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Approved Vehicle NZ/ICE MLW-01 AT-IE "Xerxes" [All Terrain Imperial Enforcer]

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Manufacturer: Empire of the Lost, N&Z EnSol
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Width: Average
Height: Average
Weight: Very Heavy
Size: Very Large
Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector


  • Well-Armored: This walker is well-protected with an enhanced composite armor layout protecting against most munitions.
  • Comprehensive Combat Versatility: The Xerxes is equipped with some of the most advanced weapons to date. Its primary armament, on the internal model, is the Tane-Class Variable Artillery Piece, which has multiple fire modes with limited ammunition capacity. The export variant has the venerable Terminus Megamaser Cannon allowing for both particle and energy damage. Its secondary armament consists of FAE Heavy Beam Cannons, FAE 'Blush' Laser Cannons, and N&Z LC-2A laser cannons in a quad turret. It also has rotary blaster cannons that have been upsized to fit the vehicle in fore and aft positions.
  • Comprehensive Defense: The Xerxes has multiple layers of defense technology. A six-part shield system in combination with a composite armor scheme. It also has a comprehensive countermeasure and electronic countermeasure suite. Additionally, it has the new FAE Electro-Active Interception Weapon for added protection if the shields were ever disabled.
  • Fear Emitter [Internal Only]: The Xerxes comes with an ultrasonic disruptor that triggers fear related responses. It can stop hostiles in their tracks making them easy targets.
  • Slow: This vehicle was built for taking and dishing out damage, not for speed. It lumbers through the battlefield behind much faster walkers and tanks.
  • Unloading Vulnerability: This vehicle stops to unload its passengers making it a large target for its enemies.
  • Slow Swap: Because of the way the Tane-Class is constructed, swapping from kinetic type to energy type takes time, approximately three minutes.
  • Fear Emitter [Internal Only]: The ultrasonic disruptor is a double-edged sword targeting not only hostile troops but friendlies as well. While it only lasts for thirty seconds, those seconds could cost you your life.
The All Terrain Imperial Enforcer, otherwise known as, Xerxes, is the latest walker designed by Karl Von Strauss, the Imperial Corps of Engineering, and N&Z EnSol. It has been called a land battleship by its design team, slow but heavily armored. It completes the first set of "light, medium, and heavy" walkers produced by N&Z and the ICE at the moment. It has everything that an armored commander could want. Heavy weapons? Check. Heavy armor? Check. Comprehensive Communications and Targeting Equipment? Double check.

The Xerxes is a war machine through and through. Combining the sturdy hull of the tried and true AT-TE, with the brute force and head of the invulnerable AT-AT creates a beast of Ersteel. It has the troop carrying capacity of the AT-TE and the AT-AT, without the infamous weakness of the latter. (Sad General Veer Noises) It has many weapons at its disposal as it lumbers through the battlefield breaking through line after line of ill-prepared hostiles. It defenses are impressive too as it can take a beating thanks to its shield and then even after it's depleted, its electric defensive measure springs into action.

Meant to bring as much fear as the AT-AT when it was introduced, the AT-IE is equipped with a Fear Emitter. It triggers fear related responses via high-pitched frequencies and was used with dangerous effectiveness during the battle on the moon of Gyndine of the Clone Wars. It is a double-edged sword, however, targeting not only hostile troops but friendlies as well. While only lasting thirty seconds, if caught by it can lead to injuries, trauma, or death in extreme circumstances. Because of this, the crew uses the Xerxes war horn prior to firing the device up, giving themselves and troops around them ample time to disable their aural facilities. This unfortunately renders them deaf for the active duration of the device.

"Experience, Excellence, Exemplary" - N&Z Umbrella Corporation Promises

"Quality. Perfection. Order." - Imperial Corps of Engineering Tenets​

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a very heavy walker
Permissions: See Above

Technical Information

Affiliation: Empire of the Lost, N&Z Umbrella Corporation, Exclusive writers and buyers
Model: N&Z and Imperial Corps of Engineering Multi-Legged Walker-01 All Terrain Imperial Enforcer "Xerxes"
Modular: No
Material: See Above
Movement: Multi-Legged
Armaments: Very High
See Above
Vehicle Type: Walker
Vehicle Role: Other
Defense Rating: Very High
Traction Rating: High
Top Speed Rating: Low
Braking Power Rating: High
Corner Speed Rating: Low
Speed Rating: Low
Acceleration Rating: Low
Balance Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: Low
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Sonic Resist: Low
Thermal Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: Average
Other Resistance(s):

EMP/Ion: Very High

Minimum Crew: 5
Optimal Crew: 10
Passenger Capacity: 36
Cargo Capacity: Large
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