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Approved Tech NZ SLAB-01 SubLight AfterBurner

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Manufacturer: N&Z EnSol
Type: Mechanical
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Light
Size: Small

Image source: [X]
Permissions: HPI [X], FAE [X]


  • Ersteel 145 Clamps
  • Ersteel 145 nozzle operating sleeve
  • Ersteel 145 Variable propelling nozzle
  • Seigurium Jetpipes
  • Laminasteel Redirection tubes
  • Coldoan copper wiring
  • Electrum plating
  • Standard Electronic parts
  • Pressurized Gas tank
  • Piezo fuel injectors
  • Heat shield
  • Cooling liquid
  • Ersteel 145 cooling tubes


  • Automatic Thermal Gel and Pink Vapor dispensers: No matter how safe someone does make a piece of technology, things may still go wrong, it is for this reason that this type of addition to engines is delivered with the added safety feature in case of overheating or even warping of the engine and the installed SLAB and protection from energy weaponry when necessary, to safeguard optimal operation or allowing for the engines and material to remain salvageable and thus repairable.
  • Like SLAM but greater: When the SLAB is engaged, it will supercharge the power of the engines for a limited duration of time, it is considered much more powerful than standard SLAM systems though, allowing for a temporary boost of speed by up to two ratings in return for a loss of up to twotwo maneuvrability ratings [equal ratio] within that same timeframe.
  • Variable size: The compact and add-on nature of this piece of technology allows for it to be attuned and tuned to any engine of any size, thus allowing it to operate on a wide scale of ships and vehicles.
  • Universal installment: This piece of technology can be installed on virtually any type of engine in order to improve the engine's power and speed whenever it is desired over a limited duration of time.
  • Extremely compact: This piece of technology is easy to install and though it has a variable size to fit all engines, it can still be considered compact in any of the sizecategories, thus not impacting size or even weight for that matter when it was installed in engines.
  • Excellent (variable) improvements: Just like the well known SLAM options, the SLAB can increase speed in favor of maneuvrability, but its effect can be considered greater in comparison to any SLAM implementation, allowing for a much greater exchange of speed and maneuvrability.
  • Fuel choice: This add on can work with virtually any engine, but can also apply the use of a wide variety of pressurizes gasses in its gastank from the N&Z Noxinium B gas to the standard Tibanna gas.
  • Heating issues: This implementation can deliver great stats and performance, but only for a limited duration of time, disregarding this duration of time can result in warping of the engine and the SLAB itself, fuel leackage or at worst backfiring with potential disastrous results. Like with any performance increasing add-ons, caution must be adhered.
  • No engines on their own: If there are issues with the engines, the SLAB won't be able to operate fully, if at all. They should also not be counted as engines, for these add ons do not act individually without the power of the engines themselves.
The N&Z Engineering Solutions had taken their time to potentially replace or upgrade the old Hermes LFD 760i engines. However, in their attempt to try and reconfidure the aforementioned engine, one of the designs they had on the table utilized an old SLAM system being installed into the Hermes engines, but it became clear to those running the project that perhaps they could also improve the design and the use of the SLAM, resulting in a very compact and lightweight add on to be used on virtually any engine thanks to it's use of minimal parts and a design which focused mainly on efficiency and performance in combination with the use of well known materials and stress tested alloys.

The SLAB eventually was brought before the top of the EnSol division, who then brought the design proposal to the Board of directors of the overarching N&Z Umbrella Corporation, which after demanding additional testing and performance checks, greenlit the production of the SLAB as an inhouse add on and a potential sellable product.

With the green light given for the production, the SLAB prototypes had been slightly altered and revisioned to make sure the maximum performance could be reached with little issues. Testing was done on the old Hermes engines and while these tests did show that the SLAB could only be engaged for shorter periods of time than a standard SLAM, the performance exchange was potentially much greater in proportion, allowing the Tiber I testmule to reach a speed it couldn't even reach with installed SLAM add ons to the engines.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a new and improved counter to SLAM
Permissions: HPI, FAE, N&Z Umbrella Corporation

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Modular: Yes
Material: Coldoan copper, laminasteel, electrum, seigurium, ersteel 145
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