Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Manufacturer: Kaila "Irons" Solus
Type: Material
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Very Light
Size: Tiny
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  • Smokey pine scent
  • Powdered into a fine dust
  • Carefully crafted by artisans
  • Produces a golden smoke when burnt
  • Can be used as a weaker nullification resin by mixing into a paste and then dried
  • Sense Nullifying - The force nullifying properties of the nullification resin allow this powdered form to create a cloud that dampens force sense related abilities around a small area when thrown, obscuring those within it from visual and force senses, even for a brief period after leaving the cloud due to remaining dust particles.
  • Two-Way Nullification - Even powdered, the force nullifying properties of this resin dust is just strong enough to dampen force sense enough for the user to hide amidst the dusty cloud. However, the user's force sense is also dampened within the cloud and even for a brief period after leaving, thus rendering the ability to simultaneously sense through the force and hide from them unfeasible.
  • Highly Flammable - Due to the drying process and combination of ashes, Null Dust is highly flammable and burns quickly, leaving naught but smoke within seconds when struck with flame or energy weapons.
The discovery of Null Dust was something of an accident on Kaila's part. She had been sold a bad batch of Nullification Resin from a black market dealer selling supposed "artefacts" from long ago. In truth they were so ancient that the force had lost it's connection to these items long before Kaila bought them, and the resin was so equally aged that it crumbled into a fine powder when she threw the the force sensitive dealer into the pile. Strangely enough however, the resulting dust cloud allowed him to escape. She knew he was far too weak to have escaped her senses on his own, and it was then she realized the true potential of this decaying resin.

A blessing in disguise.

Over the course of a few months, she would take nullification pine sap and let it dry into a resin block, shaving it into a fine dust. It was especially useful when thrown from a hefty sack and spread via force wind or push, particularly when bound to ash so as to give it a lighter vessel with which to travel, allowing it gently float through the air.

It quickly became one of the many substances peddled by her Red Ronin Club, handmade over the course of weeks and sold to assassins and those who wished to hide themselves from force sensitives. The golden dust typically being sold in sacks that could fit in one's pocket or be tied to the belt, and so was given affectionate nicknames such as "Pocket sand", "Gold Dust" and perhaps most commonly "Null Dust"


Out Of Character Info

Intent: makeshift smoke bomb for force sensitives
Permissions: N\A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Red Ronin Club
Modular: Yes
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Love it and it is very cool, but because it has Nullification resin (which is able to suppress the Force and due to this it is a restricted material), I would like to ask you to modify the production scale to Semi-Unique (just like in the void stone's case).
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