vessels end up as scrap and practice targets for the pilots it once hosted. The Rebel Alliance fighter pilot supposed it was a way to go out with a bang, though.

"Yo!" she shouted over the comms as her ship exited the confines of Insurmountable and streaked into the endless black. "Red One, standing by." She promptly took a deep breath after calling out her designation, hoping everyone else was ready for this. She had been known to skip over protocol at one time. On occasion. Here-and-there. But no one had died.

Holding thumbs raised, Sannika flashed a grin to all the accompanying pilots and awaited the 'go' signal. "We've got this!"

[member="Jay Scott Clark"], [member="Tugoro Taidarious"], [member="Camellia Swift"], [member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="Fydiel Darraq"], [member="Roth Tillian"]

Silara Varis

[member="Sannika Brynn"]

Location: Liberation Crusier
Starfighter: Narran Class-Interceptor
Objective: hold off Red squadron!

Silara ran through her preflight checks quick. She had developed an eye for the gauges and dials, being able to tell instantly when something was wrong. So far so good. She flipped the safety switch off the engines as they powered up and ran another eye over the panel. Today’s objective was a friendly dogfight between the Rebels and the Republic forces, and the Republic was about to whip tail.

"Gold one standing by with wingmate. Ready when your are."

The hangar was empty as the vessel was really old and it only served as a launch point.

Teryn Renoir

Insurmountable Launch

~ "Red 2, standing by." ~

He was a test pilot. Hired to fly a refurbished CSF Razorback for Defcom Enginnering. The money was good and all he had to do was push this little boat to it's maximum potential while facing off against newer tech. Not a bad way to spend an afternoon. Even if it was miles away from his usual drinking habits on Corellia. Almost made him forget how much he hated flying. It was probably just the helmet though,

"R2. Check that rear motivator again. My HUD still isn't registering that new battery setting since this morning."

His little astromech gave a reassuring beep and a tonk. Even with fake guns and fire bombs loaded underneath, I guess Teryn was still just a little bit nervous.

"...Alright, alright. Let's just do this and get paid. Right buddy?"

The astromech honked happily. It was show time.

Sannika Brynn

Let me tell you about a Rebellion...
The numeric designations had nothing to do with experience or seniority by any means. This was a multinational field run, and Sannika was likely the freshest pilot by both standards. Especially if her squadmate's model of starship was any indication. Some might call that craft a junker at this point. But the twi'lek thought it had character.

"Red Two," she called out over the comms, "I think I'll follow your lead here. You've got a wingman. Woman. Girl." She chuckled nervously, self-confidence a little lacking with this group of seasoned pilots. Nudging her fighter, Kantankerous Kill, behind and to Renoir's five o' clock, Sannika rubbed her hands together and prepared for a wild ride.

[member="Teryn Renoir"], [member="Silara Varis"]
((Sorry I missed this before; for some reason I wasn't alerted to being tagged.))

Starfighter: Longshot-class
Location: Gold Squadron launch point (decommissioned Liberation-class cruiser)
Objectives: Link up with Gold Squadron, Hold off Red Squadron

There was something sad about the aged, magnificent bulk of the Liberation-class cruiser Edge of Dawn. Fydiel had no idea how long it'd been since the ship had been decommissioned, but with its life support shut down the vacuum of space had preserved it perfectly, without mould in corners or spiderwebs over doorways. He wondered at the vessel's story, glimpsing fragments of past glory in its battle scars: carbon scoring on the hull, shrapnel fragments on the launch bay floor, spent tanks of fire suppressant piled in a corner of the hangar.

It seemed a pity to blow it up, like spitting on a veteran. Good thing that was exactly what he was trying to prevent.

It would be odd to be flying against [member='Sannika Brynn'], he reflected as he flicked the necessary switches to warm up his Longshot. He got along well with all of the Rogues, but her laid-back confidence and easy humor had made him like her practically from the moment they'd met. They were cut from the same cloth, with a love of flying and an unwillingness to take anything too seriously. For now, though, she was a target. And if his side won, he was sure as druk gonna rub it in!

[member='Silara Varis'] he wasn't so sure about. He knew she was a damn good pilot, but the lady needed to relax; her clipped, military precision and discipline exemplified to him all the reasons he was better off flying for the Rebellion than the Republic. But for now she was his commanding officer, and he silently resolved to do his best to be respectful; he was representing the Alliance, and should make a good impression. She'd better not try to curb his fun too much, though.

"Gold Two here and ready, Gold One," Fydiel told her, instantly missing the nicknames Rogue Squadron bantered around with. "Coming up on your starboard, ready to engage on your order." His sturdy little bomber shot out of the Edge of Dawn's hangar, probably one of the last ships that would ever have that experience, and took his place in formation. No bombs this time: he had a payload of mock concussion missiles, ready to slap enemy fighters out of the sky.

With a sly grin, he opened a private channel. "Loser buys the first round tonight, Sanna. So get your credstick ready."

[member='Teryn Renoir']

Teryn Renoir

Leading the Charge
[member="Sannika Brynn"]

Ranoir nodded as he picked up a wingmate. Time to get this show on the road.

"Understood Red Two. I'm going in hard and fast. Anything that grabs my tail, all yours."

His droid made a happy beep as he punched the throttle and dived straight for the dummy target. To generate enough threat with his opponents Teryn would need to focus on bombing the target with is small payload. He would need to build a timetable and push the schedule forward. Make this less of a dogfight and more of a race. That was the mind-set of an Interceptor Pilot. That was how he'd take control.

Teryn took to the field like a lance driving straight for the heart. Time to Gold Squadron, six seconds.

Sannika Brynn

Let me tell you about a Rebellion...
Taking wing position at Red Leader's aft, Red Two chuckled at her Rogue buddy's comment. "Yo, that's no fair! I'm underage." She stuck out her tongue in a joking manner, even though she knew he could not see it.

Then they were off. That was quick. Sannika was a bit surprised to see her leader rush in without a blink, but maybe they would end up catching Gold Squadron off-guard. It was always a risk, but at least this was just a mock battle--though good for the twi'lek's standing, as she had a lot more hours clocked in the sims than in the real deal. She would follow Renoir's lead and learn from any successes or mistakes for the future. And she might as well have faith in him. He had been piloting for much longer than she.

She cringed but allowed a small smile as she took in her leader's orders. "Understood. You probably don't know what it's like, but tail-grabbing's no fun." A little humor never hurts before things get intense.

[member="Silara Varis"], [member="Fydiel Darraq"], [member="Teryn Renoir"]

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