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Approved Tech NZ ATHENA | DCOS-1 [Direct Central Operating System]

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Manufacturer: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Type: Quantum
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Heavy
Size: Very Small

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Approval for use of HPI references and material in this sub: [X]


  • Compact: Unlike most AI that require servers or at least a number of expensive Gobanna Memory Crystals, this licensed and adjusted version of the ECSAI-class "Sérhannaðar" Artificial Intelligence prides itself on utilizing the innovative kind of data transfer unique to the N&Z droid brains such as the standard ZEUS Mk II installed in the mass market DCOS1M or the ATLAS MK I installed in the DCOS1L, which in either case does not need the expansive array of data crystals and rather relies on internal storage capacity and the additional capacity of the Proton Mk I auxiliary droid brain which is coupled to the respective ZEUS or ATLAS system.
  • Highly Universal: Exactly because it is based on the mass market version of the ECSAI-class AI engineered by the HPI Consortium, the ATHENA DCOS1 is capable of interacting with almost, if not simply all systems currently on the market, guaranteeing smooth and stable operations.
  • Available in two varieties: The Open market, Mass production DCOS-1M and the Closed market, Limited Production DCOS-1L.
  • Great Data storage: Utilizing the Zeus Mk II or the ATLAS Mk I in conjunction with the PROTON Mk I droid brain promises an AI system with an outstanding data and memory storage capacity and greater processing power compared to systems using the gobanna memory crystal set up.
  • A true challenge for slicers: The inconventional nature of the droid brains utilised as cores for the system and data storage makes it much harder for slicers to hack this operating system, as it does not utilize the usual crystal or wiried set up and in stead is reliant on induction and magnetism for a safer tranferral of data.
  • EMP issues: Though generally the AI system is positioned in protective casing of sorts and protected as such, EMP generally can still be considered the bane of this system, as these can either force the AI to reboot or fry the auxiliary systems that are not fully integrated into the core, such as the vocoder or any other attached systems.
  • Needs some knowledge: Unlike regular AI on the market, utilizing this one without having any prior experience with any of the N&Z droid products may be a hassle, as they require a whole different understanding when it comes to maintainance and repairs.
The N&Z Umbrella Corporation had been integrating the ECSAI class AI from the HPI consortium in several of its products, mainly as these could be coupled to the N&Z droid brains for smooth operations. However, to finally get a foothold on the AI market and in such a way that people would not be overly confused as it was with the ZEUS Mk I product, the higher ups of the company simply decided to have the experts within their own research and development divisions to reverse engineer the HPI Consortium's ECSAI class AI and replace some key components with their own manufactured products in order to further smooth out any operational hiccups the AI's may have had when they were simply being suppressed or coupled to other AI.

The endresult and first completed project was the NZ ATHENA | DCOS1 which stood for Direct Central Operating System and was as the number implied the first of its kind. Available in two versions, the ATHENA would utilize the ZEUS Mk II droid brain as the mock up and core for the system, coupled to a PROTON Mk I auxiliary droid brain for better operational stability and expansive data storage, this version would be marketed as the DCOS1M (with M for mass production). A second model was also proposed and designed, utilizing the much more capable ATLAS Mk I system, but considering the cost and difficulty to produce the ATLAS system, this version would be marketed as the DCOS1L (with the L standing for limited production).

As part of the modernization of the entire N&Z catalogue, it is to be expected that these DCOS will find their way into a large variety of the company's future products.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a AI utilizing the company's own Hyperadvanced Induction based Droid brains
Permissions: N&Z Umbrella Corporation, HPI Consortium
Primary Source(s):

HPI Consortium - ECSAI-class "Sérhannaðar" Artificial Intelligence

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Model: DCOS-1M and DCOS-1L
Modular: Yes
Material: Plasteel, carbonite, electrum, coldoan copper
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