Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nuka Methoataske

In Umbris Potestas Est
This is a transfer from another board. Sorry for the poor writing in parts, it's from several years ago.


^original body, \/ Current

NAME: Nuka Methoataske
RANK: Master
SPECIES: Chandrilian (formerly alderainian)
AGE: 26
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'6"
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: White


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Nuka was once severed from her emotions by her own hand, because of this she went several years without them, and now that she has regained them she often finds them overwhelming.

Because of her once emotionlessness she still has trouble conversing with people.

Does your character have a personal ship? If so, describe it in moderate detail (what does it look like, what can it do, what types of weapons and engines does it have, etc.).

Nuka has had an entirely normal life as a jedi. After being tested for force sensitivity at the age of 3 weeks old on Alderaan, she was given up to the order. Raised at the temple, she has never known the touch of a mother, or the strength of a father, but only the cold doctrine of the temple. This has left her as cold as the rules she serves.

But what she lacks in emotion, she makes up for in art. On her off days she will frequently go to the fountain room and paint everything she sees there. Several Padawans have a painting of hers hanging on one of their walls, some have multiple. Her paints however have no imagination. They are exact replicas of her subjects.

At least, that's how I used to be​
It's been a month since Niva found this body for me and transfered my consciousness in it. Such a terrible force power, I wish I had never encountered it. This new body does not have the same proclivity towards the force my old had, but then again, I wasn't that stellar to begin with... The youngest Master in a century, on the fast track towards a council position, all cut short, and I don't even know how. The holocron my intelligence came from was old, at least a week before my death. Might as well have been a year with how fast I conducted my research. And now this body... my body, won't respond. I can't feel the force. I CAN'T FEEL THE FORCE! Instead I feel emotion. And its so painful, just to feel again. The joy , the anger, the sorrow, the lust, the anger, the fear, the compasion, and the ANGERrrrr... But I digress. What will happen to me? Will this new council even allow me to remain in the order? Or am I to be cast aside? Doomed to walk a fate in life worse than that in death? I don't know. End of log.



None on this site

Old Bio
contains further details.

NAME: Nuka Methoataske

FACTION: Nuetral

RANK: rankless

SPECIES: Chandrilian

AGE: 20

GENDER: female

HEIGHT: 5'6"


EYES: Blue

HAIR: Blonde

SKIN: Consult picture





Base Skills 10=average







Skill upgrades:

+1 charisma (when shade force emotions on her)

+1 intelligence and wisdom (promoted to Knight status)

+1 intelligence and wisdom (promoted to Master status)


Force push/telekinesis

Force persuasion

Force Healing (Learned while teaching Merril)

Breath control

Force Cloak

Force Protection

Force Deflection

Force Absorption

Force Listening

Force Meld

Force Sight

Force Sense


**Battle Precognition


*A technique that allows the user to enter meditation while remaining conscious. Later becomes part of the standard instruction for the council as it is used by Obi-Wan Kenobi or Qui-Gon Jin. He states "I would use it instead of sleep, except for how uncomfortable it is."


Computer Hacking.


Shii-Cho (Taught as a child, does not use. Was foundational technique used to build Niman upon)

Niman (fluent)




-Has trouble conversing with people



1 re-breather

1 Comm unit

1 single crystal blade (stolen from Niva Fleha)







Nuka is a cookie cut jedi. Having been raised at the temple, she's lucky if she cracks a joke now and then, let alone larger amounts of emotion. She is almost like a robot, but with only the occasional show of emotion, like maybe being bashfull or angry every now and then, but never showing any more than light versions of these. She never over reacts, but rather keeps a level head at all times.

She's calm and collected so she always keeps a level head. In combat and diplomacy its the same way. Her impartiality in her own life will help her to be impartial in diplomacy. and her lack of emotion means she won't go to pieces in battle, but will calmly eliminate everything she goes up against her, or retreat if she has no chance of victory.


Nuka has had an entirely normal life as a jedi. After being tested for force sensitivity at the age of 3 weeks old on Alderaan, she was given up to the order. Raised at the temple, she has never known the touch of a mother, or the strength of a father, but only the cold doctrine of the temple. This has left her as cold as the rules she serves.

But what she lacks in emotion, she makes up for in art. On her off days she will frequently go to the fountain room and paint everything she sees there. Several Padawans have a painting of hers hanging on one of their walls, some have multiple. Her paints however have no imagination. They are exact replicas of her subjects.

At least, that's how I used to be​
It's been a month since Niva found this body for me and transfered my consciousness in it. Such a terrible force power, I wish I had never encountered it. This new body does not have the same proclivity towards the force my old had, but then again, I wasn't that stellar to begin with... The youngest Master in a century, on the fast track towards a council position, all cut short, and I don't even know how. The holocron my intelligence came from was old, at least a week before my death. Might as well have been a year with how fast I conducted my research. And now this body... my body, won't respond. I can't feel the force. I CAN'T FEEL THE FORCE! Instead I feel emotion. And its so painful, just to feel again. The joy , the anger, the sorrow, the lust, the anger, the fear, the compasion, and the ANGERrrrr... But I digress. What will happen to me? Will this new council even allow me to remain in the order? Or am I to be cast aside? Doomed to walk a fate in life worse than that in death? I don't know. End of log.







Original Character sheet
The Emotionless One (The Training of Nuka Methoataske)

Crystal Hunters

Training of Vosca Retwin

Training of Merril Artasia

The Training of Shingen Ujio

Hunting down the Light

Long Awaited (Wei Jian's training)

Dilandrego Gasgan-Gini's Jedi Training

Training of Lyzerg Ishofa

Basil's Basics

An Unlikely Target

Personal Journal after Crystal Hunters mission:
Master Haar and I went to Ilium for a standard check up on the crystals that are necessary for the use of our lightsabers. Almost instantly, we encountered the rogue jedi Jairo Light. I attempted to remove the anger and pain from him, in an attempt to bring him back into the fold, however, this did not seem to take. My leaving of his sadness may have been a mistake, and yet I am still sure that it is the sadness that makes us truly sentient.

Amendment (2 weeks after first entry):
The subspace tracker I had embedded into Light's spine has gone silent, I must investigate at the earliest opportunity.

Journal entry 2
It has been a month since we returned from Ilum and Haar declared me a Knight. I have since taken 2 padawans as my own. Due to the recent trouble in the galaxy, I feel we need as many jedi as possible. So I shall do my best to help fulfill that need.

Journal entry (unknown, reset to 1)
Today I woke up in a new body. It is hard to figure out how to move and walk in this new body, it dimensions are so different from my old one. I am happy someone was able to get through to me, my research must not end, no matter what. If I can figure out a way to permanently transform a bogan into a jedi, then they shall no longer be a threat to the galaxy.

I must remember to send Niva a thank you gift later.

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