Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nyx's LOA

My good friend [member="Nyx"] suffered a terrible accident at work recently, and is on so much pain medicine that she can barely think so she asked me to make this LOA thread in her stead so that you fine folks would know why she may be gone for several days.

Make sure to give her your best wishes here so that when she recovers she can gush at how much you guys are supporting her through this tumultuous time.
Oh no! Let her know we're thinking of her and hoping for a swift recovery!

The injury she suffered was she was caught under a stone porch while working which crushed all the bones in her right leg and caused her ribs to break up through her skin, with one coming within an inch of her heart.

My thoughts are with our beloved Panda in this most arduous time.


[ Message Received ]
Get well soon! :(
I hope that you'll start feeling better soon! Thanks for informing us Kaine, and give her our best wishes to recovery.

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