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Approved Ranged Weapon NZ LC-2A Laser canon

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Manufacturer: N&Z Corporation, Nargath Holdings, Zakuul Engineering
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Average
Size: Average

Image source: [X]


  • Gyroscopic Stabilizer allowing for much wider angling of the barrel and wider field of range, while also lowering the risk of jamming due to external factors.
  • NZ T.o.P 1 Tactical Order Package: Electronical and software patch to improve performance of weapon systems, greatly increases accuracy and lowers buffering and signal delays between input commands and output actions.
  • Heatresistant Carbonite coating: while not shielded, the heatresistant coating does lower the potential damage from enemy blasterfire and heat-related weaponry targeting this weapon module.
  • Modular: the NZ LC-2A CAN
  • Burstfire Option: Next to utilizing single shots, the LC-2A has a built in delay system and triggering system that unleashes a burst of shots rather than a single shot to immobilize or simply annihilate its target properly, utilizing a sequencial firing after having the firing input given, launching a burst of up to five shots with each trigger. This provides much higher damage output per shot compared to single shot weaponry.
  • Battlefield range: [standard Long range when using burst fire] When using the single shot modus of the LC-2A, it is capable of reaching ranges that far outstretch that of the competition, being capable of targeting and hitting objects and 'targets' from a much longer distance than with the burst fire modus.
  • Analog protection: While not shielded, the plasteel moldings and the black carbonite composite heat resistant coating doe add a bit of safety and defense to the weapoins system, with the former allowing for a sleeker look, while the latter protects the weapon system from enemy fire, but also tends to make it much harder to spot this weapon on ships in space.
  • Small ammo capacity: Because the entire weapon system was designed to be generally rather compact, the focus was placed on optimizing the internals and the operating system of the laser canon itself, but at the same time sacrificing the weapon's ammo capacity, which is significantly lower than that of the competition, thus also requiring more frequent reloading.
  • Slicing and EMP issues: Because the LC-2A is not an analog weapon, it is perfectly targetable by slicers and can disabled by targeted or widespread EMP, thus making it so that the weapon system relies heavily on already present anti-slicing technology and EMP defenses wherever it is placed on or in because it does not have such meassures within its own system and arsenal.

With the intent to further expand and modernize the catalog of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation, several engineering teams within the corporation were tasked with creating a simple, yet effective means of delivering a decent output with minimal input from firing personel on board ships or vehicles. The idea was that a smooth to operate piece of equipment would be much more interesting than clunky weapon systems that are more prone to internal issues. In the end, three separate within the N&Z went ahead and came up with prototypes, with the eventual winner being Zakuul Engineering's research team.

The presented weapon, codenamed the NZ LC-2A was a small caliber laser canon which promised a long range accuracy unseen by most competitors, with a higher damage output than most of the competition. The package itself remained compact and small, allowing for it to be placed on anything from tanks, heavy landspeeders and starfighters to actual turrets and large ship placements. Adding to this, the ability to switch from burst fire to single shot also aided in its use on the battlefield, as the option to either go for a longer range shot or a shorter range devastation is always a boon to the ones utilizing this weapon system. Topping off the list of goodies, was a carbonite, heatresisted coating on top of the duralium plating and plasteel moldings that aided in its analog defense.

Alas, the weapon system did have its flaws, no matter how good it was and how well it had been designed and engineered. One of these was the small ammo capacity, which meant it couldn't fire for long periods of time and had to be reloaded more frequently than its competitors, hampering its use in longlasting trench warfare and bogged down battlefields. There was also the fact that the additional reliance on electronic internals and systems rather than mechanical systems, this weapon is more vulnerable to slicers and thus vulnerable to other electronic devices meant to take down software and hardware, such as EMP's.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a new Laser type energy weapon to be used on a variety of ships and landvehicles produced by the N&Z umbrella corporation
Permissions: N&Z corporation, Zakuul engineering

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Corporation
Model: NZ LC-2A
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Battlefield
Rate of Fire: Selective Fire
Material: Duralium, Carbonite, plasteel, durasteel, electrum
Ammunition Type: Power Cell
Ammunition Capacity: Small
Damage Output: High
Recoil: Low
Ranged Class: Other
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