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Approved Tech Nyxium

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Manufacturer: Naturally Ocurring.
Type: Material
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Very Light
Size: Average
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Intent: Expand on the metals found in Leven's mines in Grade Noir, Illyria.
Image Source: N/A.
Canon Link: N/A.
Permissions: N/A.
Primary Source: N/A.

Manufacturer: Naturally occuring on Illyria.
Affiliation: Leven Jeyd.
Market Status: Closed-Market.
Model: N/A.
Modularity: No.
Production: Semi-Unique.
Material: N/A.

  • Capable of bending light, rendering objects virtually invisible.
  • Strong resistance to electromagnetic pulses, making it ideal for protecting electronic components.
  • Provides very high resistance to lightsaber strikes and energy strikes, and extreme resistance against kinetic damage, offering durability in combat.
  • Maintains exceptional strength without compromising speed or agility.

Cloaking Mastery: Nyxium's ability to bend light and render objects invisible makes it the perfect material for stealth applications, ensuring that droids or other entities remain undetectable to both the naked eye and most sensors.
EMP Shielding: Its natural resistance to electromagnetic pulses ensures that droids encased in Nyxium are protected from EMP attacks, keeping their electronic systems intact and operational.
Lightsaber Fortitude: Nyxium offers high resistance against lightsaber strikes, making it incredibly durable in combat situations, especially against Force users.
Agile Armor: Despite its durability and special properties, Nyxium is lightweight, ensuring that the droids remain fast and agile, without the burden of heavy armor.

Limited Availability: Nyxium is extremely rare, leading to a semi-unique production rate that limits its widespread use. Only the most elite droids can be armored with Nyxium.
Difficult to Repair: Once damaged, Nyxium is challenging to repair or replace, requiring specialized techniques and knowledge, which can be a significant disadvantage in prolonged engagements.
Costly and Time-Consuming: The rarity and specialized refining process make Nyxium costly and time-intensive to produce, limiting its deployment to only the most critical applications.
Energy Dependency: The cloaking abilities of Nyxium require a significant amount of energy to maintain, which can drain the droid's power reserves faster than usual. When active, the droids cannot afford to do much more than move and sporadically scan their area. If any actions with a higher energy output are required (higher speed, applying force, etc.) while the Nyxium is consuming energy for cloaking, the droids operational time plummets drastically.

Nyxium is a metal with unparalleled stealth properties, coveted for its unique ability to bend light and render objects nearly invisible. Its deep, obsidian-like surface absorbs and distorts light, creating a cloaking effect that is highly sought after for stealth applications. This makes Nyxium the ideal material for crafting the armor and casing of elite guardian droids, particularly those assigned to protect the most sensitive and critical areas within the mines.

Beyond its cloaking abilities, Nyxium naturally resists electromagnetic pulses, providing robust protection against EMP attacks that could otherwise disable droids. This EMP resistance, combined with its remarkable durability against lightsaber strikes, makes Nyxium-armored droids formidable opponents even against the most powerful adversaries, including skilled Force users.

However, these extraordinary strengths come with significant downsides. The rarity of Nyxium limits its production to a semi-unique scale, meaning only a select few droids can be equipped with it. The metal's scarcity drives up its cost, making it prohibitively expensive and ensuring that it is reserved for only the most vital operations. The refining and forging processes for Nyxium are intricate and time-consuming, requiring specialized expertise and equipment, which adds further to its cost and rarity.

While Nyxium is lightweight and does not compromise the speed or agility of the droids it encases, its cloaking abilities are energy-intensive. Maintaining invisibility requires a substantial power draw, often rendering the droid unable to power any other systems beyond movement (can't access it's weapons, speed up, etc.). Maintaining invisibility while engaging any other system will cut through its operational time in the field very fast or even shut down partial or complete systems - leaving the droid vulnerable.

Another significant drawback is the difficulty in repairing Nyxium. Damage to the metal is challenging to mend due to its complex structure and the specialized techniques required for its maintenance. This can lead to extended downtimes for droids that suffer damage in combat, reducing their availability and effectiveness over time. This makes the deployment of Nyxium-armored droids a high-risk, high-reward strategy, where the benefits of superior stealth and durability must be carefully weighed against the potential costs.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: Expand on the metals found in the Aishishhadz'idaks Mines, hidden deep beneath the treacherous mountain ranges of Garde Noir, Illyria.
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Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
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Technical Information

Affiliation: Leven Jeyd
Model: N/A
Modular: No
Material: N/A
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