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Approved Tech NZ RWOE-01 '3x12x40' [Ranged Weapon Optic Enhancer]

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Manufacturer: N&Z Umbrella Corporation, N&Z EnSol
Type: Electronic
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Average
Size: Small

Image source: [X]

  • Flexible Transparisteel Objective lens
  • Plasteel housing
  • Ersteel 145 Main tube/body with duraplast fittings
  • Ersteel 145 Objective Bell
  • Ersteel 145 Eyepiece with duraflex comfortlining
  • Duraplast Power adjusting ring with locking system
  • Titanium Elevation turret with locking system and duraplast fittings /w duraplast adjustment knob
  • Duraplast windage turret knob w. locking system
  • Duraplast Parallax error adjustment knob w. locking system
  • Etching on eyepiece detailing correct eye relief distance
  • Coldoan copper wiring
  • Electronic parts

  • Datapad connector: Unlike most standard, analog scopes, the RWOE depending on its version has a wide range of further ocular enhancements thanks to its datapad connector, which would allow anyone using the scope to connect the scope to a datapad in order to calibrate it electronically without having to use the analog system, thus without needing to twist and turn the appropriate knobs.
  • Flexible Lens: While most scopes would utilize a hard, premanufactured lens, the RWOE utilizes a flexible transparisteel lens. This allows for more minute corrections to be made and lowers glare and reflective light both entering and bouncing off of the lens. Drawback of this part listed below.
  • Model Variety:
    • RWOE-01/A: Open Market - Mass production: Basic version, comes with datapad connector, analog module as described above.
    • RWOE-01/B: Closed Market - Minor Production: Like the basic version, but with a better calibration program and software including windspeed calculation program, topographic area mapping, Terrain scanner.
    • RWOE-01/C: Closed Market - Limited Production: Like the RWOE-01/B version, but with added duraflex linings for better grip and weather condition resistance. Structural main replaces ersteel 145 with Ersteel 1333. Allows for Holonet and datalink connection for better topographic mapping and up to date weather conditions. Allows for remote control of the scope and video feed.
    • RWOE-01/S: Open Market - Mass production: Like the basic version, but sized up to be used on larger weapon placements and equipped with more robust connectivity.
  • Simple, robust design: No matter which variety is chosen, the basic structure and design of the RWOE-01 is to be considered a very effective, tried and tested design, which reflects itself in a simple, yet thrustworthy mechanism and durable individual parts that require little maintainance to function properly at all times.
  • High tech load-out: Where most scopes tend to be analog OR electronical, the RWOE grants the user the option of both, to either manually asjust the ocular enhancement as they see fit, or to do it electronically via the use of a datapad connected to the scope.
  • Large magnifying range: Whereas most scopes have a standard set range of between 3 and 9 times magnification, the RWOE allows for a 3 to 12 times magnification. [Putting the scope on any weapon would effectively raise its range by 1 level, IE: a weapon that has a effective range of 'long range' may now be considered a weapon with a battlefield range.]
  • EMP: Like practically all electronic systems, the electronic load out of the RWOE scope can be compromised by the use of EMP, effectively forcing the user to rely on the analog workings of the scope in such an occurance which would make the scope depend more on the users expertise rather than having the user rely on a simple compendium of programs.
  • Slicers: Because of the nature of the datapad connector, a slicer could effectively slice/hack the datapad used to control and adjust the scope in order to mess with the electrical system. It is highly advised to utilize a secure datapad when utilizing this system.
In order to stay on top of their game, the N&Z board of directors had decided to up their game in the handheld weapons market to further expand their range. However, to properly do this, it was also decided that the best path to success was to become as independant as possible when it came to manufactered parts. As such a directive had been given to the N&Z EnSol division to design all the individual parts that would compromise the line up of weapons in house.

When given this challenge, N&Z EnSol quickly went to work, reaching out throughout their workforce to find the most experienced and talented designers when it came to parts and products of smaller size. Especially former twin sun and bonaducci works engineers and metalworkers seemed to be the best choices.

The first stage of this project would be the design, construction and production of an effective, yet simple scope for any future weapon design the company would have. The choice of materials seemed to be a shoe in, as the request was to keep as much in house as possible, the option to use Ersteel 145 once again was taken with both hands, as this metal alloy had already proven itself to be ingeniously good and considering it was a tried and tested in house material, it would lower the effective production cost of the scope, which was expected to be sold in massive quantities across the upcoming range of handheld weaponry.

While works on the original RWOE-01/A was under way, the design of the RWOE-01/B was also under way, which would allow greater connectivity and updated software for a better utilization in the field and would allow for a better overall terrain knowledge for users of the scope.

Not much later, the designers of EnSol also added the RWOE-01/C variety, which replaced the basic Ersteel 145 components with the much more durable and high grade Ersteel 1333, alongside additional connectivity and another software expansion pack.

The last variety to see its design completed was the larger RWOE-01/S, which was meant as a slightly seperate system for larger weaponry such as large vehicle placements, canons and turrets.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: TO create an inhouse weapon part to be used in upcoming N&Z products
Permissions: N&Z Umbrella Corporation

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Modular: Yes
Material: Duraplast, transparisteel, duraflex, coldoan copper, titanium, plasteel
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