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Approved Starship NZ Deinon-class - HTSE [Hypergate Transportation Station Experiment] [Hypergate contest| Hypergates Velusia & Chandaar]

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Manufacturer: N&Z Umbrella Corporation, N&Z EnSol
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Length: High
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Humongous

Image Source: [X]

  • Modified Railgun: While the NZ ER-1 is in essence exactly the same as usual, it's barrel has been modified greatly to be able to fire off much larger projectiles or batches of smaller projectiles. However, due to this modification it can no longer function as a weapon (except if for some reason a ship would actually be dumb enough to stand in its path) the projectiles in this case are NZ Cargo SFC - Suspension field containers.
  • Fully automated systems: Most of the systems on this ship have been fully automated, allowing the operations such as the hauling of materials, transportation within the ship, sensory sweeps, etc. To be handled by the ship's internal AI, which in this case is the ATHENA DCOS-1M [DIrect Central Operating System].
  • Extremely large storage capacity: This space station is a hub for the transport and trade of materials and goods, as such it managed to boast one of the largest cargo spaces any space station could have in its class.
  • Experimental, but not unreasonably complex: Considering the way it works, it isn't exactly all that complex in how its transportation system works and how it operates, thus allowing for the automization to be a boon rather than a problem.
  • Surprisingly good defense: Unlike most of the N&Z's typical freighters or transport ships, this space station can boast that it actually does have a bit of offensive capability thanks to the additional hangar space it holds besides its already massive cargo hold. Allowing it to properly defend itself if need be.
  • EMP/ION: Despite boasting an insanely high defensive capacity, this station still has the same glaring weakness most automated ships from the N&Z industrial complexes have in the form of a weakness to EMP and ION, especially once the shielding is down, these types of weaponry can effectively shut down the entire station or at the very least force the AI and all subsidiary systems to reboot...which takes time, too much time when in the middle of a dangerous situation.
  • Exposed heat vents: What from afar could be mistaken for some sort of armament are in fact large heatvents used to remove the heat from the F.A.R. reactors within the ship and the modified rail canon used to act as the experimental transport system for the ship. Destroying these heat vents can have catastrophic consequences for the ship, with heat not having the usual ways of escape, it could cause troubles inside, especially when the gasses from the reactor can't be vented either.

With the strange fascination for Hypergates, ancient (?) constructs that for some reason seemed to be linked to eachother in one way or another, the N&Z simply couldn't forego the opportunity to attempt to design something which could utilize the properties and the special nature of these hypergates. One such idea was that if they were truly interconnected through some way, it could be a very useful solution to a lot of the piracy and theft that ran rampant on several trade routes and hyperlanes. With the idea brought forward that perhaps if one were to locate stations near a couple of hypergates and utilized highly specialized transport vessels or even containers with some sort of tracking or navigational system in place the hypergates could effectively cut at least fifty to seventy five percent of the risk on theft and piracy within select regions and one several traderoutes.

To put this idea into a fully functional design was another thing though, for making it work was not going to be an easy task. The means by which goods could be transported through the connected hypergates was in essence the first step which had to be taken. At first the thought was to use ships to traverse through the hypergates, but as tests with large ships would be a rather exponential drain on the liquidity of the N&Z if there would be issues, the first tests were started at Velusia, as it was closest to a hypergate within the galactic alliance and considering the need for materials and goods within the expansive alliance, such tests and the results thereof could potentially be useful. A secondary idea was to utilize the newly designed and produced suspension field containers, which showed promise as the PROTON auxialiary droid brain within those containers could in fact be guided by the present ATHENA DCOS which meant that whatever control station would be build to launch these containers from, would need to operate on this system.

Having figured out that the Suspension Field Containers were the best transport, the way on how to get these containers through the hypergates was another thing. At first the thought was again to go back to the idea of ships simply pushing them into the hypergate, but there was doubt to what the lack of velocity would mean when traversing beyond the hypergates. Another and more viable option was brought on by EnSol, the newly restructured engineering division of the N&Z, claiming that if a railgun or rail canon could effectively launch slugs through electromagnetism, it should theoretically be capable of launching containers through its magnetic field in a precise manner and on the other end, the receiver would simply need to have a reversed polarity field present to counteract the speed and magnetism of the launched object in order to safely have it arrive at a second station located at another hypergate.

Utilizing the ATHENA in conjunction with the PROTON would allow for proper steering and tracking, meaning it would be much easier to locate, direct and redirect the containers when necessary and as long as they held velocity.

The first few of these stations, two to be precise, have started their overall construction seperately due to the fact that despite the fact the N&Z is considered a wholly neutral company, devoid of any political affiliation, they are in fact building the second station near Chandaar, where the second Hypergate utilized in this project is located.

The stations themselves, while launching and receiving goods through the use of the hypergates, would also operate as trading hubs, with opportunities for travelers and cleintele to take respit from long days or weeks of work, to act as a meeting place for deliveries and ofcourse as a carrier for the goods, products and raw materials to be loaded over unto freighters and transportships.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a contest sub| To create an effectively revolutionary new means of interstellar transport of goods and materials by utilizing the hypergate properties.
Permissions: N&Z Umbrella Corporation, HPI Consortium

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Starship Class: Other
Starship Role: Transport
Modular: No
Material: Plasteel, tungstoid, durasteel, doonium, carbonite, duralium, coloan copper, electrum
Armaments: N/A
Defense Rating: Extreme
Speed Rating: Very Low
Maneuverability Rating:: Very Low
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: High
Radiation Resist: High
Minimum Crew: 750
Optimal Crew: 1250
Cargo Capacity: Extreme
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Credius Nargath Credius Nargath

Thank you! However, this is still blank link.
Modified Railgun: While the NZ ER-1 is in essence exactly the same as usual, it's barrel has been modified greatly to be able to fire off much larger projectiles or batches of smaller projectiles. However, due to this modification it can no longer function as a weapon (except if for some reason a ship would actually be dumb enough to stand in its path)
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