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Approved Vehicle NZ MAW-1, Mobile Artillery Walker

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Manufacturer: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Width: High
Height: Large
Weight: Very Heavy
Size: Large


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Permissions: HPI [X], FAE: [X]



  • FAE/C-01 Multiphase Tensor Field Element : Rather than using it to keep the MAW afloat, the system can be activated to minimize shocks and damage due to shocks in difficult terrain, lowering the stress on the vehicle's structure and with the added bonus of lowering the effect of gravity upon it, this walker can thus climb much steeper angles than one would expect from a behemoth this size.
  • Climbing Gear: Combined with the listed special feature above, the MAW also has eight heavy duty winges with thick fibercord cabling and the toughest possible grapping hooks in order to scale verticle surfaces, which is possible thanks to the specialty mentioned above.
  • Robustly built: Thanks to the very thick plating, the monocoque construction and the heavy ligaments of the walker legs, this is one hell of a heavyweight vehicle, but also a very reliable beast.
  • Breacher: Because it utilizes the NZ HKAC/800 canon as its primary weapon, it is capable of firing from afar upon any defnsive position, capable of smashing duracrete wals with the firepower of the main canon and even without firing, the combination of its sheer weight and speed would be capable of crumpling non-reinforced gates and small vehicles underfoot with ease.
  • Range and power: The range and power of the canon, even with it's recoil, allows for this MAW to be an absolute asset to any groundforces that are on an offensive campaign, but it also has its merrit defensively, as a couple of these can secure a defensive line with ease.
  • Heavyweight: Transporting this beast of a machine may be challenging, so usually it is advised to simply let it get to its destination either on its own strength or via dropship, as most landbased transport carriers simply aren't designed to haul this beast around.
  • Slow acceleration: While it can reach quite the high speed for its size and weight, due to the relative weight of this machine, it takes several minutes to even get to its top speed, with it's cruising speed at roughly 50% it's maximum speed, meaning it will be more likely to traverse at around 20-21km/h rather than the full end 42 km/h.
  • Wide load: Being rather cumbersome, this vehicle is not suited for smaller, tighter spaces because of its wide turning circle and heavy maneuvring at low speed.
If one makes a canon, someone else will want to put it on wheels or on a walker. This was most likely the idea or the philosophy that had guided this project. With the rise of Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss to the top spot in the N&Z EnSol division, more funds seemed to get allocated to the division, which allowed for a rapid expansion of the division's portfolio within the overarching corporation.

The design of the MAW or Mobile Artillery Walker found its roots in two things; the fact that in a short period of time several walker designs had managed to get into production and the fact that a new weapon placement had been put on the market. Because of this, a couple of designers and engineers brought forth the MAW-1, a mobile artilery walker which utilized the fairly recently introduced HKAC/800 canon and combined it with a few rotary blasters and three undercarriages of the smallest walker recently released and upgraded and reinforced to bear the weight of this new design.

utilizing the newest CHARM-1 hypermatter reactor to propel it, the MAW can both be driven remotely and by a small crew, though this crew can't exactly all fit within the MAW, as such it has visible handlebars for transport of the troops necessary for it to function fully.

Besides this, the MAW provides amble storage space for ammunition, two seats for the rotary gunners that are accessible through a top hatch and heavy duty winges with fibercord cables and ersteel grappling hooks to allow for better ascent and descent capacity on difficult terrain. Truly making this an asset to any selfrespecting ground force.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a mobile artillery platform
Permissions: HPI, FAE, N&Z

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Modular: Yes
Material: Quadrasteel, impervium, carbonite, tetra-polycarbonite lammellar compound, ersteel 145, coldoan copper, duraflex, seigurum light, tungstoid, carbon nanofibre
Movement: Multi-Legged
Armaments: NZ HKAC/800 [Heavy Kinetic Artillery Canon] Main weapon
NZ RF-600 Rotary Blaster Canon x2 Secondary weapon
FAE/S-06 Reactive Targeting Matrix
FAE/S-07 Offensive Retention System
FAE/S-09 Active Harmonizing System
Vehicle Type: Walker
Vehicle Role: Artillery
Defense Rating: Very High
Traction Rating: Very High
Top Speed Rating: Very Low
Braking Power Rating: Average
Corner Speed Rating: Low
Speed Rating: Average
Acceleration Rating: Low
Balance Rating: Very High
Maneuverability Rating:: Low
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: High
Radiation Resist: Average
Minimum Crew: 0
Optimal Crew: 3
Cargo Capacity: Very Large
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