Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nyraen Mirhage

Nyraen Mirhage

FULL NAME: Nyraen Mirhage
SPECIES: Energy Vampire
AGE: 28
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’ 6”
WEIGHT: 140 lbs
EYES: Silver
HAIR: Scarlet
SKIN: Light Tan
+Technopath - Rae understands technology much better than she understands people most of the time. Part of her Force Sensitivity, she can understand everything from a speeder engine to the inner workings of a datapad with a little effort and concentration.​
+Blasters/Rifles - A product of her Mandalorian upbringing, Nyraen is an excellent shot, and well versed in the use of most anything possessed of a trigger.​
+/- Unique Physiology - As an energy vampire, Nyraen is possessed of incredible speed, strength, and stamina. However, to maintain her life and abilities, she needs to feed regularly by draining the life force from other living beings. She does this by absorbing it through skin-to-skin contact which takes time and effort, or through a bite, with which she ingests the blood and absorbs the energy. She does not need to take much at a time, and it is easily replenished by the 'donor' over a span of time related to how much energy and/or blood was taken.​
-Pride - A Mandalorian with pride? Who knew, right? Nyraen possesses it to a fault, however, and it has often been the root cause of the trouble she's been in. Woman has a decent sized chip...ok, maybe a slab of permacrete...on her shoulder.​
-Family - Nyraen loves her family very much. She will suffer no insult or harsh word to be spoken against any of them, no matter how true it might be. Her family is sacrosanct; she reacts swiftly and violently to any real or perceived threat.​
Nyraen stands 5' 6" tall, and has a lean, muscled figure she works very hard to maintain. Scarlet curls fall to her waist, and are most often pulled back in a ponytail to keep them out of her face. Also worth mentioning, the woman has a lot of ink. Two full arm sleeves, her entire back (also wraps partially onto her sides), her right hip/thigh, and her left foot.​
Akai Mirhage - Mother​
Beryc Mirhage - Father​
Davok Mirhage - Older Brother​
Kieros Mirhage - Older Brother​
Phyr Mirhage - Older Brother​
There's really not much to say. I was abandoned as a baby, by who, my parents have no idea. Make no mistake, the Mirhages are my parents. They took me in, sheltered me, loved me like I was their own blood, and raised me in the Mandalorian tradition. I was 'the little girl they always wanted' my mom and dad always said. Still say, really, even though I'm not so little anymore.
I grew up on Mandalore, in Kirymorut. Most beautiful place in the 'verse, to me. Amazing place to grow up...and though I've moved down to Keldabe City now, I still think of it as home. Mom and dad still live in the house they raised us in, and my brothers are all scattered across the stars. I'm the only one still on Mandalore, and I'm pretty sure my parents hope I stay here.
Like I said a minute ago, I've just moved down to Keldabe City. My reasoning was two-fold (technically three fold, but my idiot ex-husband doesn't deserve the mention). One, I'm Force Sensitive, and there's no one amongst the vod up here who can train me. Two, I'm seriously tired of working on the same damn engines all the time. Friend of mine, Ralize, just had twins recently, and is taking some serious time off. She asked if I'd consider running her shop when I told her I was looking to move, and I could stay in the tiny apartment built above it.
So I'm here, I'm working, and things are looking pretty good.

Nyraen Mirhage

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Nyraen Mirhage

[member="Ijaat Akun"]

Thank you for the welcome ^_^

[member="Corrin Tal'verda"]

We're the best kind of plague :p

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