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Approved Ranged Weapon NZ Modular Blaster-02h

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Manufacturer: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Average
Size: Average
Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector

(LINK) (The MB-02h with attached stock, lengthened barrel, and its targeting matrix active ['scope' and screen on the left side of weapons])​
  • Modularity: The MB-02h can add or switch out certain parts:
    • Add/Remove Stock allowing for a more pistol or carbine style based on user preference.
    • 2 Forward mounting rails for adding lasers, flashlights, or other mountable technology.
    • The lengthened barrel can be opted for when purchasing the weapon, and the shorter barrel is included in its case. Barrel change is fairly simple too using a tool the weapon has included when purchasing and following the instructional packet. NOTE: if the lengthened barrel is not opted for in the original purchase, it can be purchased at a later date with a small discount for being a loyal customer.
    • The gas canister can be swapped from tibanna to other types depending on user preference.
  • Fire Modes: Lethal or Stun options are available on this model.
  • Targeting System: The weapon has the FAE/S-06 Reactive Targeting Matrix built into the weapon with a power unit supplying the matrix power. The power pack is within the pistol grip of the weapon and is a small HAPU.
  • Select Fire: The MB-02h has a unique 2-bolt burst allowing for a rate of fire of ~1800 bolts per minute. The quickness of this system means that the recoil isn't felt until the second bolt leaves the barrel allowing for increased accuracy in the hands of untrained individuals and trained individuals. It also has an automatic fire mode allowing for continuous fire, but lowering the bolts per minute to ~600.
  • Colored Bolts: The standard bolt color for the MB-02a is Royal Purple due to the high quality tibanna gas and power cell charge. This will change if lower quality gas or lower charged cells are used.
  • Modularity: The MB-02h is quite versatile when it comes to modding or swapping out parts; it can be a carbine or a pistol.
  • Accurate: When using the 2-bolt fire mode the recoil is only felt after the second bolt leaves the barrel meaning that it is easier to get a minimum of two bolts on target than the average blaster on the market. Additionally, with the introduction of the targeting matrix, accuracy is increased even further. DISCLAIMER: The targeting system cannot replace skill. It only enhances the accuracy of the user.
  • User-Friendly: If you've fired a blaster before, then this is a very easy platform to get used to.
  • Large Frame: The frame of this pistol is quite large, meaning that it cannot be a holdout blaster and most people will notice if you're carrying it.
  • Small Capacity: While improved over the open-market version, this blaster only gets sixty shots out of its power cell, and because of its 2-bolt burst, you only get thirty trigger pulls before you have to swap cells. And only three cells before a gas refill. The automatic fire mode can increase the amount of trigger pulls before you reload, but not by much.
The N&Z Modular Blaster Model 02 'high-tech' is the next step in Karl's plan for increasing the Corporation's weapons repertoire. The MB-02h is very similar to the base version, the MB-01a, aside from a few distinct differences.

Firstly, it still has the unique 2-bolt burst mode averaging ~1800 bolts per minute, the MB-02h has an additional automatic firing mode. While it does reduce the average bolts per minute down to ~600, it allows for continuous fire that the other mode does not offer. Secondly, the introduction of the FAE/S-06 Reactive Targeting Matrix and its HAPU. This enhances the user's accuracy by displaying current targeting data and reacquiring targets even if they are slipping in and out of cover. While original prototypes of the MB-02h had a power supply pack that could only last a number of hours ranging from 12-24, they opted for a Hybrid Antimatter Power Unit instead giving the matrix all the power it needs for continuous use. Lastly, the largest viewable change was the introduction of swappable barrels. The MB-02h has the ability to swap barrels from smaller 'contained in the weapon' barrel, to a longer barrel with built-in flash hider which can be easily swapped out prior to conflicts. NOTE: The N&Z Umbrella Corporation is not liable for any deaths caused by improperly changing the barrel during conflicts or other times where weapons would be used.

The only other change to the weapon was switching from tetra-polycarbonite to quinta-polycarbonite, and using it more to house the two more EMP/ION vulnerable units. Surrounding the FAE/S-06 Matrix and the HAPU in the quinta-carbonite lamellar compound reduces the chance of failure by ways of ION and EMP by a large margin. Virtually guaranteeing their continued functions in combat-to-combat use. NOTE: Resistance to ION and EMP is limited to handheld ION/EMP weaponry and grenades. N&Z Umbrella Corporation is not liable for failure of equipment because of large ION/EMP blasts from ship-based weaponry. N&Z Umbrella Corporation does offer repairs if such failure were to take place (ineligible for discounts).

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a good modular blaster for the closed-market
Permissions: See Above

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Model: N&Z Modular Blaster Model 02 'high-tech'
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Average
Rate of Fire: Selective Fire
Material: Ersteel 145, Quinta-Polycarbonite Lamellar compound parts, standard blaster components
Ammunition Type: (60) Power Cell, (180) Gas Canister
Ammunition Capacity: Small
Damage Output: High
Recoil: Average
Ranged Class: Carbine
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