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Approved NPC Nup Igab

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  • Intent: To create an antagonist for the first thread of the "Cato Neimoidian Purple" Campaign/Story Arc.
  • ​Image Credit: Artist: Craig Howell
  • Role: Leader of the Zarra Syndicate, a Cato Neimoidian Mafia that has a large sway in the Congress of Territories (Legislative Assembly of the Merchant Federation of Cato Neimoidia)
  • Links: N/A
  • Age: fifty-eight Standard Years
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Neimoidian
  • Appearance:
    Nup's most prominent figure is his size, he is morbidly obese. It shows most in his neck, which barely fits in most collars. Nup usually wears fine silken robes, mostly some shade of purple. His age is well etched in the creases of his face, as is the frown he usually wears. Suffice to say, Nup does not have a very attractive look.

  • Name: Kami Nup Igab
  • Loyalties: Zarra Syndicate, Igab Family, Machinist Party
  • Wealth: For a Cato Neimoidian, he is middle class. However, on the galactic scale, Nup is extremely wealthy. He owns several houses, and has several mid-level Trade Companies which he uses to launder money acquired illegally. His most grand property is his personal tower on one of the poorer city bridges of Zarra.
  • Notable Possessions: A forty-level tower on one of the city bridges of Zarra.
  • Skills:
    Persuasion | Nup knows how to talk his way out of most situations.
  • Poetry | Poetry was his first passion, but the family business came before it.
  • Schemer | Nup has a nack for intrigue and planning, its why he's still here.

  • Annoying | Nup is a pest and talks too much, if he didn't pay them, his underlings would shoot Nup.
  • Pompous | Although not of the Cato Neimoidian Upper Class, Nup does his best to act as such.
  • Gluttonous | Nup is eats, drinks, and smokes to his pleasure.
  • Cruel | His occupation has really warped his view of what is acceptable in dealing with 'problems'.

  • Weapon of Choice: Charm
    ​(+) Politically Astute
  • (+) Diligent
  • (-) Timid
  • (-) Slow
  • (-) Weak

[*]Combat Function: Nup Igap relies mainly on his own gunmen to do his dirtywork. He's bad with anything but a blaster pistol, and even then he isn't all too great of a shot. His main plan for when gets into combat: Run.
Nup was born to the Igap family, one of the few familial dynasties on Cato Neimoidia that didn't focus on business, commerce, or any economic field. They were a political and crime oriented family. Igap was unlucky enough to be born to the Igap who currently ran the Zarra Syndicate, the largest criminal organization on Cato Neimoidia. When he was young, he was taught to aid his elder brother in leading the criminal organization. How to use the criminal organization to aid the political gambits of their fellow Igaps. Nup didn't enjoy it, he wanted to be a poet after all, but he accepted it. He learned, he improved, and he excelled in the world of Neimoidian crime.

Once his brother succeeded his father, Nup began to plot. For two years he made connections, undermined his brother's position, and when the time was right, ousted his brother in a quiet coup. His body was never found. After talking helm of the crime syndicate, Nup managed to create a political bloc for the Machinist party that allowed them to take hold of the interim government after Cato Neimoidia seceded from the Commenori Systems Alliance. Nup always gets what he wants.
[member="Melvand Zrimmir"]

Duros are objectively superior, but this is a good NPC submission.

Only one thing catches my eye before I can stamp this, your image credit link appears to be broken. Could you provide a more direct source for the original artist? Searching by google images is often effective in tracking down credit.
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