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Approved Tech Nubrias Dust

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Manufacturer: Leven Jeyd
Type: Substance
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Very Light
Size: Average
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Intent: Expand on the substances created by Leven Jeyd.
Image Source: Diana Martinez.
Canon Link: N/A.
Permissions: N/A.
Primary Source: N/A.

Manufacturer: Leven Jeyd.
Affiliation: Leven Jeyd.
Market Status: Closed-Market.
Model: N/A.
Modularity: No.
Production: Limited.
Material: Alchemical components.

  • The standard form of Nubrias Dust erases recent memories, typically covering the past few hours. Perfect for removing traces of interrogations, stealth operations, or encounters.
  • A stronger, Force-produced variant of Nubrias Dust is capable of erasing long-term memories, but it is specifically designed to erase memories related to a singular person or event (e.g., forgetting everything related to Leven herself).
  • The powder is undetectable when mixed into food, drink, or dispersed into the air, ensuring its stealthy application.
  • Once inhaled or ingested, the effects of Nubrias Dust may take hold almost immediately.
  • The amount of powder determines the extent of the memory erased, making it highly customizable. A small dose may erase a few hours, while a larger dose can wipe several days' worth of memory.

Broad or Selective Application: Whether dispersed into a crowd to cause mass amnesia or used with surgical precision to target an individual, the powder is adaptable for various covert missions.
No Physical Evidence: Once the powder has taken effect, it leaves no physical traces, making it nearly impossible to detect. The victim will not exhibit obvious signs of tampering beyond amnesia.
Complete Erasure of Identity: In the most potent forms, Nubrias Dust can erase all memories tied to an individual, event, or location rendering them as if they never existed in the victim's life. This creates a nearly foolproof safeguard against detection or revenge.
Mind-Control Synergy: The dust can work in conjunction with mind-control techniques or mental suggestions, allowing the user to rewrite memories instead of erasing them outright. This can be used to plant false information, turn enemies into unwitting allies, or reconstruct the victim's perception of reality.

Accidental Exposure Risk: Since it's a powder, even skilled users must exercise extreme caution during application. Accidental inhalation by the user or unintended allies can result in unintended memory loss. A small misstep during deployment could cause the wielder or their allies to forget critical details or even wipe their own memory entirely.
Resilience Backlash: Advanced Force-resistant or mentally fortified targets may not succumb fully to the dust unless they receive a direct and large dose. Instead, they could experience partial memory gaps or become aware that something is missing from their mind, making them suspicious.
Psychological Side Effects: The advanced versions can cause serious psychological repercussions in the victim, such as dissociation, nightmares, paranoia, and mental instability. Prolonged exposure or repeated use can leave permanent psychological damage, making it a tool that requires careful, measured application.
Complex Creation Process: The enhanced version of Nubrias Dust requires extensive preparation, including alchemical Force rituals, rare ingredients, and precise handling to avoid unintended backfires. Creating even small quantities is time-consuming, and any mistakes in the process could result in unstable, dangerous variants. Furthermore, the advanced version of Nubrias Dust must be specifically designed for one individual, and it will not affect any other than its intended and/or the 'subject matter' should they also be a person (the individual who is to be forgotten).

Nubrias Dust is a finely ground, nearly weightless powder with a bone-like colour and a shimmering quality that seems to shift in the light. It has a faint metallic scent when concentrated but is virtually undetectable when dispersed. Leven crafted it through a combination alchemy and her understanding of rare, psychoactive materials from the mountains surrounding her home.

The base form is a common tool in Leven's toolkit, used during her covert operations to erase the memory of those who have encountered her or witnessed sensitive events. However, its true power lies in the advanced, Force-Alchemy variant—a substance so potent that it can erase entire chapters of a person's life, rewriting their sense of reality and erasing any memory of a singular location, an event in question, or a specific person entirely.

Nubrias Dust is versatile, capable of being deployed covertly through air, food, drink, or even smeared on surfaces for delayed exposure. Once inhaled or ingested, the dust takes effect in mere moments, erasing memories with surgical precision. Leven has perfected its use in infiltration and espionage, ensuring that no trace of her presence remains in the minds of her enemies.

Yet, its very potency makes it a dangerous tool. If not handled carefully, Nubrias Dust can turn against its user or cause irreversible damage to the victim's mind. Force users may resist the effects, leading to fragmented memory loss or creating suspicions that something is amiss. Prolonged use has been known to drive victims into madness, lost in a void of forgotten experiences and gaps in their identity.

Ultimately, Nubrias Dust is a double-edged sword—powerful, but demanding caution and respect from those who dare to wield it.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Expand on the substances created by Leven Jeyd.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Leven Jeyd
Model: N/A
Modular: No
Material: Alchemical components.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd

Nicely made! I would like to ask you to try to not abuse it, and please do not forget, always the opponent decides about the effects, so it is possible they want to resist the effects completely, in that case you have to give a chance to them to this.

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