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Approved Species Nullification Pine

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Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species

  • Name: Pinus kekrymmenius (hidden pine), known locally to Odryn natives as 'Nullification Pine'
  • Origins: Odryn (canon)
  • Other Locations: As a rather nice-smelling pine, it has been exported all over the galaxy, and can be found just about anywhere space-faring races can be found
  • Classification: Evergreen conifer
  • Average Growth Cycle: 150–300 years, with some rare specimens 700 years old or more
  • Viability: Type I atmosphere, regular sunlight, water intake, and altitude as found in temperate and taiga climes.
  • Description: An innocuous-looking tree, it is easily ignored for other, more exotic looking specimens. A variegated brown-orange trunk, long waxy dark green needles, and a clear sap that hardens to a soft glowing green.
  • Average Height: 30-40 m (some specimens up to 70 m)
  • Average Length: 1-1.5 m in diameter (some specimens up to 2 m)
  • Color:
    • Brownish-red bark, darker on maturation
    • Dark blue-green needles
    • Female cones are reddish until maturation, at which point they turn brown with yellow flecks
    • Sap is clear, hardens to a glowing pale green
  • Nutritional Value: None
  • Toxicity: None
  • Other Effects: The sap, when hardened, creates a resin of varying grade. The resin's midichlorians align in such a way as to prevent any Force presence from leaking out - essentially 'cloaking' whatever is inside the hardened resin from the Force. The resin can be further softened and hardened, creating higher 'grades' which allow for increased Force cloaking.
  • Distinctions: The plant has no greater Force presence than any other tree; only when its sap has hardened into resin does it exhibit Force-nullification properties.
  • The tree is quite suitable to most climates that people find comfortable to live in, and produces lumber that is suitable for natural housing materials.
  • The resin can be harvested to help preserve Force-imbued artifacts, and in some societies (especially on its native Obryn) is cultured specifically for this purpose
  • Without any form of natural defense other than reproduction and propagation, it is subject to every weakness plants are vulnerable to.
  • Seeking this tree out for its properties is extremely difficult - it has an indistinguishable presence in the Force compared to other trees, and finding the 'nothing' presence of its resin is even more difficult to spot.
Cultivated on Odryn specifically for its resin, it has since been sampled and replanted across the galaxy by those who appreciate nature in their daily life. On Odryn, its sap was used by the local Jedi Enclave to preserve and retain Force-imbued artifacts - particularly those Dark-Side-imbued - for storage and concealment. The lumber can also be used as timber for houses, and has a nice aroma for use in small-time crafts & furniture.
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