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Approved Ranged Weapon NZ Modular Blaster - 02E

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Manufacturer: N&Z Umbrella Corporation, Empire of the Lost Corp of Engineering (through contract)
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Average
Size: Large
Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector

(The MB-02E is shown above, with a skeletonized Double Magazine to show the insides. The targeting matrix is active. Added torch to side of weapon)​

  • Modularity: The MB-02E can add or switch out certain parts:
    • 2 Forward mounting rails for adding lasers, flashlights, or other mountable technology.
    • The lengthened barrel can be opted for when purchasing the weapon, and the shorter barrel is included in its case. Barrel change is fairly simple too using a tool the weapon has included when purchasing and following the instructional packet. NOTE: if the lengthened barrel is not opted for in the original purchase, it can be purchased at a later date with a small discount for being a loyal customer.
    • The dual gas canisters allow for two types of gas to be used. The most typical arrangement coming from the factory is high-quality tibanna and sig gases.
  • Fire Modes: Lethal or Stun options are available on this model.
  • Targeting System: The weapon has the FAE/S-06 Reactive Targeting Matrix built into the weapon with a power unit supplying the matrix power. The power pack is a small HAPU within the pistol grip of the weapon.
  • Select Fire: The MB-02E has a unique 2-bolt burst allowing for a rate of fire of ~1800 bolts per minute. The quickness of this system means that the recoil isn't felt until the second bolt leaves the barrel allowing for increased accuracy in the hands of untrained individuals and trained individuals. It also has an automatic fire mode allowing for continuous fire, but lowering the bolts per minute to ~600. This variation of the weapon also has a semi-automatic fire mode.
  • Colored Bolts: The standard bolt color for the MB-02E is Royal Purple due to the high-quality tibanna gas and power cell charge. When Sig gas is used the bolt changes to a Midnight Purple. This will change if lower-quality gas or lower-charged cells are used.
  • Dual Gas Canisters: Having two gas canisters means that the weapon feels different depending on which canister you are using.
Sig Gas
Tibanna Gas
Ammunition Capacity: Small
Effective Range Class: Carbine
Rate of Fire: Selective Fire (2-bolt burst, semi-automatic)
Stopping Power: Very High (Armor Piercing)
Recoil: High
Ammunition Capacity: Small
Effective Range Class: Carbine
Rate of Fire: Selective Fire (2-bolt burst, semi-automatic, automatic)
Stopping Power: High
Recoil: Average
  • 'Underslung' Rocket Launcher: The MB-02E has the addition of an underslung rocket launcher. It uses the FAE/WH-04 Universal Missile Platform, but more specifically, the S2 variant, the standard wrist rocket size. While the magazine for the rockets is attached to the bottom of the blaster carbine, it still uses the same barrel that the bolts are fired out of. There is a small loading gate on the bottom of the barrel inside the weapon which is opened when swapped to this additional platform allowing for one rocket to be fired at a time. while the universal missile platform allows for a wide selection of warheads, the main ones used in this design are Baradium, Proton, and Ion Pulse. Although other warheads can be fitted with a request.
    • Magazine Options: The underslung rocket launcher has three available magazine sizes available.
      • Single Load: Single Load is as easy as it sounds, the operator of the weapon places a single rocket into the open slot under the barrel and switches to the launcher mode. This loads the rocket and readies it for firing. We offer a specialized pouch that can be added to any utility belt that holds FOUR rockets.
      • Standard Magazine: The standard magazine is a box offset to either the left or right side of the weapon; it can be attached and detached at will (with the use of a spring-loaded tension button). The standard magazine holds NINE rockets.
      • Double Magazine: The double magazine is another box magazine that is attached to the bottom of your carbine and is on both sides of the weapon (see skeletonized above). It can be attached and detached at will (with the use of a spring-loaded tension button). The double magazine holds EIGHTEEN rockets.
  • Modularity: The MB-02E is quite versatile when it comes to adding attachments with its rails, rocket magazines, and gas canisters.
  • Accurate: When using the 2-bolt fire mode the recoil is only felt after the second bolt leaves the barrel meaning that it is easier to get a minimum of two bolts on target than the average blaster on the market. Additionally, with the introduction of the targeting matrix, accuracy is increased even further, even with the normally inaccurate sig gas bolts. DISCLAIMER: The targeting system cannot replace skill. It only enhances the accuracy of the user.
  • Dual Gas Canisters: The MB-02E has two different gas canisters giving operators of the weapon platform multiple ways of engaging enemies. With tibanna gas, the weapon shoots regular blaster bolts, when using sig gas, the bolts take on the armor-penetrating quality that sig gas is known for.
  • Rocket Launcher: The MB-02E has an 'underslung' rocket launcher, giving operators of the weapon platform an explosive edge when in combat.
  • Large Frame: The frame of this carbine is quite large, meaning that it cannot be a holdout blaster and most people will notice if you're carrying it.
  • Small Capacity: While improved over the open-market version, this blaster only gets 30-60 shots out of its power cell, and because of its 2-bolt burst, you only get 15-30 trigger pulls before you have to swap cells (Sig-Tibanna). And only three cells before a gas refill on either gas. The automatic and semi-automatic fire modes can increase the amount of trigger pulls before you reload, but that entirely depends on how heavy your trigger finger is.
  • Rocket Launcher: The ability to launch rockets from your weapon is a huge boon, but also a hassle as it weighs you down. Additionally, it adds an explosive pack to the front of your weapon. While resistant to most blaster fire, you shouldn't have it take more than a couple of hits.
The N&Z Umbrella Corporation's Modular Blaster Model 02 "Empire" is the final evolution of Karl Von Strauss's introduction into weaponsmithing. It has all the bells and whistles of the previous model, the MB-02h, with a few material upgrades and added features for the Empire of the Lost and prospective purchasers.

Firstly, a second smaller gas canister has been fitted inside the stock of this carbine. This means two things, one: you can have two separate gasses in the weapon to have alternate damage profiles or an extra boost to the main canister. Second, the stock is not removable on this version of the modular blaster. The typical loadout for the MB-02E from the factory is tibanna gas in the main canister with sig gas in the secondary canister. Tibanna gas is your main everyday driver, most blasters on the market use tibanna gas, the old reliable. Sig gas however has a reputation for inaccuracy and armor penetration. Why would we use it? The FAE/S-06 Reactive Targeting Matrix reduces, to a manageable level, the inaccuracy of sig gas to give you the needed accuracy and armor penetration you deserve out of it.

Secondly, the largest addition to the MB-02E is the introduction of the 'underslung' rocket launcher. While the FAE UMP v1.0.1 has multiple warhead options, the most requested options are baradium, ion pulse, and proton. This allows for multiple mission profiles to be loaded beforehand, giving the platform liquidity. It also has multiple magazine options adding to its usefulness for every operator.

The MB-02 "Empire" is a technologically advanced weapon that will be useful to whoever uses it. Whether that be in the hands of Empire Soldiers, Corporation Security, or Trusted N&Z buyers.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a good modular blaster for the closed-market and Empire of the Lost
Permissions: See Above

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation, Empire of the Lost, and exclusive buyers or writers
Model: N&Z Modular Blaster Model 02 "Empire"
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Average
Rate of Fire: Selective Fire
Material: Ersteel 1333, Quinta-Polycarbonite Lamellar compound parts, standard blaster components, Sig gas or tibanna gas
Ammunition Type: (60) Power Cell, (180) Gas Canister [with tibanna gas], (30) Power Cell, (90) Gas Canister [with sig gas]
Ammunition Capacity: Small
Damage Output: Very High
Recoil: High
Ranged Class: Carbine
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