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Approved Tech NZ MTS "Bloodhound" [Magnetic Targeting Sensor]

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Manufacturer: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Type: Quantum
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Average
Size: Average

  • Doppraymagno Scanner to allow for X-ray and magnetic scanning, allowing for a much broader spectrum of sensory capacity, which can then be coupled and pinpointed alongside the sensory systems below.
  • Aural Sensor for audio reception and radiowave triangulation.
  • Heat pit sensor To detect heat signatures.
  • Electro Photo Receptor allowing the sensor to indentify its traget through a multitude of lightspectrums from regular to ultraviolet and infrared.
  • Crystal Gravfield trap To calculate any and all gravitational anomalies and to calculate the target's mass and gravitational density.
  • Proton Mk I Droid Brain In order to combine and compile all the data and to properly formulate the location and size of the object targeted or found by the sensors.
  • Detects magnetic fields: Since everything has its own magnetic field, going from people up to planets, this sensor is created to detect and lock on to specific magnetic fields. Through a combination of the lightspectrum, heatsignatures and through mild radiation scanning, the sensor is capable of determining the size and specific signature of magnetic fields, allowing this data to be combined and coupled to the specifications on the target and thus locking onto the target's magnetic field rather than heat, visibility or other options.
  • Does not Need visibility: This type of sensor after having fully isolated and compiled all the data on the specific magnetic field of its target, does not need any visibility to track the target, meaning it can't be offset by cloaking devices or other visual, audio or synaptic stealth meassures that do not alter the intrinsic magnetic field of the target.
  • Programmed: With a connection to a proper AI or higher tiered droid brain, this system can effectively program itself to ignore specific targets or to focus solely on specific targets, meaning it does greatly prevent friendly fire when in use with weaponry.
  • EMP/ION: With a strong enough EMP or strong enough risidual energy from ION weaponry, the intrinsic magnetic field of ships and even people may momentarily shift or alter, which can throw off the MTS sensor's calculations and force it to restart those calculations or when it is used for weapons, it may cause the weapons to jam because of the error in the calculations.
  • Metallic chaff: While chaff can't exactly "blind" the sensor for the magnetic field detections, it can throw off the sensor enough for it to be forced to recalculate its targeting, preventing locking on targets and identifying targets for a small window of time.
The N&Z EnSol division brought forth this new sensor in order to further improve the company's status of bringing high end, state of the art products onto the market. This Sensor, while it would be built in very small and limited quantities, could essentially become the hallmark or the halo product of the EnSol division's latest progress on the engineering game. Utilizing a spectrum of several sensor types which when combined formed the basis of what the engineers hoped to achieve, this newly designed sensor was coupled to a Proton Mk I droid brain in order to make sure it would correctly combine, compile and correct the findings into a set of calculations and formulations which would essentially determine the magnetic field of specific targets, be it individuals, vehicles or ships.

Because each and every intrinsic field and magnetic field are by nature unique like fingerprints and irises in the eyes, it was determined that with this sort of technology, any cloaking device that relied on sensory camouflage could essentially be blown out of the water with this new anti-stealth sensor. Mounted on a seigurium core to allow for the sensor to be robust and practically impervious to most common weaponry types and wholly encased in Reinforced Quinta-Polycarbonite Lamellar compound, the sensor is highly protected both from the outside as well as the inside, providing a massive boon to any person, vehicle or ship that needs to find specific targets.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a highly useable anti-stealth sensor
Permissions: HPI consortium, N&Z umbrella Corporation

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Modular: No
Material: Coldoan copper, synthetic crystals, electrum, electronic parts, seigurium, Reinforced quinta-polycarbonite lamella compound.
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