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Approved Tech NZ OS-HD3H Hyperdrive System

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Manufacturer: N&Z Umbrella Corporation - Nargath Holdings, Zakuul Engineering
Type: Mechanical
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Heavy
Size: Average

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  • internal and external deflector shielding: Rather than having just one shield inside the hyperdrive to secure the integrity of the internal components in order to endure the stress pose upon those by spacial distortions created by entering hyperspace, this hyperdrive also boasts an extrenal deflector shield for an extra level of safety and security .
  • Near indestructible: Thanks to the combination of a dual deflector shield, an electrically charged Infinium 1458 core casing and the titanium, chromium internals, this hyperdrive has a very long working life, is capable of withstanding several hits of heavy weaponry and is virtually impenetrable by slicers due to the bleeding edge technology.
  • Durability: While in some cases the use of exotic materials may be a risky business, the use of the Ersteel 145 and Infinium 1458 compounds and alloys have only managed to increase reliability and the internal strength of the electronic and mechanical parts, delivering a cohesive construction that can be veritably used in both civilian as well as military grade ships without any additional modifications being necessary.
  • Microjump: To keep up with the best and the brightest, this hyperdrive allows for short distance jumps, though due to the somewhat extreme output of energy and slightly deficient way of handling it, these microjumps span at the very least the distance between two planets in a single solar system and not like some competitors the distance comparable to a single planet's radius.
  • Gravity well resistance: Utilizing an integrated HIMS into the system of the expansive OS-HD3 has turned it into the more remarkable OS-HD3H, which unlike the standard system is capable of resisting gravity wells both natural and unnatural in kind.
  • Risks: Should the microjump ability be used Three times in rapid succession respectively, the hyperdrive's energy output will be depleted and all reserves will need to be diverted to the hyperdrive in order for it's back up systems to work. This means in such a case all energy for shielding and weapons will be down for a considerable time until the back up system activates. Should the ship try to microjump more than this, it may result in hyperdrive core rupture, complete implosion or the ship to be ripped between hyperspace and realspace.
  • EMP: Integrating the HIMS into the OS-HD3 system has also lead to a much higher degree of electronic dependancy and while in the OS-HD3's case most electronics are encased with protective plating and coating, the addition of the HIMS as an after thought has forced the designers to work with a more exposed circuitry and internals, resulting in a greater susceptability to electro-magnetic pulses, which can either force the system to shut down and reboot or if unlucky completely fry it.

After the creation of the OS-HD1 and OS-HD2 hyperdrive systems, the N&Z corporation thought they had reached the peak in their capacity, though it took them some time, during the creation of a new line of ships and their designs being scrutinized by the company's board of directors and overseers, an issue came to light which might hamper any expansion on the mass market. Both the OS-HD1 and OS-HD2 offered a combination of microjumps and shimmering, which though useful did mean they would need extremely expensive engineering, a much longer construction time and thus also have a much higher price than intended.

The OS-HD2 was thus taken as the basis for a new Hyperdrive system which would renege on the ability to shimmer and provide only a limited number of successive microjumps, still allowing the hyperdrive system to have a valuable edge in military encounters or when a ship needs to avoid imminent collisions or spatial explosions. This decision meant that several parts could be scaled back as the need for an enormous power output would and could be avoided. Despite all these changes for the better, the use of Ersteel and Infinium did end up making the entire system rather heavy again, but considering it was much more compact than the previous systems it was in the engineer team's mind a negligable issue.

Because of the much more compact design, the OS-HD3 is also much more interesting for serial use and maintanance no longer requires multiple people due to the need for heavy lifting, the streamlined industrial process of the fabrication of the parts also plays in its favor compared to the two previous and more exclusive systems. It was because of this system's compact nature and the versatility that it was chosen to have an additional version with integrated HIMS system, which provides the hyperdrive system greater resistance towards gravity wells of any kind, greatly improving the overal use of the system, but at the cost of a higher susceptability towards Electro-magnetic Pulses.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To build a somewhat better version of the OS-HD3 system
Permissions: N&Z Umbrella Corporation

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Modular: No
Material: Titanium, Chromium, Carbonite, Hexaphiline
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