Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Number One Character (and third)

Well Darth Vader is hard cause he was several characters. Hard to have an actor be iconic when your face is one actor your body another and voice someone else. Most people if you ask them who Vader is will say James Earl Jones based on the voice, not the man in the suit or the man in the mask.

But I am happy for him cause Harrison Ford is awesome and still cool
What's up with missing out on Arnolds portrait of The Terminator, which is quite iconic if you ask me, the lack of Rambo and Rocky confuses me. Don't get me wrong here, I agree that Harrison Ford achieved quite the fame and managed to act out his characters in a way, that made them feel almost real.

Which of the 13 Doctors are they referring to, or is it the character itself?
Nathaniel Ayers said:
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

They're probably including the way Hayden Christensen destroyed the character in Episode 3. Darth Vader himself is an icon.

[member="Jun Nez"]

The character as a whole.
Yeah, I thought so. I guess it's basically the same character, just different actors.


I know this is small beans in comparison but Alexis Denisof's character of Wesley Price on Buffy then Angel had to be one of my favorite characters in progression.

And the question he was asked about his change from J August Richards/Gunn "what the hell happened to you" was answered awesomely. 'I had my throat cut and all my friends abandoned me. "

As for movies I like the Ripley rank but who can forget Tom Cruise in Edge of Tomorrow or the Last Samurai?

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Not to be That Guy, but it sort of says something about the history of cinema (and the inability of 21st century screenwriters to pick up the slack) that of those 20 names, only 2 are female: Ripley and Buffy.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Bjork Corsair said:
I know this is small beans in comparison but Alexis Denisof's character of Wesley Price on Buffy then Angel had to be one of my favorite characters in progression.

And the question he was asked about his change from J August Richards/Gunn "what the hell happened to you" was answered awesomely. 'I had my throat cut and all my friends abandoned me. "
I agree. Wesley is one of my favourite characters from both shows. That and Doyle (RIP), and of course Lorne (again RIP).

There are just way too many characters from film and tv that I love. It's hard to pick the top of my list. R2, followed by Indiana ;)

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