
NAME: Nyarl
FACTION: To be determined, leaning Moross Crusade and One Sith
RANK: None(yet)
AGE: 20
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.9m
HAIR: None
SKIN: Can change, but is green most of the time.
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+When push comes to shove, Nyarl's primary focus in the Force is mentalism. Toying with, bending, and coaxing the minds and thoughts of others is what he enjoys the most.
+Grows stronger with the fears of others.
-Hollow bones means Nyarl is very vulnerable to attacks from blunt objects. Slugthrowers, hammers, punches etc. can be really damaging.
-Due to his over reliance on feeding off the emotions of others Nyarl has difficulty facing the emotionless, droids specifically. While it's not to the point where he can't fight them his efficiency both in his body and in the Force is operating at perhaps half of what it's capable of.
Google Image "Cthulhu".
Nyarl, at birth, was a simple quarren. A quarren who had been lucky enough to be gifted enough to touch the Force, but not one who'd discovered or been able to utilize those talents thusfar. He was born on the Quarren and Mon Calamari homeworld of Dac, and spent some time there before heading to Nar Shadda with his sister to find work. There he found a job as a dockworker. While he was doing this rather self-explanatory job a Sith Alchemist by the name of Warren Valik had a project formulate in his mind, to create a new breed of Sith that could feed on the fear of his enemies. Never one to go halfway Valik had many other traits that he wished to imbue to create a more perfect Sith. The color-changing ability of the Quarren was one of these traits, and thus Valik hired two HRD's by the name of Maelion Liates and Moira Skaldi to procure some Quarren.
Thus Nyarl and his sister were captured, examined, and experimented on in humiliating fashion, his sister killed but him left alive. While he spent time wondering what the mad scientist would do to him, trapped and alone in his cell Valik was hard at work cloning Columi and Vanr, and conducting experiments on them, a captured Nautolan, and old notes on Chrysalide Rancor he'd found on Gallos. Finally the biggest prize of them all, the Piscator, was examined, and when he had sufficient alchemical and genetic understanding of the different species he took Nyarl out of his cell, and drugged him to a point where could still feel, but not protest with Valik’s experiments.
From there long hours were spent, with Nyarl’s body changing, body parts reshaping, organs gaining new purpose, wings erupting from his back, until finally Valik’s creation was born. To test his creation he harvested citizens of Arda and put them in fear, before unleashing him on Seroth Ur-Rahn and measuring his strength.
Your hopes, dreams, desires, and sanity.
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