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Approved Tech NZ SAP-2A SSA [sensory systems array]

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Manufacturer: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Type: Electronic
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Average
Size: Small

  • Highly automized: Thanks to the addition of the Proton Mk I auxialiary droid brain, this sensory array couples much faster to any nav computer and communication system, allowing for much faster detection of approaching objects and gathering detailed information on the composition of these objects much more efficiently, allowing those using the system to focus more on the decision on what to do rather than wasting time gathering information.
  • Shielded Core: The core of the sensory array, including the Proton Mk I droid brain has been securely shielded by the integrated PS-1 shielding system, which though it isn't to be considered enough to withstand turbolaser fire, can still handle a bit of spreading damage before shutting down, allowing the sensory array to work very well during emergencies.
  • Well Protected core: Tungstoid and Ersteel 145 plating combined with an integrated shield system make this one very robust sensory array, allowing it to survive much more punishment than other systems.
  • Wide variety: This system has a wide variety of sensors, connectors and couplers, capable of interacting with practically any OS system and any AI, allowing for a smooth transition of information and a wide range of information to boot.
  • Self sustained: Even when a ships core is depleted, its reactors and electrical system devoid of any energy, this system has the advantage of having its own solar panels located on the outward mounts for the system, allowing it to be operational even when the ship itself isn't.
  • Not everything's protected: While the core parts such as the processors and the Proton Mk I droid brain may be shielded and protected, the rest isn't, meaning that by means of destruction or wide range EMP, the sensory array may go blind and would be forced to reboot if it isn't fried.
  • No kinetic defense: Slugs and other kinds of kinetic damage may be the bane of this system, which isn't built to handle such a type of damage.
Self-reliance is the true nature and philosophy of Eriadu, which is reflected in the businessmodel of N&Z Umbrella corporation, which is in its roots an Eriaduan company, headed by Eriaduan nobility for generations. It is because of this philosophy that the company instructed its designers and engineers to come up with a solution for creating a sensor array which they could proudly call their own and use on their own ships, vehicles, etc. The engineers took the basic components of an all-inclusive, wide range sensor, adding in items such as the NZ PS-1A shield system for additional protection, solar panels to allow it to work even when there is not external powersource available and placed it on a Quadranium mount, known for being a very tough and durable material to which no durasteel could compare.

When initial testing showed quite some promise, the higher ups from the company demanded the inclusion of exterior plating to safeguard the sensor array even more, to which the design and engineering department of Nargath Holdings responded by including an Ersteel shell to be wrapper around the mount, without impeding the movement of the movable parts. This added layer of protection ended up being the cherry on a well-made cake, as not only does the Ersteel 145 allow for impressive coverage against commonly used weaponry, it also gave an additional bonus when it came to the atmospheric and terrain conditions in which the sensory array would be capable of working, allowing it to weather through the most extreme of (pun intended) weathers.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create an updated version of an earlier systems array proposal
Permissions: N&Z Corporation

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z corporation
Modular: No
Material: Quadranium, Electrum, Tungstoid
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