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Nybbas Dremine

Credit to exellero from DeviantArt.
Nybbas Dremine
General Information
21 years old.
Arkanian-Epicanthix offshoot.
Spoken Languages
Galactic Basic Standard: Fluent
Arkanian: Fluent
Epicant: Fluent
Huttese: Moderate
Physical Characteristics
Nybbas presents eyes with a visible iris, unlike her Arkanian acestor. However, the iris barely developed any coloration and her pupils are just a couple of shades darker than the iris, displaying a greyish tone.
Pale complexion, of smooth texture. Thin scars are present primarly on her back, shoulders, legs and forearms due to training. White tattoo on left side of her face, with a similar and larger design on her back.
Nybass' hair is white, long and straight. It is commonly braided, adorned and kept away from her face.
Psychological Traits
Nybbas has never been one for too much emotion. A very controlled and measured being all around, the hybrid is just quite hard to move and it is just as difficult to make her smile as it is to make her angry. Not out of timidness or an introverted character, she has always managed any sentimental issues by herself, seldomly externalizing them. Observant, intelligent and with an incredible thought-speed, the Arkanian-Epicanthix hybrid tends to analyse any situation with a robotic eye, and had never needed to act only on her spontaneousness.
Her creativity has always been one of her stronger traits, allowing her to be unpredictable. She has always made a point out of registering anything around her and she is, unavoidably, of a curious nature. Nybbas is not really one with a strong ego and this has allowed her to grow into a sensible predator. She would never take a challenge she knows she won't win, yet she is willing to do virtually anything to achieve her purposes. Empathy or pity have never stopped her and probably never will, she might not be arrogant or egotistical but when it comes to her self-interest there is nothing that would deter her from her purpose.
Not one for many friends, people tend not to trust her and she has never tried to provoke a different impression. She knows she is an excellent liar and very capable for charisma but these are tools she'd rather not use as long as they are not necessary. Not usually bound by senses of loyalty or duty, she sees the world in quite a practical, effective way: she stays around as long as she is interested, and sheds no tears when it is time to leave.
Moral beliefs:
Nothing is forbidden in her eyes. Everything has a purpose and a time and the tools that exist, exist to be used. All she does she sees a means to an ulterior motif, and does not hold clear distinctions between good and bad in her white-haired head.
Neutral Evil
Born to an Arkanian father and an Epicanthix mother, Nybbas did not stay long on her birthplace: Panatha. Her father, Zapreth Dremine, had decided he would raise his daughter himself and so took a newly born Nybbas away from her mother to raise her in Arkania. Zapreth, as a Force-sensitive being, did not take long to realize his daughter had also been blessed with a strong connection to the Force, an ability he would make sure to exploit in the following years of her life.
Raised to pursue knowledge, power and superiority, Nybbas grew in the shadow of her father who educated and trained her with as much excellence as he was able to achieve, sacrificing any trace of emotional care in its stead. This way, Nybbas did not have give any interest or importance to her father other than that which he had to teach her. He was more of a mentor than a father to her, and she more of an apprentice than a daughter.
By the age of twelve Nybbas had finished her theoretic learning. Her father instructed her personally not only on the common subjects but also taught her both of her ancestor's languages and, since Zapreth often visited Hutt-controlled worlds for trading purposes, a little bit of Huttese. Zapreth became more and more demanding and severe as Nybbas grew up.
From then onward, her lessons involved combat and Force-training. However, her interests did not just involve her self-preservation, Nybbas had grown extremely interested in the matters of medicine and the possibilities of Alchemy. Still being far too unskilled in the arts of the Force to try the second one, she directed her attention and every moment of her free time to the study of the former.
By the time she reached nineteen, her father did not have anything else to teach and was rendered useless to her purposes. Confronted with such situation and not bound by any endearing feelings for her only parent, Nybbas decided to leave him and Arkania behind to pursue her goals. She stole most of his valuable belongings, and left.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Nybbas has an amazing sense of persistence. She never gives up, not under any circumstances. She is patient enough to wait until necessary and ruthless enough to do whatever is needed, in the end she will achieve what she has proposed herself.
Blessed with fast, quick-learning mind, an ability to use it and a father obsessed with her gaining of knowledge, Nybbas was formed into a highly educated and intricate thinker. Her strategical, rational and observational abilities have served her well throughout her life.
The Force
Born with a connection to the Force Nybbas is capable of taping into some of its many powers.
Nybbas, a thoughtful, long-term planner, never stops setting knew steps with different goals. She knows what she hopes for herself in the future and tries to make sure none of them stay as just hopes. However, being so ambitious can prove to be a negative aspect, Nybbas tends to forget about other things in favor of her ambitions.
She does not let moral boundaries stop her, leading her to all sorts of dark places. They still get her where she wants to be, right?
In favor of a leaner, faster physique Nybbas lacks strength. She avoids close-range combat as long as she cans and relies on her speed to take out stronger enemies.
She might be able to win the world's heart if she was willing to do it....but she isn't, and the mere way in which she presents herself leaves that crystal clear.
Too rational
Nybbas tends to rationalize everything and has little understanding for the matters outside of the rational realm.
Force Abilities
Initiate ~ Moderate ~ Advanced ~ Master
~~Force Control~~
Art of Movement
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Force Speed
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Force Healing
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~~Force Sense~~
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~~Force Alter~~
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Force Jump
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Drain Knowledge
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Combat Abilities
Initiate ~ Moderate ~ Advanced ~ Master
~~Combat Forms~~
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~~Lightsaber Forms~~
Mentor: n/a.
Miscellaneous Abilities
Initiate ~ Moderate ~ Advanced ~ Master
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Medical Knowledge
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~~Significant Others~~
Roleplay Threads
Ongoing ~ Hiatus ~ Completed
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