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Approved Tech NZ MAM MkII Jet Maneuvring Gear

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Manufacturer: N&Z EnSol
Type: Mechanical
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Light
Size: Small

Image Source: [X]​


  • HUD Connection: The MAM MKII Jet maneuvring Gear can be coupled to basically any helmet or armor with an electronic interface, to seemlessly combine the controls of the MAM with the rest of the wearer's gear, allowing for much smoother controls and much more precise aerial control.
  • Full Burst Modus: While the original MAM Jet Maneuvring gear could boast about its acrobatics being superior over jetpacks, it did lack in the long range top speed when compared to the more heavy mandalorian designs. The MkII sees to rectify this disparity by allowing for a full burst modus, which opens up the thermal resistor valves within the RAS Missile propulsion system used for the boosters, allowing for a much higher yield of thermal energy and thus increasing the velocity in a straight line for the user by foregoing the standard, efficient lean-burn for a much higher ratio of Noxinium B and oxygen, greatly increasing the output and thus increasing general velocity by a multiplication in the double didgits. However, when this modus is engaged, aerial maneuvring will be sacrificed, with the endresult of this decrease depending heavily on how great one needs the speed multiplication to be and how used they are to the system.
  • Aerial ease of movement: Thanks to the gyroscopic stabilizer built-in the system, users are much more in control of their vertical, horizontal and lateral movements, while the lateral stabilizer makes sure that the user can't be unbalanced beyond their control, allowing for better YAW control, this YAW system can be disabled though for those who want to go all out on the aerial acrobatics, though this is only recommended for those who have had extensive experience with the system.
  • Crash proofing: By working in a few Thermal gel or Bistate gel dispensers within the MAM, users can either actively deploy the gel through the dispenser system and encase themselves in a rapidly hardening coccoon to avoid bad landings OR the system can automatically deploy the gel when the altitude sensors notice a serious drop in altitude while the NZ Medpack display in conjunction with the Proton Mk I droid brain have a negative check on the health and condition of the user, providing the same coccoon to avoid bad crashlandings.
  • Unmatched Acrobatic Performance: There was and still is not a single system that even came close to the original MAM jet maneuvring system in terms of aerial mobility, thanks to the gyroscopic stabilizers and lateral stabilizer, the system is now much more user friendly and allows for a much better control over the desired movements and speed at which these are performed.
  • Safer design: Unlike the former system, the MAM MkII can boast a whole heap of safety meassures ranging from heatsinks and carbonite coating to minimize the issues of warping the plating through excessive heat or burning the user. Noxinium B is also much more stable and efficient than Rhydonium, allowing for a much safer process of burning through the fuel.
  • Supersonic speeds: While it is not recommended to utilize the burst mode without training or experience, it certainly isn't recommended to test the limits of the system without proper protective gear...however, when one has the experience and the proper gear, they can reach speeds of over sonic speeds, reaching a neckbreaking mach 3 when pushed to the limit, though only for a very short period of time.
  • Still not totally safe: Like all jetpacks and jet maneuvring systems, the MAM MkII can only prevent so much of the standard issues, because in the end, it is still a fuel driven system, which means that in combat, if any of the fuel cannisters is compromised, things could end badly when the system isn't in the hands of an expert.
  • More electronics, more EMP issues: Electronic and cybernetic upgrades to the system have their boons, but also their issues, as now the system is much more vulnerable to EMP based weaponry or residual pulses.
The idea to improve upon the MAM MkII became part of the general overhaul of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation's entire productline when it became clear that the MAM system, while brilliant was still lagging behind on some key features in comparison to more rudimentary mandalorian jetpacks, primarily in the pure speed department and maximum attainable velocity. This was looked at by the talented engineers at N&Z EnSol, who decided to add the RAS missile propulsion system and a Proton Mk I auxiliary droid brain to the mix, allowing for a much greater control of the system's aerial maneuvring, but also a much greater power during flight in terms of energy output. Aided by replacing the rhydonium fuel with pressurized, liquid Noxinium B, this new set up would guarantee much higher, if not totally insane increase of top speed for the MAM system.

Adding sensors, the medpack display, HUD, heatsinks and carbonite coating to the mix, the MAM MkII Jet maneuvring system is a much safer variety compared to the old, original product. Thermal gel dispensers allow for much better crashproofing and the set of gyroscopic and lateral stabilizers are very good preventative meassures against unexperienced people utilizing the system, but the latter two also further increase aerial mobility for the system. With all those changes and upgrades, it was to be expected that this system would be launched as the MkII; an all out improved version of the companies MAM series.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: to update and improve on an older sub
Permissions: N&Z Umbrella Corp, HPI Consortium

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corp
Modular: No
Material: Coldoan copper, carbonite, armorweave
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