Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Null Company
Private Military Corporation​
Crimson Field with a Golden Tuk'ata passant​
impaled by a Sable Spear​
"You Won't Feel Us Coming."

Infantry Units:​
1st Platoon
Nikto Grenadiers
"The Fearsome First"
Null Company's 1st Platoon is made up of Morgukai and Nikto​
with particular aggrievance toward Force Users.​
They form the heavy ordnance infantry of the company,​
with the few Morgukai among them serving as their captains.​

Morgukai Cortosis Staffs, Cortosis-weave Armor, Concussion Pistols​
Nikto Grenadier:​
T-21 Repeaters, Heavy Armor, Grenades​
2nd Platoon
"Without Equal"
Formed entirely of Yuuzhan Vong warriors, the 2nd serves as shock troops for Null Company. It is made up of Dominion-less warriors bound together by a life debt called Us-Hrok, from which they took their name. The 800 years of darkness wrought many changes in the galaxy, one of those being a change in the outlook of some of the Yuuzhan Vong. Though still considering themselves superior, these warriors cooperate with other species.​
3rd Platoon
Quay's Own
"Death Comes Silent"
The Third is the main infantry line of Null Company,​
comprising its light infantry and snipers as well as air support.​
It is the largest platoon in the company.​
With the vast majority of the platoon formed of Weequays,​
their motto makes light of how little Weequays use speech,​
using pheromones to communicate instead.​

Standard Equipment:​
Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, and Light Armor​

Company Auxiliaries:​
The Corvette "Void"
Four Weequay Starfighters​
Two Coralskippers​
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