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Approved Tech Nullification resin [Canon]

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Manufacturer: N/A
Type: N/A
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Average
Size: Average

Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species

Image Source: Knights of the Old Republic: Issue #29

  • Nullification resin exhibits a Force nullification field in a short radius around it, similar to the Force-neutral bubble exhibited by ysalamir, and anything encapsulated within this resin does not exhibit any Force presence whatsoever.
  • This resin can be heated and re-solidified multiple times over while still setting, to increase the purity of the resin. The more pure the resin, the more potent its nullification.
  • Slightly aromatic, the resin can also be used simply as a pleasant-smelling paperweight.
  • The resin is crafted by solidifying the sap of the 'nullification pine', or Pinus kekrymmenius
  • Force nullification allows it to contain and suppress the Force presence of anything (and potentially anyone) within the resin, and its external Force nullification field helps hide it in the Force even further.
  • Its own strength prevents it from being tracked or targeted by Force users, and the short-range Force-neutral bubble inhibits Force users. If an item is misplaced, it can be extremely difficult - bordering on impossible - to track back down again.
The nullification resin used to store Force-sensitive and Force-imbued artifacts was the ideal candidate for storage of particularly volatile items. On Odryn, the storage of artifacts by the Jedi Covenant was used to preserve and study mass quantities of artifacts, particularly those relating to the post-Great Sith War, c. 3996 BBY. After Option Ossus was enacted by the Covenant, the storage of these artifacts was buried, and thanks to the secretive nature of the Covenant, the technique and storage of these items in this fashion was lost to history. In contemporary times, carbonite freezing and ysalamir bubbles serve a similar purpose.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To codify a pre-existing canon item
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Permissions: N/A
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See also: Nullification Pine -

Technical Information

Affiliation: None
Model: N/A
Modular: Yes
Material: Sap from the Nullification Pine, Pinus kekrymmenius
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