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Approved Tech NZ ISW Datapacks

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Manufacturer: N&Z EnSol (a N&Z Umbrella Corporation division)
Type: Quantum
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Light
Size: Small

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  • EMP resistant Datapacks: Thanks to the way the internals of the datapacks work, combined with the EMP resistant casing made out of the tetra-polycarbonite lamellar compound, allows for these datapacks to be unusually EMP and ION resistant.
  • Available in a large variety of sizes, such as small [with 4 proton mk I droid brains], medium [with 8 proton mk I droid brains] or large [with 16 proton mk I droid brains] with each Proton Mk I capable of storing a year's worth of logs from ships, computers, building networks and so forth.
    • SMALL packs: Generally meant for homebased computers, small shops, droids, vending machines and ground vehicle systems.
    • MEDIUM packs: Generally meant for larger buildings, large groundvehicles and small ships.
    • LARGE packs: Generally meant for large industrial or technological sites, large ships and so forth.
  • Storage capacity: These datapacks have nearly incomparable storage capacity, far outstripping and exceeding the likes of any gabonna crystal set up, which lacks the compactness and ease of use compared to these datapacks.
  • Universal connectivity: These Datapacks can be coupled to any computer, datapad or server made within the galaxy that follows the standard connection methods, allowing for anyone from the youngest child, to the most prodigious slicer to know how to work with these products without any question.
  • Tough on Slicers: Because of the way Proton Mk I droid brains and effectively all N&Z droid brains are deviced and constructed, they do not follow the standard chip and crystal set ups that most slicers are used to, making it much easier to keep data stored on these packs secure from being compromised or breached by unwanted people.
  • Not exactly built for combat: While they can be present on warships and vehicles, even droids, these datapacks themselves add no defensive value and are solely meant for the usage of the data on them or to store data, nothing more.
  • NZ STCC's : The irony is that though the datapacks are heavily encrypted and rely on the unusual way the proton mk I is built, the N&Z unwittingly has also brought for the universal key to open up these datapacks with some patience, as the STCC do have the capacity to suppress the proton's subroutines.
A simple idea that emerged from some late night gatherings between technicians and engineers of the N&Z Engineering Solutions division resulted in what is presented here before you now. Willem Cox and Ashur Harga had decided that perhaps a way to start undermining the gabonna crystal business, was by more agressively promoting the company's own licensed and patented droid brain construction and to actually further expand the uses of the well-known Proton Mk I droid brain. The idea was as simple as it could be: couple several of these auxiliary droid brains together in a serial capacity, put these together with some properly functional casing and some bracings to come along with it, add in the necessary ingredients to allow for the serial proton droid brains to work together and there you have it, the newest, most potent datapacks on the market, allowing for much greater storage capacity in the size of the palm of your hand compared to a small room filled with an entire gabonna crystal system.

Alas, when the product had been approved for production, the engineers sadly forgot that the N&Z already had supplies of the NZ STCC which was built to enslave Proton Mk I's in order to have them be subject to other company AI's and work solely as storage capacity, this meant that if there were slicers that did get their hands on these...they'd be effectively capable to crack the uncrackable datapacks...

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a new method of data storage outside of the regularly used gabonna crystal set ups
Permissions: N&Z Umbrella Corporation, HPI Consortium

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Modular: No
Material: Coldoan copper, electrum, seigurium, tetra-polycarbonite lamellar compound
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