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Approved Ranged Weapon NZ HKAC/800 [Heavy Kinetic Artillery Canon]

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Manufacturer: N&Z Ensol
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Heavy
Size: Large


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Permissions: HPI [X], FAE [X]



  • FAE/S-06 Reactive Targeting Matrix: To improve the canon's capacity to properly target and have less chances of missing its target, the First Astral Engineering's targeting matrix was installed for better accuracy and efficiency.
  • Proton MkI Auxiliary Droid Brain: In correspondence with the targeting matrix, the Proton droid brain aids with the input from those controlling the canon in order to better calculate and extrapolate the necessary elevation and angle for precision and accuracy.
  • Universally sized: This artillery canon's barrel and firing mechanism have been set as such that it should be capable of firing any type of shell ranging from standard high explosive shells to incendiary type shells.
  • Multiple firing modi: This canon can be manually loaded for higher precision shots or it could utilize a continued barrage, thanks to the loading system, the shell shunting system and the built in targeting matrix.
  • Very long range: The goal of this canon is to mainly be used over long distances, lobbing shells unto incoming enemies from a distance or by utilizing it's elevation regulators to bombard a city or encampment from far away with tactical precision.
  • Immensely powerful: To be capable of firing heavy artillery shells at a long range, the NZ HKAC/800 has a massively powerful firing mechanism, aided by the reinforced internals and powercells which add more punch to the normal ignition process, allowing the ordinances to traverse much faster and thus with greater kinetic energy and higher kinetic damage upon impact.
  • Highly protected: While not protected against energy weaponry and other types of common weaponry, it does have shielding against heat and EMP/ION based weaponry in order to better avoid overheating and messing with the electronic load out.
  • Very Heavy: Generally meant for placement on large ships, solid foundations or heavy duty undercarriages, this canon is usually not meant to be moved from its place, unless a specific method of transport is used.
  • Large and Long: If the weight itself wasn't an issue, the length and sheer size of this weapon can be a pain in the ass when it is being transported and makes it wholly unusuable for small ships and vehicles. Also makes it all the more visible.
In the N&Z's weapon placement line up, there was a glaring hole which constituted the lack of larger, yet more affordable kinetic artillery canons. This realization prompted the board of the company to send a request to the N&Z EnSol division under Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss ' leadership, to design and create a strong, reliable artillery piece which would have the capacity to not only be installed on heavy duty platforms and ships, but could also perform as a standalone defense of city states and other high priority locations.

The first designs came out of the pipeline quickly, with those ranging from highly irregular designs to extremely antiquated drawings. Eventually the company set on a robust and standard-looking design for the weapon, wanting it to project and air of solidity and cost- effictiveness that couldn't be equaled. With it's long and broad barrel, heavy support base and the gyroscopic stabilitators, this canon would be easily maneuvred to improve and adjust the firing angle. However, after extensive testing, it has been noted that along with a heavy recoil, the slower firing rate does impede this beast of a canon ever so slightly in comparison to smaller, more easily moved weaponry.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a heavy artillery canon capable of firing shells
Permissions: HPI, FAE, N&Z Umbrella Corporation

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Battlefield
Rate of Fire: Manual Action
Material: Duraflex, carbonite, seigurium light, ersteel 145, coldoan copper, nanofiber, impervium, tungstoid
Ammunition Type: Shells and slugs
Ammunition Capacity: Very Large
Damage Output: Very High
Recoil: High
Ranged Class: Other
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