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Approved Tech NZ RAS-1 Missile Propulsion System

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Manufacturer: N&Z Umbrella Corporation, USMC, Zakuul engineering
Type: Mechanical
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Light
Size: Small

Image source: [X]

  • Durasteel Fuel tank
  • Durasteel Oxidizer tank
  • Fuel pump
  • Oxidizer pump
  • Electrum gear casing
  • Hot gas Turbine
  • Durasteel shafts
  • Electronically operated Gas generator
  • Doonium-Durasteel Turbo assembly
  • Electrum valves
  • Coloan Copper heat exchanger
  • Carbonite coated plasteel Exhaust duct
  • Carbonite coated plasteel Exhaust Nozzle
  • Carbonite coated Ersteel 145 Thrust chamber

  • Utilizes Liquid Noxinium B Gas as fuel for thrust, reaching much higher temperatures and thus achieving much more torque and thrust than regular Fuel and though it is less than Hypermatter, it does have a much more efficient burning process, thus attaining a longer duration of thrust compared to the near instantaneous thrust of Hypermatter.
  • Long range capacity: The NZ RAS-1 Missile Propulsion system grants a much more efficient burning of the utilized fuel within its system thanks to utilizing Noxinium B as the propulsion fuel, due to this efficient burning, more distance can be covered on less fuel, which in comparison means that this system, utilizing a comparative amount of Noxinium B fuel any rocket using this system would have at bare minimum a 10% longer range depending on the size, weight and aerodynamic properties of the overall design.
  • Compact design: WIth its size and weight being rather small and light, this design allows for great versatility in terms of the ordinance it is used for, even being perfectly usable in things that fall out of the usual range of missile propulsion systems such as jetpacks and booster rockets.
  • Dangerous: As with most parts and machinery utilizing combustable fuel, this piece of engineering is explosive when it isn't handled with care. Noxinium B may be somewhat stable when cooled to have a liquid form, should there be issues with the storage of the ordinance utilizing this piece of equipment, the Noxinium B may turn to vapor again, which is highly flammable and extremely poisonous.
  • Heavy Noxinium: The missile propulsion system itself may be light and compact, but the liquid Noxinium B is anything but light, thus fully fueled and prepped ordinance utilizing this piece of equipment do tend to be relatively heavy for their size.

The NZ RAS-1 system was created in house by engineers at Zakuul Engineering, with the intent of becoming less dependant on general market parts for N&Z's weapon systems and ordinance, engineers went to work on designing and eventually producing a small, light and compact piece of equipment that could act as a self-sustained missile propulsion system. The intent was to use this not only as a platform to create new missiles and other types of ordinance, but also as a platform for perhaps a whole new generation of missile launchers and rudimentary droppods and escape pods, even perhaps jetpacks and a rudimentary form of rocket booster. The use of such a design would have tremendous impact on the N&Z Umbrella Corporation's production capacity as they would no longer be limited by what they could buy and rather only by what they could produce themselves. It was after all cheaper to only but raw materials and fabricate everything themselves.

With this in mind, the engineers also made sure to use an alternative fuel to such things as hypermatter, finding the Noxinium B gas which is a byproduct of the use of the company's own F.A.R to be outstandingly capable to act as an in-house fuel, meaning that this would also mean that the company would be supplying fuel as well in the form of cooled, liquid Noxinium B gas for this piece of equipment. Allowing for even greater prohected profit margins.

Research and development managed to achieve great numbers with the design from Zakuul Engineering, making note of the fact that during testing in the Eriadu system, it was clear that the RAS-1 missile propulsion system actually was capable of producing less thrust and torque than systems utilizing hypermatter fuel (though more than most other alternatives), but with a leaner burning cycle and more efficient burn, range would be greatly increased, with numbers detailing an increase of ordinance range of anywhere up from ten percent at bare minimum.

This piece of technology has now been deemed a vital part of the next decade in N&Z's product line up...

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a basic, robust, compact and reliable missile propulsion system as a part for missiles and rockets.
Permissions: N&Z Umbrella Corporation

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Modular: No
Material: Electrum, durasteel, doonium, carbonite,
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