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Approved Tech NZ SSP-SIXTUS [Sield system package]

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Manufacturer: N&Z Umbrella Corporation - EnSol
Type: Quantum
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Average
Size: Average



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  • 6 types of shielding in a single package: Protection against energy based weaponry, kinetic energy such as slugs, Ion and EMP, Thermal and Radiation, allowing for practically the entire spectrum of the most common weaponry types and hazards to be dealt with accordingly.
  • Boosted system operation and functions: Because of the fact that all three types of shield systems created and produced by the N&Z are put together in a single cohesive unit, a ZEUS MkII droid brain with higher capacity than the standard system droid brain is utilized to oversee and calculate the shield system's functions and options faster and with more accuracy and precision than any sentient being.
  • Size availabilities: With some clever engineering and modern technology allowing for smaller packaging with the same if not better performance, the three integrated shield systems themselves can be integrated into a single system with relative ease, allowing for wider range of utility. As such, this system package can be installed on anything ranging from medium sized land speeders [not bikes] to big ships, though the largest ships may need several of these packaged systems to ensure full coverage.
  • Multilayered shielding: This shield system provides a multi layered shielding in the form of six seperate shield layers where the internal droid brain can adjust the shielding type to the correct choice depending on incoming ordinance and blasts, allowing for greater defense and functionality in general.
  • Strong magnetic Field: With a multitude of components utilizing a magnetic field and generating it, this SHield system package has the advantage of having a perpetual magnetic field active, which in itself already reduces the possible damage from several types of weaponry due to the resistent force it exhibits.
  • Optional Shielding: Because this system operates with multiple layers of shields, it can allow for up to six different types of shielding corresponding with the layers, but one could also opt for six layers of kinetic shielding or electromagnetic shielding, meaning depending on the situation, the effectiveness of the shield system could actually be increased.
  • Optional Shielding II: Because of the optional shielding choice, when all layers each have a different type, their defensive effect will be depleted much faster and when a certain type is not used among the layers, it will mean the asset it is protecting would be vulnerable to the type that hasn't been utilized. For instance if all six layers are utilizing anti energy shields, kinetic damage is not being stopped by the shields.
  • System burden: Due to the highly automated and electromagnetical nature of the shielding system, it can be a burden on ships and other assets that do not compensate for the larger drain on power cores and reactors in order to draw energy for the shielding. Ships that utilize the shielding but do not have enough power reserves while the shielding is active, may experience blackouts in different systems or a shut down of the shield system itself depending on the nature of the controls and operations of the asset.
  • Slicing: Though this shielding system package HAS protection against slicing through its ZEUS MKII droid brain, this doesn't mean it is entirely unaffected by it, crafty slicers who know how to handle the enigmatic defenses of the N&Z droid brains may still be able to shut down the system or mess with it.
Quickly after the design and go-ahead of the NZ SS-3TR, the N&Z Umbrella Corporation decided to further engineer all three shield systems it utilizes for the sake of providing a much more stable and omnipotent system that could be utilized in a wide range of situations and would see its clientele protected in the best possible way. By reconstituting and recombining the three systems into a single package, allowing for a much better integrated shielding system, the end result is possibly the most versatile and most potent shielding system created by the N&Z, though it is also the most costly and as such when it comes to the full option package, the production has been kept to a lower rate, but the standard version is available on the open market in mass quantities.

Not much had to be done in general by the engineers of EnSol, who mainly had to redesign and reengineer the basic components in order to have a better fit, allowing for the entire package to be more compact compared to the original systems, which adds a further layer of genius to this system, as it is more adjustable to the type of asset it protects and can be resized in variable ways to fit the asset it protects perfectly.

Capable of stopping a variety of types of damage combined with a high number of layers, makes this a very reliable and multifunctional shielding system, but even so it still has its flaws. As not all assets such as ships are appropriately adjusted to this system's high maintainance and high stress level on the powergrid, things such as shortages and blackouts may occur when the system comes under stress, with the ZEUS MkII diverting power to the shields themselves in most occassions. This CAN be helped by either adding additional powercores to the grid or by purchasing the fully loaded SIXTUS/B package.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a multifunctional shield system package
Permissions: N&Z Umbrella Corporation

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Modular: Yes
Material: Coldoan copper, electrum, impervium, carbonite
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