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Approved Tech NZ SSTC-Type II

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Manufacturer: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Type: Electronic
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Light
Size: Small

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  • Capable of creating an electronic pathway for foreign AI to override and suppress the controle systems of any Droid Brain created by the N&Z Umbrella Corporation
  • Capable of complex algorithms necessary for maintaining suppression of ZEUS Droid brains
  • Capable of converting foreign data into electromagnetic transfer
  • Multipurpose, universal coupler for both crystals, mechanical components and holonet datatransfer.
  • Miniature Slicer Droid Brain
  • Lightweight machine: thanks to it's relative size and weight, it is very easy to be carried around by maintainancepeople.
  • Easy repair: Despite the complex workings of this device, the fact that it only has a few actually working components makes it easy to repair and maintain.
  • Adaptable: Because of the intention of the device being able to couple any and all AI's to any of the Droid Brains produced by the N&Z Umbrella Corporation, this machine is expected to be able to couple and work with virtually any foreign technology and foreign components.
  • Slicer resistent: Must be manually placed on a droid brain manufactured by N&Z Umbrella Corporation due to the unique construction of these parts, thus making this device less appealing to slicers and hackers. This also adds the safety of most N&Z Droid brains into the AI circuitry, making the entire complex system much more resistent towards slicing in general.
  • Weak Link: As expected when one uses a supporting mechanism to suppress a droid brain, the support mechanism is the part most viable for slicing and electronic warfare.
  • Regular maintainance is a must: If this machine fails or is not repaired and maintained timely, an adverse reaction may happen, with it reverting its actions and attempting to override the foreign AI's data and controls, though it must be stressed upon that this will only happen due to negligence of the user.
  • EMP issues: Because of the somewhat simple nature of this coupler's circuitry and coding, direct EMP may completely fry the system and by extension may also act as a conduit to the other systems linked to it, which could be catastrophic if the circuitry isn't properly protected.
To further Expand the use of the original SSTC, the Type II adds an even greater selection of droid brains it works on within the N&Z corporation, even on the company's unrivaled KRONOS unit if necessary, but with its mass production also comes a simpler build and thus a somewhat cruder design that isn't as robust as the original type.

Currently, this SSTC or Soft Slicer Technology Coupler allows for it to be attached to any of the droid brains manufactured by the N&Z Umbrella corporation, granting it a much wider variety of choices and options, but also somewhat making it a dangerous tool for slicers themselves, should they intent to try and bypass the built in security of N&Z products. However, with the goal being the customization of products within the line up of the company, this should be seen as a success, as the engineers did achieve the further expansion of the original's abilities to allow any and all AI to be installed into N&Z products should the customers desire to use their own or another AI at their disposal. The SSTC would simply suppress the droid brain utilized by the product, coverting its datasignals and processing capacity and effectively turning the droid brain into an additional processor for the desired AI, thereby even expanding that AI's computing capacities as a secondary result.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a mass market version of the original STCC
Permissions: N&Z Umbrella Corporation

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Modular: No
Material: Electrum, Duraplast, plasteel, codoan copper
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