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Approved Ranged Weapon NZ M7-350MM/GA [Multi-purpose Missile launcher]

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Manufacturer: N&Z EnSol
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Average
Size: Large

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  • Dual Loading system: By having both a breach and cartridge loading system, the M7-350L has the advantage of being capable of utilizing a much larger variety of ordinance.
  • Two firing modes: Because of the cartridge loading option, the M7-350L holds the distinction of possibly being one of the first semi-automatic rocket/missile launchers. Allowing the M7-350MML to both utilize automatic firing modus and manual modus, but also gives the option to chose between both guided (rocket powered) ordinance as well as dumbfiring ordinance.
  • Universally compatible: This Missile launcher was built with the competition in mind, meaning that the dimensions of the barrel and the loading systems have been calibrated to fit nearly all standard sized ordinances either from the N&Z Umbrella Corporation itself or from competitors, allowing for the best of both worlds. A list of known supported ordinance below:
  • Modern sighting and optics system: With the NZ RWOE-01 Ranged weapon optical enhancer (scope) installed on the M7-350MM, those using this weapon have the added benefit of not just one of the most modern optics systems on the market, but the optional advantage of remote operation.
  • Sensory load-out: On top of the already very useful RWOE system, the M7-350MM also boasts quite the sensory package.
  • Versatile: The M7-350MM has a wide range of options in terms of firing modes, useable and compatible ordinance. The option to choose between rapid fire of dumbfire ordinance or single shot for both dumbfire and propelled ordinance adds a great deal of choice in a whole range of situations.
  • Robust design: The M7-350MM has been designed with function over form, meaning that rather than making it look good, it follows the idea actions speak louder than words. Built to last and be easy to maintain in general would allow for its functionality to be brought to bear with little to no hindrances in terms of malfunctions.
  • Fully loaded on sensory settings: By optimizing the number of sensors and spotting capabilities, one would be hard pressed to miss a target with this weapon's capabilities. The added bonus of having a wide range of optional ordinances for the right situation also aids in the weapon's effectiveness.
  • EMP: Despite having a reliable design with a very good build quality and little to no worries for malfunctions, targeted EMP or residual EMP from things like large Ion blasts or grenades may hinder the M7-350MM's electronics, forcing the user to utilize either the ersteel sights, or the analog adjustments on the scope, but also would mean the sensory systems could be compromised and thus it would all revolve around the user's skill rather than the weapon itself.
  • Bulky: While not overly heavy for its size, the M7-350MM does suffer from not following the "less is more" principle, meaning that it is somewhat large and may be a bit cumbersome to wear and carry around for those not used to the size and shape of the weapon.
When the call came out from the Galactic Alliance that a contract would be offered for a Missile launcher, the N&Z Umbrella Corporation instantly put their newly reformed N&Z EnSol division to work, relying on the division's expertise to design, engineer and build some of the finest weapons the company has had the privilege of selling and distributing.

One of the first things EnSol did, was to modify the frame of the old, but extremely robust NZ-PBR.445 Plasma Blaster Rifle, reinforcing the frame and slightly adjusting it in order to fit the general desired profile of the missile launcher they had in mind. Secondly the design incorporated a modified cartridge loading system from the NZ RF-600 Rotary Blaster Canon which with some adjustments would end up being a vital addition to aid in the weapon's multifunctionality in the field.

When the first tests had been done, it was concluded that additional heat sinks and carbonite coating would be a must , in combination with reforging the used frame in Ersteel 145 to optimize the cost-effectiveness and to boost the strength and robustness of the design. A later addition was the NZ RWOE-01 Ranged weapon optical enhancer (scope), which in it's 01/A variety would add some extra functionality in terms of properly locating targets with little to no effort, offering both analog, mechanical and electronic sighting in the process.

Though somewhat cumbersome, the secondary tests after the many revisions and additions to the weapon made it clear that the M7-350MM was a bit cumbersome to wield, but would pose not too much of an issue to servicemen and women who were used to hauling larger equipment, such as dedicated mortar crews and canonneers.

Lastly the heatshield and the forward barrel were treated with duraflew rings for additional comfort, a hydrauling and manual locking mechanism for the breach loading system dedicated to large ordinances and single shot missiles, while the cartridges were designed to hold up to five standard non-self propelling ordinance, they could hold more if the ordinances in question are smaller or an extension would be made for the cartridges themselves. To add some distinctiveness to the design, the model name had to reflect the fact that it was built with a contract from the Galactic Alliance in mind...meaning it officially would be called the NZ M7-350MM/GA

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To try and build a perfect designed missile launcher for a GA contract bid
Permissions: N&Z Umbrella Corporation

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation, Galactic Alliance
Modular: No
Effective Range: Long Range
Rate of Fire: Semi-Automatic
Material: Doonium, Tungstoid, titanium, coldoan copper
Ammunition Type: Slugs, self propelled grenades, grenades, self propelled missiles, non-propelled rockets
Ammunition Capacity: Large
Damage Output: None
Recoil: Very Low
Ranged Class: Other
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