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Approved Tech NZ C.H.A.R.M.01 [Concentrated Hypermatter Active Reactor Module]

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Manufacturer: N&Z EnSol
Type: Mechanical
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Heavy
Size: Small

Image source: [X]
Permissions: HPI [X], FAE [X]



  • Modular size: The C.H.A.R.M.01 can be quite easily sized up and down to comply to most needs as a versatile reactor module for both small vehicles and droids up to very large vessels such as ships and space stations, though usually used in series to achieve maximum efficiency in extremely large vessels and stations. The smaller size would be around the size of an apple, with the largest ones easily the size of a corvette.
  • High safety standard: To prevent compromising the reactor both by faulty workings or by outside interference, the C.H.A.R.M.01 is decked out with A control module coupled with a Proton Mk I auxialiary brain to allow for ease of operation, continuous check ups and performance log reports to be sent to the ISW datapacks, allowing engineers, mechanics and AI systems operating the module to have a constant stream of data on the reactor's performance. The added PS-1 shield system and magnetic field projector protect the module from outside interference with pink vapor dispensers present in order to prevent any possible accidental blasterfire or stray bullet to compromise the reactor's performance.
  • Highly Efficient: being a reactor utilizing not just hypermatter, but concentrated hypermatter, means it utilizes smaller quantities of hypermatter for a much longer duration of time and thus providing more energy over a longer period, with its unique internal systems to monitor the reactor's performance, the C.H.A.R.M.01 can boast not just a longer natural lifecycle and peak operational performance, it can also be much easier to detect issues and prevent overheating or powerspikes and drops that could be detrimental for both the reactor and the product utilizing the reactor as its powersource.
  • Compact: While it is modular in size, it WILL be more compact than comparable reactors and power systems in its weightclass due to its very high efficiency.
  • Particularily Clean: Unlike the N&Z's older reactors, which utilize heavy metals in its core, as this system does not use those heavy metals as a fuel, no noxious particulates or residue will end up being expelled from this module.
  • Heavy: Despite being more compact than most of its competitors in the same class, the C.H.A.R.M. Will most likely be a bit heavier than its competitors, a price one must pay for utilizing the safest materials and systems to protect the module.
  • Slicers: Considering this system relies heavily on its computing, slicers could mess up with the readings of the internals.
The N&Z has had a few very good and thrustworthy reactor modules in the past, but as time progressed, these reactors, though still reliable and powerful, simply didn't fit the new narrative and focus on operational efficiency and modularity. To improve on this premise, the company revisited some of the more well-known reactor types and happened to end up chosing the Hypermatter reactors as their starting point. Knowing the fact that several of the companies the N&Z works with do have successfuly ranges of hypermatter reactors, the N&Z EnSol, which lead the project had decided that it was best to find a niche for themselves in a crowded market for reactors.

The eventual choice was safety and ease of use; to provide a clean, properly engineered and uniquely safe reactor which could have the efficiency comparable to the original R.A.R. reactors of the company with the added safety most of the company's technological advances seemed to boast about. With the Pink vapor from the FAE, the internal and external reinforcements and the computing processors, control unit and Proton MkI to run the reactor smoothly and efficiently at all times, this would certainly be achieved.

While it ended up being a very good and reliable design, with the added bonus of modularity in size, the C.H.A.R.M. did end up having a few weaknesses, such as the heavy weight, which somewhat negated the fact that the module was smaller than most competitors and happened to have better efficiency than most, and despite the great defensive and protective meassures, there was still the issue of slicers who could effectively override the systems on the reactor if they'd be physically present or had managed to crack the AI controlling the reactor...if neither of those are present (like in civilian vehicles...) things could go down rapidly...

Out Of Character Info

Intent: to create a new reactor type for the N&Z
Permissions: N&Z, HPI, FAE

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Modular: Yes
Material: electrum, carbonite, ersteel 145, Infinium 1458, alloyplast, tunqstoid, neuralium, impervium, coldoan copper
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