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Approved Ranged Weapon NZ/HBR-01A "Haltbar" [Heavy Blaster Rifle]

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Manufacturer: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Heavy
Size: Average
Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector



N&Z EnSol Heavy Blater Rifle Model 01 Aurek, "Haltbar"

  • Modular: The HBR-01A is modular in the following ways
    • Ammunition: The HBR-01A can use traditional power cells and gas canisters or a backpack that attaches to the weapon. This backpack contains a miniaturized N&Z C.H.A.R.M.01 and a larger gas canister to effectively give the weapon an endless power cell pack while doubling the effective gas capacity the weapon has. Although the total weight of the backpack and weapon is significantly increased [Heavy -> Very Heavy]
      • Traditional: 500 shots per power cell, 1000 shots per gas canister
      • Backpack: Effectively Unlimited shots due to the C.H.A.R.M.01, 2000 shots per the expanded canister.
    • Attachment Points: There are various attachment points on the weapon to allow for a multitude of different attachments. Ex: Optics, flashlights, bipod, foregrips, etc.
      • The HBR-01A can also be mounted in turrets and on mechs, walkers, powered armor suits, etc.
  • Selector Switch: The HBR-01A Has two firing options, Automatic and Burst Fire. The burst fire option is the same found on the modular balster line of weapons produced by N&Z EnSol.
    • Automatic: The HBR-01A's automatic firing mode gives the weapon a ~800 bolts per minute firing rate.
    • Two-Bolt Burst: The HBR-01A's burst mode gives the weapon a rate of fire of ~1800 bolts per minute. Additionally, the recoil isn't felt until the second bolt leaves the barrel, adding to the platform's accuracy for trained and untrained operators.
  • Colored Bolts: The standard bolt color of the HBR-01A is an Iris Purple. This is due to the weapon's higher quality tibanna gas and power cell charge. This can change depending on the quality of the gas and charge of the cells.
  • High Ammunition Count: Like the heavy blasters that came before it, such as the DC-15A, the HBR-01A inherits a larger ammo pool to use before reloading, allowing for longevity on the battlefield.
  • User-Friendly: If you've fired a long-blaster before, then this is an easier platform to get used to.
  • Heavy: Meant to be a squad automatic weapon the HBR-01 is heavy, slowing down the operator. Additionally, with the backpack attachment, the platform increases in weight slowing down the user even more.
With Karl Von Strauss being made Division Chief of EnSol, more funds were allocated to his handheld weapon projects to expand the product line and keep N&Z at the forefront of technology. The HBR-01A was named the Haltbar, meaning durable in old Eriaduan, during the design process as it held up to most stress tests. While the HBR-01A isn't stuffed with the most technology, it is meant to be an affordable option for police forces, mercenary groups, or other para-military (or just military) operators.

The large ammunition capacity is a boon for anyone using the weapon, and the ability to equip it with a backpack power source only increases its utility. Its easy-to-use design, rugged durability, and functionality make it usable even to the newest operators.

"Experience, Excellence, Exemplary" - N&Z Umbrella Corporation Promises​

Out Of Character Info

Intent: to create a heavy blaster rifle akin to a squad automatic weapon
Permissions: See Above

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation, Empire of the Lost, and exclusive buyers or writers
Model: N&Z Heavy Blaster Rifle 01 Aurek "Haltbar"
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Long Range
Rate of Fire: Automatic
Material: Ersteel 145, Quinta-Polycarbonite Lamellar compound parts, standard blaster components, Optional NZ C.H.A.R.M.01/gas canister Backpack
Ammunition Type: (500) Power Cell, (1000) Gas Canister
Ammunition Capacity: Large
Damage Output: High
Recoil: High
Ranged Class: Machine Gun
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