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Approved Tech NZ RP-3GMIM [Guided Mass Incendiary Missile]

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Manufacturer: N&Z EnSol
Type: Ordinance
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Heavy
Size: Average

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  • Weapons integration and Targeting System w. K-64 System: Built into the head of the missile, this system allows a smooth connection with weapon modules and other targeting systems in order to pinpoint the target and lower the chances of loss. The electrum shielding of the electronics also allows for better resistence to interference in the form of EMP, ION and slicing efforts.
  • Proton MkI Auxiliary droid brain: Aiding the tracking and targeting systems, a Proton Mk I auxiliary droid brain is integrated into the missile's systems in order to have a better timing for the charge to go off. It also allows for swift and easy connections with the pre-programmed computer systems of its users with recognition software to allow for a minimum chance of friendly fire problems.
  • Optional GAM system: Allowing to target silhouttes and working with integrated repulsor lift technology, this missile has a much higher chance of finding and hitting the designated targets. This system can be remotely activated by the ones firing the weapon.
  • Double Barradium Charge: This projectile is outfitted with not just a single, but a double barradium charge, with the secondary charge being placed further back into the missile casing, closer to the actual payload. This is in case the primary charge whih is located closer to the forward tip of the missile either doesn't go off or misfires, allowing gravity and the kinetic energy on impact to guarantee an explosion through the secondary charge's location straight near the pressurized noxinium B payload.
  • Ease of Transport: The stability of the pressurized noxinium and the heavy, but reliable ersteel 145 casing make it much easier for this type of ordinance to be transported, the addition of a de-arming switch allows for this type of ordinance to be much more resistent to shock such as drops or kinetic damage, allowing a safer transport both in and out of combat.
  • Massive Area of effect: Unlike the company's NZ RP-2SB, this projectile has a much larger payload and combined with the targeting system and the pressurized noxinium B, these missiles can have an area of effect of up to a square mile of thermal radiation and a shockwave that could reach up to a diameter of three miles across.
  • Safety Meassures: An unusual feature of this missile is its design having incorporated thermal gel dispensers in case of friendly fire or misfire, allowing for greater control during battle and training with this weapon, but also allows for potential reuse if the missile isn't damaged after retrieval.
  • SAFETY measures II: While there are indeed safety meassures to prevent friendly fire or premature detonation, these meassures can effectively be abused in cases where the two opposing sides are in fact part of a single organization, which can trigger the safety mechanisms and render the missiles inert in use against opponents that aren't identified as such.
  • Heavy & Volatile: This type of ordinance is very heavy, especially with the pressurized noxinium B gas tank as payload combined with a secondary tank acting as the propulsion system's fuel. Like all incendiary projectiles and ordinances, great care needs to be made while utilizing these ordinance types. Wrong storage could damage the internals of the weapon and make them less reliable...accidents have happened...
While it wasn't a pure necessity, N&Z EnSol, the division responsible for manufacturing and engineering the majority of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation's weapon systems, ordinances and other technological components, had the genius idea to improve upon the company's known RP-2SB ordinances. The goal was to heavily increase the area of effect of the payload, without sacrificing in reliability and usefulness. As such a whole lot more electronics had been added, including an actual targeting system for the projectile.

Combined with a carbonite coating over the casing to prevent exposure to heat and Thermal gel dispensers, the RP-3GMIM is also much safer to use, despite it being much more powerful. With the GAM targeting, the K64 targeting system and the standard WIPS, this projectile is much more precise and more devastating as a whole, with the initial explosion akin to a proton bomb in terms of air displacement and resulting shockwave, while a wide ranged thermal radiation and firestorm can essentially cripple a city when hit dead center.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a new incendiary projectile
Permissions: N&Z Umbrella Corporation

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Modular: No
Material: Electrum, durasteel, doonium, carbonite,, coldoan copper,
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