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Approved Tech NZ SS-3TR Shield System

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Manufacturer: N&Z Umbrella Corporation -EnSol
Type: Mechanical
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Light
Size: Large

Image source: [X]


  • emitter antenna
  • projection focusers
  • shield projector
  • focus dish
  • control stations
  • Shield Generator
  • Quadex Power Core
  • Heat Sinks
  • internal and external Radiation shielding
  • Scrubbers [within casing]
  • Radiation absorbing foam dispenser within air circulation system
  • Magnetic Field
  • Ersteel 145 casing with carbonite coating
  • Coldoan copper and electrum wiring
  • Proton Mk I Droid Brain
  • Models:
    • SS-3TR/S: [Open Market Mass Produced] Standard ship placement version, is considered quite large and heavy due to its dual type shielding system.
    • SS-3TR/P: [Open Market Mass Produced] Smaller variation, with everything more compact and neatly packed, though with no utilization of any ship systems, allowing this shield type to be small enough to be implanted in droids and smaller vehicles such as speeders.


  • Thermal siphoning: This shield's primary function is to work with great efficiency against Thermal fluctuations and Radiation. In the case of any thermal fluctuation such as caused by incendiary weaponry, the shield's magnetic field will siphon the heat towards the heatsinks located in and around the shield generator in order to either vent or reuse the thermal energy created by siphoning this energy either into the shield system's own power core or in case of some engines to be used as a booster.
  • Radiation removal: Radiation is probably one of the most damaging and long lasting problems a ship and its crew can content with. As such, the SS-3TR is equipped with internal radiation removal foam which can flush radiation out of crucial systems of the ship, this foam which is soluable in water and humid air is easily removed by the use of scrubbers. The system can also additionally employ its magnetic field to prevent most of any radiation, but in particular particles coming from Ion bursts by simply buffering the surrounding area of the ship with a low induction magnetic field which should be capable of blocking or at the very least slowing and lowering the radiation and its particle count to levels that are considered acceptable.
  • Well equipped system: Thanks to the ingenuity of the N&Z engineers, this shield system is capable of combating two of the most dangerous and long lasting, harmful effects that can happen to a ship and its crew, having been loaded out with heat sinks, magnetic fielding and even anti radiation foam makes this shield excellently capable in preventing, but also removing the threat and lasting effects of both types of damage.
  • Universal and robust: Thanks to the use of a PROTON Mk I auxialiary droid brain, this shield system is much easier to check, utilize and maintain than if it used a fully operation droid brain or any electronics, thanks to this auxialiary droid brain it can be easily connected and combined with any of the major N&Z, but also other AI's because unlike the standard AI's or droid brains, the Proton is designed to work well with other systems. Add to that the ersteel casing with carbonide coating and you have yourself a robust shield system that can take much of the damage it doesn't necesarily is designed to stop, before it would cease to function.
  • Compact: The SS-3TR shield system is smaller than most other systems because of the much smaller amount of complicated, intricate and interconnected wiring and crystal systems, while the quadex power corepowring this system in itself is compact as well.
  • Shield is solely designed for Thermal damage and radiation: This means that if a ship were to rely on this shield system, but nothing else... energy, kinetic and other types of damage would not be diminished in any way.
  • Exposed Heat vents: As the system needs to recirculate the heat from thermal sources and either reuse or vent it, the connective vents to the system are exposed close to the shield generator itself, if hit while the valves are opened, this can cause uncontrolled heat flooding, meaning rather than being harmlessly directed away, the heat from the damaged or destroyed vents may damage outlying materials such as the ships plating or systems nearby.
After quite some time, the N&Z Umbrella Corporation realized that their defensive ship placements were in the need of an extension program. It was decided by the board of directors that to expand the product line up, there had to be a certain amount of synergy, which would allow certain products to be offered as packages in a new commercial and corporate scheme to win over new clients.

The SS-3TR shield system is part of this attempt to expand the product line up. As the company already produces two seperate dual-type shield systems, it had to be expected that a third dual type shield system was at the very least being added to the rosters. N&Z EnSol was tasked with the assignment to design, engineer and eventually produce a shield system capable of handling thermal energy and radiation, two of the most common, yet also least usual types of hazards and damage that could occur to personel and materials.

The initial pre-production designs showed promise and were explored in a first testing fase, wherein the company sadly had to realize that while it was possible to put in preventative measures against thermal damage, standard radiation (excluding thermal radiation) was somewhat harder to work with, with preventative meassures either not working on the large scale in terms of ships and locations or simply not differentiating between regular and harmful radiation. TO fix this issue and to continue the further engineering work on the system itself, a study was conducted in the effects of magnetism on radiation, which showed that while not fully stopping or blocking radiation, a magnetic field could potentially reduce the radiation significantly enough for secondary after-care systems could actually turn a ship radiation free in a short amount of time.

With this in mind, the SS-3TR was finally given the go ahead if it incorporated the magnetic field, as such the PROTON Mk I was built into the design in order to allow for a stable magnetic field to be created and monitored by the small auxialiary droid brain.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create another dual type shield system to be used in a wide range of applications
Permissions: N&Z Umbrella Corporation

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Modular: Yes
Material: Coldoan copper, electrum, carbonite
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